The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
What did Lucifer do to Adam and Eve? He confused their heart and mind and got them to be centered on him instead of supporting them to become one in heart with God.
Tragically we find a similar Lucifer-type behaviour in many leaders of our Movement who are out to dominate the members under them by confusing them. That is what Rev. Jin Pal Chung did successfully with brothers and sisters in Russia and other countries where he took over as bloc leader with the goal of expanding the self-centred rule he had established in the Ukraine.
The more than 30 signers of the letter to the continental director of the Northeast region wrote: "Now many of our brothers and sisters are very much confused and deeply concerned about some of rev. Jin Pal Chung's guidance and directions." They had reported their questions to their national leader Alexey Saveliev, but could not get from him answers clear enough to resolve their concerns.
Have their serious concerns been resolved through the answer from the continental director whom they addressed? Surely not. Instead of an answer from him as one would expect they received an answer signed by the six main Russian leaders and an employee of the continental headquarters. They asked the regional leader for a clarification and then got an answer from 7 people working under him. That fact alone is strange enough.
Is the continental director incapable of addressing these 30 elder members who represent many more brothers and sisters on that continent as they expressed in their letter to him? The fact of his not directly responding to them shows already his incredibly arrogant attitude. He had 7 other people working instead of him in order to prepare an answer for these concerned Blessed parents who joined our movement in the nineteen nineties.
These long-time members asked humbly: "We believe that we are all members of one global family, so with all our respect we sincerely would like to share our concerns with you and would appreciate very much for your kind consideration and guidance regarding the following issues."
They expressed their great concern that Rev. Jin Pal Chung puts a dividing line between fulltime mission in the Church on one side and Blessed Family life on the other, praising fulltime mission which totally excludes family life: "His intention to force most members to fulltime work in the Church by teaching that 'home members won't go to Heavenly Kingdom' and that all non-fulltime members have no value is actually bringing separation between members instead of making unity... As we can see in the Ukrainian system there is not any place for home members, tribal messiah and home Hoon Dok church activity."
What was the answer to their first point for which they asked for clarification? In the response sent out by the Moscow headquarters the words Tribal Messiah or Hoon Dok family church do not appear even a single time which shows that the continental director and his younger brother Rev. Jin Pal Chung as well as for the 6 main Russian leaders do not really care about Tribal Messiahship and Home Church activities, proving that the 30 signers of the letter are right in their concern that there is no place for Tribal Messiahs and Hoon Dok family churches in the Northeast region. The newly appointed continental director of the Northeast region as well as his younger brother, the bloc leader for several countries comprising together a population of more than 200 million people, are not united at all with True Parents who have put Tribal Messiahship activities as first priority for the coming seven years.
What more proof does one need to realize that these Chung brothers as well as the present leaders of Russia and the Ukraine are ignorant when it comes to understanding the core of God's providence at this time and uniting with the directions given by True Mother who included Russia into the 40 most hopeful nations towards fulfilling the vision 2020 goal.
True Mother asked the American church to do its part to fulfill the mission of bringing in seven million new members by the year 2020. And what is the goal for the restoration of Russia according to Rev. Jin Pal Chung? He told the Russian leaders that if they completely unite with him he guarantees them 100 new members by 2020! The population of Russia is about half of that of America which would mean that the goal should be half a million Russian people to join our Movement while Rev. Chung speaks about 100 new members!
It is ever so obvious that Rev. Jin Pal Chung is not interested at all in uniting with True Mother but to expand his self-centred dominion which he established in the Ukraine to Russia and all the other countries of the former Soviet Union.
Instead of responding to the very serious concerns expressed in the first point addressing the continental director the Russian leaders gave the following general answer:
"The brothers and sisters felt that the block leader is demeaning the value of the home members of the Church, dividing the full-time and home members, and that he is compelling the brothers and sisters to do full-time missions, at the sacrifice of their families. Likewise the brothers and sisters said that we have already put behind us the era of indemnity, and that they 'feel that this kind of full-time dedication together with sacrificing their family life was a temporary necessary measure, and that this ought to be regarded in our present time in the context of the current providential situation and the latest directions from True Parents.'
