The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
If you are surprised that I am speaking out strongly against the corruption existing on the Northeast Continent then you need to know that the response of members working in that region after reading the first installments of this series was: "The situation is much worse than you are describing." I was told that "Rev. Jin Pal Chung said very, very, very terrible things."
Having become familiar with the first installments of this series one Blessed mother wrote: "After reading about the reality you facing in our own movement what you just shared it is quite frightening to think of the future… The effects of misunderstood leadership in our movement could be more devastating than the situation of the communist dictatorship on the world level. So many will regret that they have been part of it.
It is so strongly ingrained in my husband's psyche that we need to be fully centered on the central figure and he is reluctant to build relationships other than the one to the CF. Only slowly one can unlearn some concepts he or she inherited in old days… There is a huge misconception in many members' minds from days where the leadership centered ideology was practiced as the only way to get rid of fallen nature.
Yes, the Leaders need to be firm and strong in faith and according to Jesus the servants. He came to serve and not to be served..."
Tragically the practice of the church leadership is widely the opposite of fulfilling their role as servant. They have abnormal power over members even in this time where we all should stand firmly under the direct dominion of our Heavenly Parent.
This means our movement has been taken over by Satan and God has nothing to do with our 'organisation or movement' anymore where it is e.g. common practice that certain members are not allowed to come to church center and to attend Sunday Service, and brothers and sisters are not permitted to communicate with them.
In the Northeast region brothers and sisters are told: "The time of charismatic leaders is over. Now is the time for structure to run the church." I have been speaking out against that kind of completely wrong development in our movement for years, expressed e.g. in the 120 pages which I wrote centered on the theme "Our focus must be Parents and not structure".
The centralized system is very strong, prohibiting foreign influence which became visible when William Haines recently visited Russia to give a seminar. The leaders almost did not let him speak and they did not give permission to early members to go to meet with their highly appreciated elder brother. William Haines is appreciated by these long-time members as a person of great wisdom, a good friend who has cared for them very well and now they were even forbidden by heartless leaders to go to see him, to attend his seminar.
Many members, old friends from the times his family was living in Russia, wanted to come from Moscow to meet William in St. Petersburg but they did not receive permission from their leaders to go there. They were told that this is not for you but only for Sunday school teachers to listen to him. But any parent is potentially a Sunday school teacher and should be concerned how to educate children properly to lead a life of faith. In reality it is only a chosen group of people who are allowed to teach, with some of them not even having their own children and therefore lacking in embodying parental heart.
It is no problem if a group is appointed to be teachers but these people should work closely with parents and know their opinion. If they see any difficult situation they have to report to the parents for them to support and pray and to talk to children, etc. But in many places there is no real communication between parents and youth leaders or teachers of the Second Generation. That is sadly true for our community in the second biggest city of Russia. No internal connection on the level of heart is established and once again the children are the victim and suffering from such an unprincipled situation.
There is the active pursuit of our leaders to educate the children separately from their parents especially in formerly communist countries like Russia where children were raised for decades by the state while the parents were kept busy with some physical work to advance the realization of the ideal of communism.
While the members wholeheartedly welcome Western brothers and sisters it is the leaders who make walls in order to control members effectively. Such a mindset has of course nothing to do with our True Parents' teaching of going beyond national boundaries and building a loving worldwide family.
The present emphasis on full-time membership witnessing on the street under the leadership of Russia, Ukraine and many other countries is light-years away from fulfilling the "Vision 2020" by focusing on Tribal Messiahship. There is the example of a Blessed mother of teenaged children who asked Rev. Jin Pal Chung how to best witness to her relatives. Rev. Chung replied that she had no reason at all to do so because it is not our business to witness to relatives! After hearing such a response from her bloc leader which is totally contrary to the direction given by True Mother that mother of a Blessed family collapsed and she had to be brought to the hospital.
For many brothers and sisters it has been a shock to hear that Rev. Chung told those who wanted to start their family life to postpone living together and even requested that the parents who have already a Blessed family leave home and work in separate missions.
