The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
In response to the letter signed by more than 30 elder members from Russia (and the Ukraine) addressed to the regional president Jin Hwa Chung the main leaders of Russia prepared a letter which was signed by the national leader of the Unification Church, Russia, Alexei Saveliev, the deputy leader of the Moscow region, Oleg Kuzmin, the leader of the North-West region, Yuri Gavrilin, the leader of the Ural-Siberian region, Alexander Timofeev, the leader of Novosibirsk, Arthur Kuhar, the leader of the Southern Region, Michael Fedosov, and Dmitry Melnikov, an employee of the continental headquarters.
Here are the first two paragraphs of that letter: "Dear brothers and sisters!
Our regional president received a letter expressing the concern of brothers and sisters regarding the latest orders and directions of our block leader. The Russian leaders have taken part in two meetings with our block leader, conducted in Russia and in the Ukraine, taking up a total of ten days. We were able to ask our leader many questions and receive clarifications on many points.
From the beginning many leaders of our region had difficulty accepting and consenting to a number of the directions of our block leader. Nevertheless, upon raising many questions and receiving replies to them, the leaders could make many things clear. From this we can state that the letter sent to our regional president contained a number of poorly thought-out or completely incorrect information."
Those of you who have read the mail which was sent to the continental director know that it is a well thought-out letter where much heart and love was invested from the side of the 30 elder Russian brothers and sisters who expressed their serious worries about what they see happening. In response to their heartfelt offering of sincere concern they received a letter discrediting their efforts.
The leaders speak of "completely incorrect information" without proving such a claim in their letter. To the contrary, they stated blunt lies in their answer. Even before offering some concrete response to the points which were addressed to the continental director the Russian leaders wrote in the third paragraph: "Also we would like to mention that Mr. Nikolaus Beutl has been sending brothers and sisters in Europe and the USA letters expressing a very negative attitude toward the new leadership of the Northeast Region. Some time back, the European church headquarters issued a statement that the behavior of Mr. Beutl is strange, that he is not following the central figure and he is not welcome at Sunday services in Europe. Therefore, if you receive any letter from him, please do not regard his information as truthful and accurate. His letters contain many distortions, exaggerations, and wrong reasoning."
In that one paragraph there are already 6 lies: (1) The European HQ has confirmed that it did not issue such a letter (2) The church leader of my community did not make a statement that I am not following his directions and (3) He never claimed that my behavior is strange (4) I have always been warmly welcome at the Sunday Service in my community and in other nations in Europe. (5) I do not have "a very negative attitude towards the new leadership of the Northeast Region" but I care wholeheartedly about them and therefore I am pointing out what is wrong with the behavior of Rev. Chung. (6) My letters do not contain "many distortions, exaggerations, and wrong reasoning", what can easily be proven when checking them in detail.
To create some fictive false statement about another person in order to portray that person in the worst possible light is called character assassination. This is what the afore-mentioned Russian leaders have done in front of all brothers and sisters who received that official answer from the Moscow Headquarters.
Why would these leaders invent these lies about their brother Nikolaus, claiming that the European Office had made such a statement? Because they do not have any clear facts to offer in response to what has come to light about the behavior of Rev. Jin Pal Chung.
Such an attitude shows the incredibly poor spiritual standard of these leaders of our Movement in Russia. On top of that they are putting the European Office in a bad light in front of the members by claiming that it had sent out a statement that "the conduct of Nikolaus Beutl is strange, that he does not follow the central figure, and is not welcome at Sunday services in Europe." This would mean that the top leadership had asked brothers and sisters not to welcome Nikolaus Beutl when he would like to attend Sunday Service, an attitude which was never taught by True Parents but is totally contrary to their teaching of having a parental heart for all people.
Because I am presenting facts in my reflections about the situation in the Northeast region and the top leadership on that continent has nothing to hold against these actual facts they use the method of character assassination to discredit the person who is telling the truth about what has become a reality in that part of the world.
Lacking any arguments against their brother Nikolaus, these leaders are using generalizations and speak of "many distortions, exaggerations and misunderstandings" without coming forth with any concrete example.
