The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
It was on the same day as I began to send out the first installments of the present series of reflections that an e-mail was sent to the continental director of the Northeast region in which the more than 30 elder members of our Movement who signed that letter expressed their concern about what Rev. Jin Pal Chung has been telling brothers and sisters. Here is the content of that document:
To: Rev. Jin Hwa Chung, North-East
Continental Director
From: Blessed Central Families of Russia (and
Date: 4.30 by the Heavenly Calendar in the 1st year of
Cheon Il Guk (June 8, 2013)
Dear Rev. Jin Hwa Chung!
Greetings from Russia! And happy upcoming 60th anniversary of the founding of HSA-UWC and celebrations for the 51st Day of True All Things!
Thank you very much for your leadership and caring about our country by sending to us your precious younger brother as our Block leader. We as Blessed Central Families deeply respect and very much appreciate Rev. Jin Pal Chung's sincerity and dedication to accomplishing God's will and his desire and efforts to bringing victory in witnessing, NGO and business.
Unfortunately, now many of our brothers and sisters are very much confused and deeply concerned about some of Rev. Jin Pal Chung's guidance and directions. We understand that we don't have any position to discuss these issues with you directly and had reported our questions to Alexey Saveliev, our national leader, first. But unfortunately we could not get from him answers clear enough to resolve our concerns.
We understand that our limitations in heart, faith and understanding of the Divine Principle, God's Word and True Parents' directions might be the cause of our confusion. Nonetheless, we believe that we are all members of one global family, so with all our respect we sincerely would like to share our concerns with you and would appreciate very much for your kind consideration and guidance regarding the following issues.
1) We are very concerned that Rev. Jin Pal Chung actually opposes fulltime mission in the Church to the Blessed Family life, when fulltime mission excludes family totally and opposite. His intention to force most members to fulltime work in the Church by teaching that 'home members won't go to Heavenly Kingdom' and that all non-fulltime members have no value is actually bringing separation between members instead of making unity. According to Rev. Jin Pal Chung's guidance, fulltime standard is the standard of our early Church in the indemnity era. As we can see in the Ukrainian system there is no any place for home members, tribal messiah and home Hoon Dok church activity.
We respect, appreciate and support Rev. Jin Pal Chung's motivation and efforts to fulfill God's and True Parents ideal and vision as soon as possible and with utmost dedication. However, we feel that such type of fulltime dedication with total sacrifice of family life was a compulsory and temporary measure, and that this needs to be revised in our days according to the current providential situation and True Parents recent directions.
Also, we see that such a practice has caused plenty painful experiences within the blessed families, as well as further problems with second generation in Korea and many other countries.
2) We are also concerned and confused about some of Rev. Jin Pal Chung's guidance and directions concerning the Blessing and Blessed Family life. Rev. Jin Pal Chung teaches members that it is good to separate husband and wife (after they had started family), and often intentionally gave separate missions to husband and wife in different cities, while their children had to live with family relatives. Recently, he has asked Blessed members at CARP to pledge him that they will postpone starting families at least for a year or even for 3 years, regardless of sisters' age, even when they are already 27-28 years ood. Also, some leaders were asked to practice conjugal (sexual) relationships only once a year, and all other time never hug, touch and even hold hands together.
Moreover, Rev. Jin Pal Chung suggested those leaders to break their Blessings and to divorce in case one of the spouses doesn't agree with that strict condition. We consider such public statements of Rev. Jin Pal Chung that undermine the value of the Blessing given by God and True Parents as incorrect and inappropriate.
3) A lot of brothers and sisters have already experienced an offensive and heart-hurting attitude and words toward them from Rev. Jin Pal Chung while he humiliated them publicly. Heavenly constitution is clear on hurting other people's hearts. For example, his often words 'stupid' were not always said fairly and block some of members to feel the culture of heart. Rev. Jin Pal Chung publicly called early missionaries as 'hippies and beggars' in front of the members and told that all elder missionaries and leaders except him were unqualified for God's work, while those are the people who worked very hard for establishing our Church in the former Soviet Union countries. All members were actually shocked to hear such disrespectful words about their early missionaries.
4) Rev. Jin Pal Chung has proclaimed that the Internet is a satanic technology and prohibited any members' Internet communication and any personal contacts with any foreign missionaries and Unification Church members. We feel somewhat strange and wrong in such directions that cause isolation and in no way supporting witnessing.
