The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
As the leader of our Movement in the Ukraine Jin Pal Chung had indoctrinated the members: "We are the Best!" He stresses that the Ukraine movement is great and that the model of Kingdom of Heaven on Earth can be found only in Ukraine. Other countries, such as Korea, Japan, USA, Europe, have failed. All they have is just problems. So, Ukraine doesn't need to learn from anyone of them.
Rev. Jin Pal Chung emphasized that understanding a lot in Ukraine and is consistently repeating them as bloc leader of Russia and other formerly communist countries. Such guidance produced arrogant members with too much of a personal glorification of their leader. Self-centredness is perfected by focusing on certain leader personalities. We have seen more than enough examples in the history of our Movement and that spirit is now blossoming today in the Northeast region, worshipping leaders instead of honouring the Living God.
In the past, communists leaders led the people into the 'stone age' by killing intellectuals and returning to primitive methods. It seems that leaders like Jin Pal Chung want to do the same by claiming that new technologies are from Satan while showing off with best cars and computers at the same time -- according to their contradictory nature.
Recently, in Moscow Rev. Chung told members and leaders that modern technologies are coming from Satan, especially the Internet technologies. So, he asked leaders to pledge him that they will neither do Internet witnessing, nor use any social networks, etc.
At the same time he is advocating the motto: "No recording!" Everywhere Jin Pal Chung would hold a meeting he strictly prohibits to record any of his words (video or audio). Rev. Jin Pal Chung says that it is for the sake of security while in reality he wants to hide his crimes and have no records of the lies he tells people.
As the leader of the Ukraine Rev. Chung promoted fallen nationalism by teaching the members that: 1) only the descendants of communists, who murdered Ukrainians, live in Russia; 2) Ukraine is a victim, which means it should gain control over Russia; 3) Russians should change and repent, while Ukrainians should be proud of their providential position.
Jin Pal Chung even forbid Ukrainian members to speak Russian because "it is the language of communists and murderers." Many Russian sisters who came to Ukraine to start their Blessed family felt the discriminative attitude of Jin Pal Chung and the Ukraine leaders.
In such an atmosphere of restriction and repression, of humiliation of those who say what they really think an atmosphere of distrust and closed hearts is created which makes it even more difficult to speak out against what is happening. Brothers and sisters are simply scared to openly talk to each other and to share their honest opinion.
To make matters worse, Rev. Chung freely uses the method of making contradictory statements in order to confuse members and changes his opinion even to the opposite -- just as he sees opportune in order to gain some benefit or to strengthen his reign over people.
On one hand he says to brothers and sisters: "Show me your results, and maybe I will listen to you". And when the question concerning results of our Movement in the Ukraine arises, he says: "Don't ask me about results, don't measure my results; I don't care about results – I only care to be sure I'm on the Principle way, and results are not important". Also he says: "My result is that I convince many people to unite with me and become my followers". At the same time he demands real witnessing and other results from members.
Because brothers and sisters are too afraid to openly share their honest opinion most members in the West have no idea of what is going on behind the former Iron Curtain in the countries of the Northeast region where we also find the ones who are extremely submissive to the top leadership like the national leader of Latvia or the ones who became fanatics due to the indoctrination that "Ukraine is the best" and "Rev. Chung is a genius".
Based on such a reality it is of course not easy to have a clear picture of the actual reality of our Movement in that part of the world, but our Heavenly Parent has opened the needed channels for me while I was doing fact-finding tours, listening extensively to the sharing of brothers and sisters.
For example, one Russian Blessed mother shared about the recent 8 day workshop for second Generation where her preteen aged daughter attended. The participants were told that each day they will meet with some temptation and learn how to overcome it. When this and other concerned mothers tried to find out what their children were taught on that workshop they did not receive any answer from the leaders while the participants were required to have their mobile phone turned off and not allowed to communicate with their parents during that week.
The children were asked not to speak with their parents while their fathers and mothers wanted to know what their children are doing in order to support them spiritually. To establish such a system which does not let parents in at all represents the communist way of education where children are separated from their parents at an early age and educated by the state. You could read in the letter "In which way is the Second Generation educated?" about where such an attitude of parents relying on their children to be educated by church leaders has led in America.
