The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
The new continental director of the Northeast region, Rev. Jin Hwa Chung, graduated from UTS in 1995 with the field of religious education as his major. So he should be an expert concerning issues in the area of leading a life of faith and religious matters.
That this is not the case can be seen in many ways, whereby I would like to mention here only the simple fact that he did not even know that the third palace which Father had asked to be built after Chung Pyung (Palace of Heavenly Righteousness) and in the south of Korea (Ocean Palace) -- which are both completed -- is a palace in Switzerland for the sake of religious education. He only found out when he came there in December 2011 telling our members, "I did not know that Geneva is the location of the third Cheon Jeong Gung…"
At the link vimeo.com/33393761 you can listen to his lecture "A period of great transition in history" Where he speaks in the beginning about why it is important to know history, pointing to a lack of historical awareness at the time of Abraham whose descendants had to suffer slavery for 400 years due to his mistake in the symbolic offering.
Rev. Chung emphasized the need to know history well in order to know in which period we are living now. He mentioned one book by a French writer about the end of Catholicism and a new era, saying that Catholicism should collapse sooner or later and a new system and a new society will be constructed.
The time for this to become a reality in our Movement on the Northeast continent has surely arrived. A new era needs to be opened up where the false ideology of this person's younger brother, whom he is supporting, will be removed and replaced by the Heavenly way of education. To achieve this task as soon as possible is our collective responsibility as members of our Movement, irrespective of the part of the world we may be presently living in.
In the course of his lecture in Geneva on December 3, 2011 Rev. Jin Hwa Chung explained that Satan is always trying to destroy God's providence and that now is the time when the Cain-type leaders will go down and the Abel-type leaders will go up also in our Movement. That development must certainly be achieved now in the Northeast region where Cain-type leaders dominate our members, causing incredible damage to God's providence.
Rev. Chung proclaimed on that day that with Kook Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim Abel-type leaders who are following the original order of the Principle of creation have been established in our Movement. But where are they today, one and a half years later? Rev. Jin Hwa Chung and his younger brother Jin Pal, and all the other false leaders who are not absolutely God-centered, will definitely disappear from the scene like many top leaders before them who have pursued self-centred agendas.
In his lecture Rev. Chung spoke of the task of Korean leaders like Rev. Kwak in the archangel position to educate Adam and Eve and to bring them to God's side. The statement, "Whether he understood or not, many times Father told Rev. Kwak, 'You have a mission of the archangel.'" applies of course also to this continental director and all the other Korean elders who have been sent out to educate our members.
"But the archangel cut the relationship between Adam and Eve and God; he twisted the message from God… he left the servant position." Rev. Jin Hwa Chung pointed to Chung Hwan Kwak when he said these things but the very same content will now be applied to him as the archangel who is responsible to lead the people on the Northeast continent to God. Already he has totally disqualified himself to be capable of fulfilling that responsibility by installing his younger brother Jin Pal as bloc leader over the main countries of the former Soviet Union.
Rev. Jin Hwa Chung's words, "You need to align with God in whatever you do, especially the Second Generation." will surely be applied to him to see whether he himself is doing what he is asking of others. Does it show alignment with God's Will to appoint a completely self-centered person like Jin Pal Chung as bloc leader over nations with more than 200 million inhabitants? The answer to this question is crystal clear and accordingly also where the new continental director of the Northeast regions stands.
Under the theme "Our Determination" Rev. Chung explained in 2011 that the 13 years leading up to 2013 are a time of chaos, a revolutionary era where good and evil cross paths with one going up and the other going down. That task will be now more swiftly accomplished because after Foundation Day spirit world is more free to support goodness and accordingly the self-centred leaders will be removed through our collective efforts of taking responsibility for the Heavenly standard to be implemented in our midst.
Rev. Chung stressed in his lecture the importance of fulfilling the individual purpose of spiritual growth and reaching perfection through living for the sake of others and of leading a life of prayer and devotion so that Heavenly fortune will reach us. Accordingly we have to ask the question as to what kind of devotional prayers Jin Hwa Chung had offered before deciding to appoint his younger brother Jin Pal as bloc leader -- which has caused so much pain to the hearts of brothers and sisters in Russia and other countries.
