The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
In order to get a clear picture of what has been happening in the Ukraine and what kind of spirit is now being expanded to the whole Northeast continent it is important to become aware of the implications of the attitude which is manifested in the hearts of the Chung brothers who are influencing our members in that region, where the spirit of communism is still fully alive.
For me personally it is especially painful to learn again and again about the attitude of certain leaders towards the Blessing. Church leaders are even asking certain brothers and sisters to break their Blessing -- because the leader does not like the attitude of a particular individual. Such an incredibly evil attitude is also manifested in Rev. Chung and other leaders in the Ukraine who tell Blessed members (who didn't start his/her family yet) with some internal struggles in their life of faith (not that they would consider leaving the church): "If you don't stop struggling or ask too many questions, then we will break your Blessing and find another spouse for your partner."
How satanic the heart and mind of Jin Pal Chung has already become is expressed for example in what he said to one sister who was a strong MFT captain, leader for witnessing and education, and had several spiritual children before she moved to Ukraine to join her husband who was then absent from their home for long periods up to one year, working in other cities of Ukraine or other countries. Naturally that sister was struggling with such a situation of leaders separating blessed families by giving husband and wife different missions to work separately, a strategy which the new bloc leader of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia would like to implement now in these counties.
When that exemplary sister was pregnant with her second child she met with her national leader, Rev. Jin Pal Chung, who told her: "Satan is in your womb! If you won't stop struggling and asking a lot of questions, we will find a better wife for your husband!"
Can a person become more satanic than that, destroying the Blessing of dedicated members? True Parents have suffered so much in order to enable us to receive the Blessing and so called church leaders are attacking brothers and sisters in such an immensely cruel and heartless way! How can any one of those who know about such facts still be quiet and allow such incredibly evil tyrants in the realm of Heart to ruin the lives of sincerely loving children of our Heavenly Parent?
How unspeakably evil must the heart of Jin Pal Chung have become to call an unborn Blessed child who has done nothing wrong whatsoever "Satan"? A person with such an indescribably low spiritual standard has been tyrannizing our members in the Ukraine for nearly one and a half decade and now his elder brother who has never spoken out against such practices is governing the whole of the Northeast continent. That his spirit is not much different from that of his younger brother can be seen in the fact that he promoted his younger brother to become bloc leader over several countries where 200 million people live.
Leaders with such a low standard cannot stand the presence of well-educated people whom they cannot control, what became manifested in the past when Jin Pal Chung pushed all elder missionaries like Clifford Yang, Kenzo Ando, and Yamamoto-san out of the region and is now visible in brothers and sisters being told not to allow elder members to come to support the work in the Northeast region – except those who are fully subservient to his rule.
At the recent leaders' workshop in the Ukraine church leaders (mainly from Russia) could evaluate the witnessing system in that country. One of the leaders asked Rev. Chung the following: "We see that many bright people who already achieved a lot in life cannot join our Movement through your witnessing system. Because the only way to join is to quit everything, become a fulltime MFT member and come under your strict control. Then, talented and creative people who love their jobs, those who already lead their spiritual life, those who already have good status in society are naturally pushed away by such a system. Is there a way to make the system more effective? Could you, please, clarify?"
Rev. Jin Pal Chung replied: "We simply don't need such people in our Movement here. Let them be rejected! We need those, who can quit everything and focus only on working for True Parents and the Movement, starting from the very bottom." In other words, "I only need people who absolutely follow the system which I have established."
According to the numbers provided by the Ukrainian church it seems that the general membership grew from 40 to 200 during the 14 years of Rev. Jin Pal Chung's leadership, but when you have a closer look you can see that in reality the foundation which exists in that country goes back to the investment of his predecessors and is not based on this person and the figures that are given are not correct.
According to former leaders of the Ukraine there have been at least 70-80 or even more dedicated brothers and sisters in the Ukraine in 1999 when Rev. Chung came to that country. Now, in 2013, when members from all over Ukraine gather for holiday celebrations there are not more than 100-120 members. So the growth of the Ukrainian Movement is not significant at all, compared for example with the church in Moscow, where the general membership increased from 380 to 640 members between 1996 and 2003. After 2003 many members left the church because the whole system was based on the authority of one leader who moved to USA at that time.
