The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
In their letter of appeal to the continental director the Russian members wrote as point number three: "A lot of brothers and sisters have already experienced an offensive and heart-hurting attitude and words toward them from rev. Jin Pal Chung while he humiliated them publicly..."
Because the reality of Rev. Jin Pal Chung having hurt the hearts of many brothers and sisters cannot be denied the leaders constructed some excuse speaking of a need for a cultural filter while facts are very clear: Jin Pal Chung has no manners concerning treating others with respect. Due to his sinful life he cannot respect himself and accordingly finds it ever so hard to treat others with respect.
To the point of insulting and wounding the hearts of brothers and sisters through the block leader's attitude and his words the Russian leaders wrote: "The speaking style of the block leader is indeed unusual, and can appear strange to a fallen person. Nevertheless, if we switch off our 'cross- cultural' filters and concentrate on the point (essence) of what he said, we will hear many words that are important and necessary for us.
If someone wishes to pronounce his/her judgment on the character of the leader by his relationship (attitude) toward people, we would suggest one start with his/her own personal experience with him. The block leader is capable of talking for hours with brothers and sisters and talking about many different topics, and listening to and hearing out the members. Having such personal experience, how can someone consider that our block leader could hurt the heart and spirit of someone?"
Having listened for hours to how Rev. Chung speaks with brothers and sisters I am well aware that he does hurt their hearts. Alone the fact that he does not want his words to be recorded and that he does not want to be filmed shows that he wants to hide his behaviour because otherwise he could freely show to the world how well he behaves!
Concerning his disrespectful words about the early missionaries, calling them "hippies and beggars" in front of members and claiming that all elder missionaries and leaders except him were unqualified for God's work the Russian leaders responded again with denial: "We have not heard from the mouth of our block leader a single accusation addressed toward any of the former missionaries or elder brothers and sisters. On the other hand, he has often emphasized how deeply he respects the first generation. We have had several discussions about the importance of understanding our reality, based on our past experience, but the purpose of such analysis was not to accuse (criticize) anyone, but to clarify the mistakes of the past and to derive from them some lessons and never to repeat them."
Now, does any of the readers of these lines really think that more than 30 elder members of our church in Russia put their name under a letter to their continental director in which they simply write lies, speaking about things which Rev. Jin Pal Chung never said? Their lies could easily be revealed and those 30 brothers and sisters be convicted to be referring to statements which were never made. But the contrary is the case. These concerned long-time members spoke the truth while the leaders deny the facts in the hope that they will not be revealed – because Rev. Jin Pal Chung forbid to make any recording, neither audio or video of what he says in public meetings to the members. I have many hours of recordings of what Rev. Jin Pal Chung said recently and so it is no problem to convict him and the Russian leaders as liars.
Still, to do so does not solve the fundamental problem. Other leaders will be installed instead of the present leadership and the false dominion of leaders over members will continue. Therefore I will not focus on proving all the evil deeds of the present leadership on the Northeast continent and in other regions of the world but on other regions of the world but on how we can overcome the root causes which have led to today's tragic reality of our divided Movement.
How Rev. Chung treats Western members could be witnessed even by the Latvian brothers and sisters who saw how their leader kicked out Einari Peura and Nikolaus Beutl from the Peace embassy of their country after having been told by Rev. Jin Pal Chung to throw us out.
It is well known that Rev. Jin Pal Chung often uses the word 'stupid' to characterize others which gives us insight into his mind from where this word so readily originates. A person like him who has no scruple to offer straight lies, like "Nikolaus Beutl is a member of a spiritual group" or that the European Office issues a statement about me as quoted in the previous instalment which was never sent out, has no qualms to deny what he himself has said because he lives already a life full of contradictions. The tragedy is that the leaders of our church let themselves be used by him to fulfill his totally self-centred agenda.
As point number four of the letter to the continental director the 30 brothers and sisters stated: "Rev. Jin Pal Chung has proclaimed that the Internet is a satanic technology and prohibited any members' Internet communication and any personal contacts with any foreign missionaries and Unification Church members…"
The answer from the Russian leaders: "The claim by some brothers and sisters that the block leader 'proclaimed the internet satanic technology and forbade any internet communication or personal contact with foreign missionaries or Church members' is patent distortion of his words and a misunderstanding.
The point of the matter is not to forbid internet communication and any kind of activities on the internet, but to create deep interpersonal relationships without the internet. Communication among brothers and sisters shows that, even when they enter the forum to better understand God's will, in actuality what happens is that the brothers and sisters generate insults and resentments toward one another all the more, stimulating their fallen nature. The main purpose does not get accomplished, and no greater clarity about how to do God's will comes about as a result.
We understand that we have a serious need for a platform for discussion of many important issues. For this reason the suggestion was made for a system of family groups, and now the leaders are working with their congregations to create such a system."
Why do leaders have to work to create family groups? Are really leaders necessary in order to enable families to come together? Are Blessed families in Russia not capable of uniting and to work in harmony without being told by leaders what to do?
The leaders say that when brothers and sisters communicate via the internet then they "generate insults and resentments toward one another all the more, stimulating their fallen nature." Why do our members in Russia stimulate each other's fallen nature to begin with? Are they not taken care of properly by their leaders, hurting each other like children who lack the love of parents?
The reasoning of Jin Pal Chung is that the internet is the cause of our members hurting one another and therefore it should not be used for communication! What a primitive view of life such an understanding expresses!
The Russian leaders say that the issue is "to create deep interpersonal relationships without the internet" as if the problem were the internet and not the heart from where the words originate which are communicated and hurt others.