The essence of the deliberations at our meetings leads to the conclusion that the block leader intends to heighten the level and value of the full-time members of our Church, rather than lowering the value of the home members. This is particularly important after Foundation Day, when True Mother has called upon all to fulfill the Vision 2020 and has chosen Russia as one of the 43 nations. We see in front of us an example of True Parents, who has maintained such a sacrificial attitude for his entire life.
Although the era of indemnity has passed, True Parents never said that from now on we can live for our own enjoyment (or: as we please). Moreover True Mother expressed her expectation, in sending 10 Japanese, 10 Koreans, and 10 Americans out to 43 countries. These missionaries are going out to their missions, leaving behind their families for a certain period of time.
We also discussed a practical plan by which all the Blessed Families, Second Generation and even our relatives (Tribal Messiahship) can devote fully for God's providence for the sake of building Cheon Il Guk. This is a long-term plan. At this time brothers and sisters are still able to contribute to God's providence either for a certain time period, or those who are willing can dedicate full time for building Cheon Il Guk. We can individually evaluate the situation of each family, each brother or each sister."
Why would it be a long-term plan to involve Blessed families into Tribal Messiah activities? This is what they are supposed to do every day! There is no need whatsoever to evaluate the situation of each family, of each member, because everybody can serve in their neighbourhood, etc. That leaders speak about individually evaluating "the situation of each family, each brother or each sister" shows that they are interested in getting full-time members who work for Rev. Chung – in absolute obedience to him – which confirms that those who expressed their serious concerns are right.
As second main point the 30 signers of the letter wrote: "We are also concerned and confused about some of rev. Jin Pal Chung's guidance and directions concerning the Blessing and Blessed Family life. Rev. Jin Pal Chung teaches members that it is good to separate husband and wife (after they had started family), and often intentionally gave separate missions to husband and wife in different cities, while their children had to live with family relatives. Recently, he has asked Blessed members at CARP to pledge him that they will postpone starting families at least for a year or even for 3 years, regardless of sisters' age, even when they are already 27-28 years old. Also, some leaders were asked to practice conjugal (sexual) relationships only once a year, and all other time never hug, touch and even hold hands together."
The response from the side of the continental leadership was that they are working on a plan to have all blessed families including the children and relatives to work full-time for the sake of God's providence, directed towards the construction of Cheon Il Guk. But how is Cheon Il Guk built? By husband and wife becoming one, by parents and children uniting with one heart, by siblings becoming true brothers and sisters who are one in heart and mind as members of one worldwide family.
In order to reach this precious goal it is not necessary that many brothers and sisters become full- time members as Rev. Jin Pal Chung wants people to believe but it will be achieved through creating heartfelt unity on all levels. Is the present leadership of the Northeast continent promoting bonds of heart among all members in order to realize the Kingdom of Heaven on earth? No, to the contrary, they are supporting separation, even to the extent that Rev. Jin Pal Chung suggested to leaders to break their Blessings and to divorce in case one of the spouses doesn't agree with the strict condition of separation between husband and wife.
The answer from the Headquarters concerning abstinence from sexual relations as husband and wife for one year and putting off starting family life, was denial: "The allegation that the block leader recommended (suggested) 'to break the blessing and separate if one of the spouses does not agree with the strict conditions (regarding having sexual relations only once a year)' simply does not correspond to fact. He never said that."
At the same time they wrote: "The key point of the discussion was about how husband and wife ought to dedicate themselves to God's providence for the restoration of one nation and realizing Vision 2020. Just as True Mother is risking her own life every day, we, as filial children, should do everything we can to place True Parents' desire at the center of our life. This is why husband and wife sometimes have to separate in order to carry out their mission. With such a heart of filial dedication, the members of CARP have determined to dedicate themselves to public service for one more year in order to support God's providence."
Why would a husband and wife have to separate in order to carry out their Tribal Messiah mission? There is no need whatsoever to separate families in order to do Home Church work, to witness to relatives, etc. Alone by the leaders of the Northeast continent making the here quoted statement they admit indirectly that they have not understood that doing Tribal Messiahship is the center of God's providence at this time.
To dedicate oneself to public service as CARP member does not require at all to separate from the family or to delay starting family life. For those who read attentively the response from the Russian leaders it is unmistakably clear that there is a very serious problem of Rev. Jin Pal Chung guiding our members on the Northeast continent in the wrong direction – centred on himself.