Also, we feel that Rev. Jin Pal Chung's intention to stop or postpone any witnessing activity through the Internet is not much up-to-date and endangers the current witnessing and PR projects in the Internet that were developed in Russia within recent years. The street witnessing system alone that was once applied in Russia hasn't worked so well, and we have a lack of belief that it could work effectively now.
There are more confusing issues to share with you, but the ones stated above we consider the basic ones to be presented within this letter. Once again, with all our hearts we want to invest ourselves towards realizing the Vision 2020 together with True Parents and you. If possible, we would like to humbly ask your guidance on how to comply with the directions of our Block leader and reach unity with him. We pray to Heavenly Parents to have the right viewpoint and to find a way to completely resolve any our concerns.
Thank you very much for your kind attention and consideration on such a sensitive matter. Yours respectfully,…"
As you could read in their own words, these elder members of our Movement in Russia have used a very polite and respectful language to share their serious concerns.
When they shared about Rev. Jin Pal Chung teaching members that it is good to separate husband and wife after they had started family while their children have to live with family relatives and that some leaders were asked to practice conjugal (sexual) relationships only once a year, and never hug, touch and even hold hands together during the rest of the time, adding, "Rev. Jin Pal Chung suggested those leaders to break their Blessings and to divorce in case one of the spouses doesn't agree with that strict condition." these early members noted: "We consider such public statements of Rev. Jin Pal Chung that undermine the value of the Blessing given by God and True Parents as incorrect and inappropriate."
In reality it is outrageous for the leader of 200 million people, represented by several hundred members, to suggest to our members to break the Blessings and to divorce in case one of the spouses doesn't agree with his unprincipled condition!
That we have top leaders in our Movement who give such orders which are totally contrary to the teaching of our True Parents shows that the present leadership of FFWPU has widely nothing to do with God's Will but is destroying the foundation which True Father and True Mother have established together with dedicated brothers and sisters who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of the realization of an ideal world.
From God's point of view as our Creator who greatly values the Blessing and family life where husband and wife are united it is clear that our members who obey such directions as Jin Pal Chung is giving are following a representative of the fallen Archangel and are repeating the Fall on a spiritual level of obeying the word of Satan instead of the Word of God which was revealed through the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity.
That is the actual situation of our Movement today under the leadership of the continental director of the Northeast region who has personally installed such a satanic leader as Jin Pal Chung. Needless to say that a person who acts in such a way is standing fully on Satan's side and with him all brothers and sisters in that huge part of the world who unite with such an unprincipled regional president of FFWPU, responsible for more than one and a half billion people who belong to the Northeast region.
Satan's rule is firmly established in our own Movement as evil is advancing in our midst with the bloc leader of Russia and Ukraine along with other nations teaching that "home members won't go to Heavenly Kingdom and that all non-fulltime members have no value" which is actually the same as communist leaders who told people that their value is determined by their workforce – how much they contributed to the communist society.
Today we have tyrants like Jin Pal Chung trying to establish a satanic kingdom which is absolutely centred on himself, similar to what has become a reality in North Korea under the rule of the Kim dynasty. The worst thing is of course that what this bloc leader is doing is totally against God's desire of building a world of freedom where the dignity of man is restored with True Love at the center of any activity.
The elder Russian members spoke in their letter of Rev. Chung "bringing separation between members instead of making unity", which means nothing less than that he is doing the very opposite of what a Unificationist should be doing. In so many ways it is proven that Jin Pal Chung is not a member of our Movement and still he is in a top leadership position, installed by a continental director which shows where that person stands as somebody who cannot distinguish between good and evil and who is therefore completely unqualified to have any leadership position.
Russian members told me that they were surprised that Rev. Ando in Latvia would get a call from Rev. Jin Pal Chung when the elder brother Jin Hwa was not in the country at that time because the younger brother has no right to give directions concerning the Baltic countries because it is another Block leader who is responsible for these nations. That situation shows that Jin Pal Chung does not respect the chain of command established in our church but sees himself above the system as he is creating a new one – centered on himself with nothing less than Satan's ideals as the main focus.
How many hours longer will we allow satanic people to destroy our Movement? How many more innocent members have to die spiritually under the rule of evil leaders who put themselves and not God into the center of their concern?