It is ever so obvious, that the points the Russian leaders are trying to make are ridiculous and it only needs a awakened heart to see clearly what is going on behind the scenes on the Northeast continent – which became once again obvious by the way the letter from these 30 elder Russian members was dealt with. They had sent it to the continental director and instead of an answer from him they did not even receive a response directly from the leaders but found the answer posted on an official Russian website!
This is how the leadership of the Northeast continent treats their members: These 30 brothers and sisters wrote a personal letter to their highest leader and the response came from other people (Russian leaders) who are doing the dirty work for the top leadership who is too arrogant to even communicate directly with those who have an issue with their impossible and irresponsible behaviour. Needless to say these elder members are perplexed about this situation.
The 30 signers of the letter expressed their concern: "Also, we feel that rev. Jin Pal Chung's intention to stop or postpone any witnessing activity through the Internet is not much up-to-date and endangers the current witnessing and PR projects in the Internet that were developed in Russia within recent years."
The Russian leaders responded: "The internet is one of the witnessing tools, which no one denies. At the same time, up till now internet witnessing has not brought the hoped-for results. For example, in the last two years only 50 or 60 people have come to lectures as a result of our site mirboga.ru, and none of these have ended up joining. That's why we need to focus on creating a stronger and deeper culture of Shim Jung (heart) among blessed families in our Church, in order for new guests to be able to feel such culture and so that such a culture will actually attract them."
How this Shim Jung culture promoted by the leaders of the Northeast continent looks like is expressed in the example of how the 30 signers of the personal letter to their regional president being perplexed to find the answer being posted on a website and not being sent to them! On one hand it is good that things become publicly known in this way because now Russian members know that there is an opposition in the country against the tyrannical leadership of the Chung brothers.
In the answer by the Russian leaders we find again the completely irrational primitive reasoning: "Because the people who came to the lectures through the website did not join we need to close the website 'The world of God'." Instead of realizing that these people did not join because they had no desire to come under their rule they want to close websites!
The Russian leaders closed their letter with the following words: "In conclusion, we would like to say that presently our Church leaders and members are trying to honestly analyse (reflect upon) themselves, to recognize and take responsibility for their personal mistakes and fallen nature, to acknowledge the fact of organizational mistakes and wrong culture. This is certainly a very painful process, but we consider that it is vitally necessary, if we wish to support True Mother and accomplish Vision 2020.
Two key problems of our Movement were highlighted: first of all, that we have not had a practical plan for the development of our Movement; and secondly, we have not had a clear understanding of what our position is. Therefore we invite all the blessed families to work (cooperate) together. We have a lot of work ahead of us. Our regional president says that we are one team and only together can we reach our goals."
Yes, nice words are being said but what is the reality? Dedicated members like the successful Tribal Messiah Einari Peura and the National Messiah of Andorra are thrown out of a Peace embassy and forbidden to even attend Sunday service – in line with the orders from top leaders. Like with communist leaders in the past, good words are spoken by leaders in former communist countries but reality is in many cases the opposite.
Let us look at the statement: "Two key problems of our Movement were highlighted: first of all, that we have not had a practical plan for the development of our Movement; and secondly, we have not had a clear understanding of what our position is."
How is it possible that after so many years – nearly two and a half decades of active investment into the restoration of the Northeast region there is still no practical plan how to achieve this goal?! How come that until now brothers and sisters have not understood their position? Who has been educating them? The very same leaders who wrote the letter from which I am quoting here!
In other words, those who have failed miserably in their mission put themselves up as the ones who know the right solution. Such is the miserable reality in the Northeast region. Accordingly one member commented: "Hello Nikolaus. It is interesting how the response letter from the CIS leaders twists everything their members say around. They are just acting as apologists for what he said, something that both the Catholic Church historically and Communists have practised to give a different slant on things. Also the Jewish leaders did the same to Jesus, even saying he heals by the power of Satan. It's amazing what you can do with words and twist them when you are not guided by conscience or heart."
Unfortunately, it is very true for the present leadership on the Northeast continent what this brother is pointing out. What is happening is a big tragedy which can only be solved with the help of Europe whom Father gave the task of opening up Russia. But will our brothers and sisters on this continent and in other key nations like America wake up from their deep sleep and become aware of what is actually going on in our own Movement which is being destroyed from within by corrupt leaders?
One sister commented: "Thanks for breaking the barrier of silence Nikolaus. If it were me, I would suggest the members go to the Ukrainian police or the national investigative body, and report that this person is carrying on illegal activities. He can be deported… What scares me is how these UM leaders perfectly recapitulate the worst dictators in history. He is grabbing a page right out of the communist handbook. It's like Orwell's book 'Animal Farm.' Pigs are more equal than anyone else."
In response one missionary wrote: "....Sadly, these nations have such a character where it is easier for them to follow a 'strong personality' than anything else. This has been abused for as long as I'd been involved there. Leaders who were not properly critical of themselves nor understanding of indemnity, caused history to repeat itself by practically re-creating the structure of the Soviet Union -- all regions and nations were meant to serve Moscow and Moscow was lifted up as the ideal and example and all others were looked down on as lesser, poorer and inferior. THAT leadership (both Moscow regional and the Continental Director who promoted it) is as much to blame for the advent of Chung's Ukrainian nationalism as Chung himself.
Anyway, it is one of these 'it's got to get worse before it gets better' scenarios and the member themselves have to finally stand up for what kind of movement they want. Honestly, it perfectly parallels the state of the nations themselves -- Russia especially never really had a revolution to throw off communism and reject their Soviet past, they were too apathetic. That's why they still have Putin lording over them."
Should we not learn lessons from fallen history and not repeat it in our midst?