One member reported about that outrageous reality: "Chung has banned all blessed families from having conjugal relationships, and even forbade their holding hands. And here is our leader of Russia, Alexei Saveliev, who listened to him and told his wife that for one year they will not have marital relations."
Rev. Chung encourages everybody to become full-time members and to live in certain places together with those who are united with him. But that does not work in practice can be already seen in the Ukraine where he has been controlling our brothers and sisters for many years already. The whole educational system is directed towards controlling members' lives, allowing them minimal freedom, with the main emphasis on following the directions from one's leader.
What kind of people are raised in such a system of controlling everybody? In order for a person to be able to stand against something that it wrong he or she needs to have character which has developed through facing challenges on one's own and not by just following others without taking full responsibility.
The result of the completely wrong kind of education can be seen for example in the behaviour of the child of the couple leading our community in the second largest city of Russia where it is that very child who behaves really awfully at the time when Blessed families come together on holidays or other occasions. It is natural that a child which is raised in the spirit of total obedience to parents rebels. Children naturally would support their parents if they are treated in the right way.
About the overall situation of what is happening in countries of the former Soviet Union one sister commented: "It is a nightmare." And she expressed her gratitude: "Thank you for writing! Everyone should know what is happening on the North-East continent."
Another person shared in the following way: "Thank you very much for yesterday's meeting on Skype. My child's heart before God was liberated and I found new hope. We are descendants of the communists. We are living through a historic period of redemption and restoration. For us it is very serious and hard."
Rev. Chung is actively re-educating members and leaders in Russia and other countries. He uses his false doctrine for that purpose, what is not obvious for many brothers and sisters as he is slowly replacing their concepts. On the more superficial level it seems that the Divine Principle is his doctrine, he mentions True Love… Brothers and sisters are doing fundraising and witnessing and leaders are talking about good things what creates for some a certain feeling of euphoria. But in reality in the Ukraine a continuous substitution of the values promoted by True Parents with the doctrine which Jin Pal Chung pursues has been going on.
The problem is not that someone says something and the fact that someone fanatically believe in it. What has been happening on an emotional and intellectual level unhealthy changes have been taking place in many brothers and sisters in the Ukraine who may need a certain 'rehabilitation', a time of rediscovering their thoughts and feelings. Just as the people of North Korea will surely need such a period of adjustment when the borders will finally be opened and they realize how much they have been dominated by their leader.
In Cheon Seong Gyeong we can read on page 2249 the following words: "The first hometown of true love is a true family. What is a true family? It has a true father, true mother, true husband, true wife and true children. This is the foundation for a family of true love."
In the Ukraine, brothers and sisters have been receiving a false education which is not centered on God and True Parents but on one person, Jin Pal Chung, instead of being guided to embody God's ideal. And that kind of evil doctrine is now being taught to our members in other countries of the Northeast continent.
Behind such a development is of course not just one person. On an external level it is Jin Pal Chung's elder brother was appointed him as bloc leader over several nations. What these two brothers and so many other Korean leaders represent is a fallen culture of leadership about which one member commented: "No matter what they try to do it is doomed to failure because of their internal corruption, which has been going on for many years now. Korea is the problem, Korea has betrayed us and the world. They are a cancer.
All that remains on earth is True Mother and she needs to be rescued from these kinds of self-centred leaders. Working with a 'liberated True Mother' we must build God's Kingdom. The Koreans have hi-jacked True Mother and True Parents for their own self-centred purpose. Judeo-Christianity taught us not to worship graven images or make any. The Koreans don't have that history of understanding. They still worship mammon and give loyalty to people, because God and truth is not their first priority as the servant mind is always looking for a master. They promote loyalty above the truth and what is right.
Korea's own culture has let it down, is its limitation. Without a firmly established Christian foundation they are so open to corruption believing they are entitled to special privileges when they become leaders. Korea is corrupt and has been invaded by Satan. Korea has nothing to offer this world now. They have failed on all counts and maintain their position through a perversion of the Principle, the truth. They should be the first to serve and sacrifice but like Uncle Laban they use and exploit others for their own gain, even to make a false report that makes them look good. They are despicable…"
May we all see clearly from God's viewpoint based on deep prayerful reflection..