Trying to destroy somebody who is revealing the truth by throwing dirt on that person and spreading lies which were invented for that purpose has a long history and it is indeed an unspeakable tragedy that this method is used by leaders of our Movement in an official letter sent out from the Continental Headquarters.
Such a fallen practice has of course nothing to do with the building of God's Kingdom and shows once again that these leaders are in no position whatsoever to contribute to the realization of Cheon Il Guk due to their corrupt hearts which do not hesitate to use character assassination in order to "kill their brother", to mobilize members in opposition against the person who has invested tens of thousands of dollars for the restoration of their homeland, besides all the internal sacrifices which cannot be measured by external means, during the years of my direct investment for the restoration of CIS countries.
Heaven knows all facts of what has actually become a reality in the Northeast region until today and will surely not support those leaders who practice satanic ways of spreading lies instead of making sure that the truth is revealed in every respect so that it will become clear who are communists, etc.
I am sorry to say, concerning the behaviour of these leaders spreading officially lies about their brother which have nothing to do with the truth, the words of True Father are fitting well which he said on last year's Day of Victory of Love (vimeo.com/35761730 <vimeo.com/35761730>):
"When you are lying you say the worst kind of lies, worse than the communists. This is my warning to you. When I give this warning to you then you need to quickly implement what I am saying? I'll be investigating. If I create a system to investigate what Unification Church members are doing, everything will become very clear within a three year period - Investigations are being made in the Heavenly nation and in the Unification Church so that we'll know who is communist and who is messing around and lies."
The truth is bound to come to light. In the case of the behavior of top leaders of Russia it is once again proven that they do not hesitate to use the satanic method of character assassination in order to discredit their brother who is perceived as an enemy, with our members in the Northeast region having been warned against me many times in recent years through leaders spreading all kinds of lies about me, what had become once again a reality at the end of last month when Jin Pal Chung called the new national leader of Latvia, requesting that he kicks me and Einari out of the Peace embassy, falsely claiming that I belong to some spiritual groups.
Many times Russian leaders have been telling their members about a spiritual group which I created or belong to while I am just one person, one National Messiah who takes responsibility for what has become a reality in our Movement, and who shares personal reflections based on our True Parents' teaching.
Let us have a closer look at the 6 lies put into one single paragraph. The only purpose to do so is to make sure that brothers and sisters do not read my reflections because leaders are afraid that members will find out the truth about them.
(1) The Russian leaders speak about a statement by the continental headquarters while the European Office confirms that such a letter was never written and sent out. By using the top leadership of Europe as source of their misinformation, the Russian leaders try to impress their members.
(2) These church leaders make the false claim that the European Office says that I am not following my central figure because for them obedience towards the leader is central to their understanding of how members should behave.
(3) The Russian leaders irresponsibly use the European HQ as source of information claiming that the European top leadership says my behavior is strange even though such a statement was never made. That they do not hesitate to use even the continental headquarters of another region in order to advance their self-centered purpose shows how corrupt the hearts of these Russian leaders have already become.
(4) Because the practice of excluding certain members from participation at the Sunday service is already established in some formerly communist countries, these Russian leaders think that European nations uses the same narrow-minded practice and therefore they came up with the point that I am not welcome to Sunday service in Europe.
(5) The Russian leaders claim that I have a very negative attitude towards the new leadership of the Northeast Region. If I sid not care about them deeply I would not invest countless hours into researching about the actual situation in that part of the world and speak about it in detail so that the mistakes which the top leaders make can be swiftly corrected.
(6) The claim that my letters contain "many distortions, exaggerations, and wrong reasoning" comes from the Russian leaders because they have a different concept of what proper behavior towards leaders means. Their understanding is based on absolute obedience to one's superior. So any other understanding is wrong from their point of view.
True Father has made it unmistakably clear when speaking to leaders in Japan: "Aren't you teaching a principle that I do not teach, when you say, 'I am Abel because I'm church leader. You are Cain. Cain obeys Abel. This is the Principle so obey.' There is no such principle." (September 22, 1978)
On another occasion Father said: "I don't know where this kind of strange thought that Abel is the central figure and in the position to command came from. I don't know how that idea crept into our movement."
Should we not finally stop to have strange concepts and follow God's Principle?