During the recent witnessing workshop Jin Pal Chung said to the (Russian) leaders: "If you totally unite with me I almost guarantee you that after 7 years in your country you will have 100 more new members". Does this goal correspond to "Vision 2020" of restoring nations? Or does such a statement show what that leader really wants -- people who absolutely follow his system of controlling people's lives?
At that witnessing workshop in April, 2013, Rev. Jin Pal Chung told on a few occasions the participants that they are very unlucky people because all the missionaries who came to their countries weren't able to show the right standard. Then, he made the general conclusion that the same situation is everywhere in the world. He had researched all the countries, including Korea and Japan, and had made his conclusion that all the missionaries and leaders were not qualified for their public mission.
Rev. Chung says: "The missionaries everywhere are simply unable to take care of brothers and sisters. They have lots of their personal problems and fallen natures, and they are hurting peoples' hearts." But he alone (and no one except him) has discovered through the Divine Principle the right way to re- build our Movement in its original sense. He says that everyone else had failed. That is the reason why our worldwide Movement and all the nations will accept him. For Jin Pal Chung it's just a matter of time.
Here we have a satanic figure who established his cruel self-centred rule in the Ukraine and who would like to expand it to the world, presently through his elder brother on the Northeast continent. The attitude of Rev. Jin Pal Chung is clearly expressed in his teachings and the way he behaves.
Let us look at the example of how that leader treated one of the top fundraisers. After 9 years of full-time mission one brother got problems with his legs; the last FR condition had been already very painful for him. While being back in Ukraine for recovery Jin Pal Chung asked him whether is prepared to join the next FR condition. That brother expressed his readiness to continue fundraising but he needed to cure his knees first because otherwise it would be too painful for him to walk even after one hour of FR. Soon afterwards, his family received a statement from the leader that they are now "home members" because, "You have too much of your own concepts, your own desires and free thinking."
That particular brother had contributed up to $ 300.000 per year for the Ukrainian Unification Church budget alone through his FR activities. Moreover he was quite successful as a member and a team leader, bringing good results for the Ukraine church business. This brother is not an exception but there are many other cases of brothers and sisters being treated in very humiliating way by Jin Pal Chung.
Or let us take the example of one very capable loving and serving sister who was not well- accepted from the beginning because she had too many talents, desires and "own concepts" as she was told. She had been a professional school teacher; still she sincerely served in various public missions in Ukraine and also took care of cooking and cleaning for Jin Pal Chung, other Ukraine leaders, and brothers and sisters.
Because of a number of reasons she was asked to quit her full-time mission and become a home member. At the farewell meeting before leaving her homeland to join her husband in another country she was asked by Rev. Chung what she thought of him as a person, what she thought of the Ukraine system. So she pointed out which things need to be improved. She made various suggestions and explained her vision of how things could be done in a better way.
After that, Rev. Jin Pal Chung told her that from his viewpoint there does not exist another such nasty and terrible person like her in the whole world. And he added: "If not for a church mission, I'd never like to meet you again and communicate with you in my whole life. You are such a terrible person!"
That sister had been very positive about him and was sincerely serving him for many years. But after hearing such words, she lost her trust in Jin Pal Chung. There are many similar cases of how Rev. Jin Pal Chung publicly humiliated brothers and sisters, and people around him. You know the example of what his elder brother told Rev. Ando to do with Einari and me – to throw us out, never to be allowed to ever return again to the Peace embassy in Latvia.
Rev. Jin Pal Chung plainly says that he doesn't have a single spiritual child. He simply considers all Ukrainian members as his spiritual children – whom he is teaching to follow him. In order to witness successfully we should learn from people who are successful in this area. How can church members who have spiritual children learn about witnessing from somebody who himself had never witnessed even one person and who doesn't even feel the need to witness his own spiritual children?
Jin Pal Chung is determined to fully control the Movement directly in all areas because he suffers from megalomania what is expressed in many ways like telling everybody: "You all are far worse than me." Oftentimes, he repeats that he is very special, a genius who is very capable, more than anyone else besides True Parents.
He tells members: "All of you have the desire for smoking, alcohol and for fallen sexual relations. Also, your Second Gen children will be much worse than I – for sure, they will have fallen sexual desire to women, desire for alcohol and smoking."
The situation cannot get any worse than to have people like Jin Pal Chung and his elder brother Jin Hwa leading our movement in the Northeast region. But who cares about that endless tragedy?