Naturally, church leaders do not have the same kind of love for the children as their parents and are therefore in no position to give them the kind of education which they would need in order to become true sons and daughters of our Heavenly Parent.
About the reality in the Northeast region this Blessed mother explained that the basic concepts are still similar to those that existed in the communist times. For example, if one idea exists then no other idea is allowed: "This is exactly the communist idea. If you think differently than the church leader you are Satan. And nobody can talk to you. The leaders tell members not to communicate with him or her, and not to allow Second Generation children to come to this Blessed family… "
These are the words of an elder Blessed mother, one of the first members who joined our Movement in Russia and has therefore first-hand experiences of what kind of practices are established in our church in that part of the world where "Nobody is ready to hear some ideas that are different. And they say that only what comes from above, from the leader, is what matters, and not what comes from members."
That early member stated, "I think that is completely wrong. Instead we should know the value of family relationships based on the teaching of the Divine Principle." And still she cannot do much about such a reality because there are many who emphasize that one is not allowed to say anything against what the leaders tell you to do.
The long-years Russian leader of our Movement on this continent openly says that he was raised to become a communist leader and that he inherited some system from which he received a lot. He tells members that his family did not give him much but those communist groups gave him a lot. He knows how to be a leader and how to convince others who have another opinion. But Cheon Il Guk is not build based on a leader-follower mentality but based on family relationships.
Because of such a false system of focusing completely on one opinion, that of the leader, we do not develop much. It is through fear that leaders try to dominate and control everything, repeating in the Movement initiated by the Lord of the Second Advent what he came to destroy, namely the spirit of the God-denying ideology of communism.
When the things got so bad that a whole school which was established and run self-sufficiently by our members was ruined completely by the top leadership of the church the whole community rebelled and had a two day meeting of discussing how to continue from there. But at the same time brothers and sisters are really afraid of the leaders, as one of its members confessed. Such a situation has of course nothing to do with the spirit which True Parents came to bring to the world, based on God's eternal truth which leads to liberation and inner freedom where there is no more room for fear.
A lot of pressure is brought to bear on members from the side of leaders in the name of True Parents: You are considered to be not good if you do not obey your leader. Members are told that they bring pain to True Parents and are pressured in this way to follow their leaders. This is of course a clear manipulation that is used in order to get members to do what leaders want.
One member who knows English well and studied the content of the Original Divine Principle shared that when the ODP lectures were given in St. Petersburg it was not the actual teaching of the Original Divine Principle explanations speaking about the responsibility of both Cain and Abel but still the old concept that Cain has to obey Abel was emphasized.
The completely wrong attitude which our members learned to have on the Northeast continent and in many other regions of the world is that if the leaders tell you to so something what is wrong you have to do it anyway because it is the leader's responsibility.
About the situation as to why hardly any members joined in recent years I was told by one Russian member: "We cannot really witness because we are not allowed to have responsibility for our guests. We cannot take responsibility for our own spiritual children because only the leader can do this. We are not directly told that we are not good enough to do so but it comes down to it." The same applies even to physical children who are educated at workshops where they are separated from their parents, not allowed to communicate with them during that period in order to effectively indoctrinate them.
What is happening is that leaders want members to do what they want, even telling them lies as in the case of the reasons for their closing the school for Blessed children in St. Petersburg. When this did not work in this case and the families decided to continue the school anyway then the leaders said that they will give permission but their children must be allowed to attend that school for free – while all other families have to pay the school fee! It is exactly the same as in communist times when leaders insisted on privileges for themselves and for their families. The church leaders receive financial support from the church and get extra benefits while the common members have to earn everything the hard way.
The parents were even told by leaders that it is selfish of them to have that school for Blessed children. Leaders do not hesitate to come up with all kinds of stupid reasons in order to get their way – to advance on their self-centred path of dominating others. They readily sacrifice even the well-being of Blessed children for their totally egoistic agenda which they are hiding behind some oftentimes illogical explanations and all kinds of excuses for their behaviour.
How much longer do the innocent have to suffer at the hands of corrupt church leaders who misuse their position?