It is obvious that he knows what the right way is and in line with his understanding he will be judged as to whether he acted in accordance with his knowledge concerning the Heavenly way of life. In case he has really been so very blind as to not recognize what an incredibly low spiritual standard his younger brother has, he cannot make such a claim any more now after having received the report from more than 30 elder Russian members about the outrageous acts of Jin Pal Chung whom he had promoted.
When I posted the first instalments of this series on a website with 500 members a former missionary to the Northeast continent wrote: "I would ask you to read the parts of his [Nikolaus] latest posts that deal with the new continental director over much of the former Soviet Union. I can verify many of the quotes he makes there as I have heard similar things recently from several Russian members.
It is so bad that many members are trying to decide if it is time for them to stop following the directions of HQ and their leaders (as they are now being lead in such an obviously bad direction) and start following their conscience and what they know to be true.
Of course, they fear that because they fear being cut off from the Blessing (they or their children) - that is the knife being held at their neck all the time to force them to do what they strongly feel is wrong. And they recognize that too -- that the Blessing is being misused in such a way.
Anyway, read what's going on and at least say a prayer for them."
Of course a prayer is not enough because evil must be overcome substantially. When Father spoke about the theme "The necessity of an international worldview and cooperation" he stated: "The path of selfishness is the Satanic path."
True Parents have been emphasizing the necessity of international cooperation on so many occasions and advocated a worldview that includes salvation through Love for all people. We know this well, but when we are not applying this Heavenly perspective we are following the ways of the fallen archangel who put himself into the center.
When Rev. Jin Hwa Chung gave a speech in Austria on October 19 and 20, 2012 he used the very quote about the path of selfishness being the Satanic path. And yet a few months later he appointed his younger brother who by any standards is clearly a completely self-centred person, as a bloc leader over a big part of the Northeast region.
The national leader of Finland emphasized in a recent meeting, "Now is the time for husband and wife to work together in oneness." And in the neighbour country of Russia and other nations of the former Soviet Union our members are taught that they can only experience God's Love if husband and wife separate to work in different missions.
After reading about Einari's and my experiences in Latvia one brother shared how he feels: "Nikolaus, When I read this story about how you two true brothers have been treated unjustly by members of the same church I belong to, then I feel a deeper sadness in my heart.
Action like this will multiply tyranny, unless we speak-up. I suggest a warning to these tyrants and allow all the members decide if you are guilty or not. If no response, then I would even try to help arrange a meeting on a high rated talk TV show or even talk to judge Judy. I think it is better that we develop a case on earth to be heard all over the world, instead of waiting for heavenly judgement in the spirit world. This will be a great witnessing tool also. What do you think about that? The unrighteous will be found guilty, and should pay for their mistake concerning the lives of others.
I must say, that I could not take a beating the way you guys have and lived to tell about it. When found innocent you deserve the medal of honor. Then I can see a wonderful movie will be produced with great success. This will be an advantage for the Peace Kingdom. Thank You Very Much For Your Hard Work."
It is good to know that one or the other are ready to bring the case to public attention for the sake of the Kingdom building – for people to be inspired by the practice of True Love in the face of unjust persecution. But the issue is much bigger than involving certain individuals. Our whole movement is at stake in several countries in the Northeast region with leaders like Jin Pal Chung giving directions and orders which are totally opposite from what True Parents have been teaching throughout their lives.
A few more stories from Russian members as posted in an internet group: "When they held this leaders meeting with Rev. Chung, the members were told NOT to record what he said. But anyway, some audio and video recordings were made and passed around. Some mindlessly obedient leaders said that those recordings should be destroyed, because Satan could work through them(!?!) -- simply because it was against Rev. Chung's direction to make such recordings.
Rev. Chung not only is directing husbands and wives to live separately and become fulltime, he also asked some leaders to make this condition: to have sex only once a year and in the rest of the time you can not even hold hands. And if the wife will not agree to this, you have right to break the Blessing.
Other quotes: 'Home members won't go to Heavenly Kingdom', 'All the early missionaries (in Russia) were hippies and beggars'.
Who do you contact in WMC to get a continental director removed?"
Blessed are those who recognize Satan's ways and take responsibility to erase them from the face of the earth -- based on using Heavenly wisdom originating in the Heart of God. Should we not show that we are mature sons and daughters who have learned how to deal with evil and how to remove it thoroughly – beginning with our own Movement?