The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
As you may remember, in the first Baltic country, Lithuania, Einari did not get permission to attend the Sunday Service and in the second, Latvia, we shared with our brothers and sisters for hours until we were suddenly thrown out by the new Japanese leader who had received a telephone call from Chin Pal Chung who told him lies about us.
After being welcomed by the national messiah (national leader) of the third Baltic nation, Estonia, we visited a blessed family together with a native member where we shared deeply with one another until midnight – when it was still light outside in this northern area of Europe…
While Einari returned home to his family I stayed a few more days in Estonia and attended Sunday Service on June 2, 2013 in Tallinn where my former national leader spoke about the theme "The types of love we have to deal with". He introduced three main aspects:
1. ORIGINAL (TRUE) LOVE: "When God looked upon His entire universe, He loved it with infinite love; so it is with infinite love that God loves the people of the world today. God has endured 6,000 biblical years and still loves you this way. God's love towards all His creation is infinite and limitless." (Father)
(a) The root of (all types) of love
(b) All inclusive (Parents' Love comes closest to it)
(c) Always focuses on the positive goal (original purpose of creation)
2. COMPASSIONATE LOVE (Pitiful Love): "There is a terrible hunger for love. We all experience that in our lives – the pain, the loneliness. We must have the courage to recognize it. The poor you may have right in your own family. Find them. Love them." (Mother Teresa)
(a) Its purpose should be to elevate the object of compassionate love to his/her original position.
(b) No person should remain in the position to be pitied forever. Parents wish for each child to fully develop and find his/her own happiness, not be dependent on their love forever.
3. LOVE FOR ENEMY (Prominent Type of Love during Restoration)
"When the opportunity presents itself to you to defeat your enemy that is the time when you must not do it. There will come a time, in many instances, when the person who hates you most, the person who has misused you most, the person who has gossiped about you most, the person who has spread false rumours about you most, there will come a time when you will have an opportunity to defeat that person. It might be in terms of a recommendation for a job; it might be in terms of helping that person to make some move in life. That is the time you must not do it. That is the meaning of love.
In the final analysis, love is not this sentimental something that we talk about. It's not merely an emotional something. Love is creative, understanding goodwill for all men. It is the refusal to defeat any individual. When you rise to the level of love, of its great beauty and power, you seek only to defeat evil systems. Individuals who happen to be caught up in that system, you love, but you seek to defeat the system." (Martin Luther King, Jr.)
a. God will never give up on regaining ORIGINAL LOVE together with humankind.
b. There is much need for compassionate love in our world. (See Mother Teresa)
c. Without breaking through the barrier of "love for one's enemy" restoration and personal growth will be stuck. As an individual, I will be confronted with the same challenge again and again – until it is resolved victoriously.
d. Love is not just some vague emotion. It is a way of thinking, a way of speaking and a way of acting.
e. Externally we have different circumstances, but internally we all are confronted with the same challenges and our limitations.
f. Without including the striving for ORIGINAL LOVE in my "love-portfolio", lasting progress and victory are not possible.
Einari and I met in the first Baltic country the worst case scenario of not even being allowed to attend Sunday Service and members being afraid… and in the second Baltic country we were warmly welcomed by the community but then kicked out by the leader who practiced the very opposite of what he was preaching on that day about resembling God and True Parents.
In the third Baltic nation we were warmly welcomed by both leaders and members and the solution to the problems on the Northeast continent was presented in the here outlined content of the national messiah's sermon about True Love which embraces the enemy but destroys the false system.
The task to destroy the evil system which is firmly established on the Northeast continent still needs to be achieved. It is not a simple task because fear is deeply engraved in the hearts and minds of brothers and sisters who grew up under communism, learning to fear and obey the authorities from early childhood. In order for our Movement on the Northeast continent to become fully God-centred many substantial changes have to be implemented, starting with fundamental realizations concerning the false Cain Abel teaching which prevails in that part of the world and enabled so much misuse of position and abuse of sincere brothers and sisters.
The problems will not be resolved by putting yet another leader in front of members whom they will follow more or less blindly but our members need to be liberated from the false teachings with which they have been more or less indoctrinated to the extent that grave misuse and abuse by leaders could continue in the Ukraine, Russia, and other countries of the Northeast region for so many years. There has to be a fundamental shift of paradigm not only in that part of the world but basically in all countries where our members are active from a focus on external activities to making sure the internal content of our work is fully in line with Heaven's desire.
About the right way of implementing outreach programs one brother commented: "When you look at any of the periodic 'successful' witnessing programs through the history of the American Unification Church or CARP (Oakland Family in CA, MN at one point, CO at one point, CARP summer of '79, also, England Home Church campaign of 78-79,etc) you will inevitably find that guests were brought into a cultural EXPERIENCE that moved their hearts, impressed and intrigued them to want to know more…and importantly, made them want to come back. In the various efforts, the culture of one loving family with God at the center, was expressed throughout their experience with 'us'.
The introductory lectures and later Divine Principle content and how they were presented, were crucial to 'sealing the deal' i.e. enabling 'guests' to reach a commitment of joining...but they could reach those levels, in most cases, only if they had really felt first that they were really among their brothers and sisters. 'Campaigns' that couldn't generate that sense and genuine experience of family just couldn't fly.
Also, if the environment becomes increasingly hostile to our presence and efforts, then we are shooting ourselves in the foot. A top priority, imo, would be to make sure that the opposite trend occurs, i.e., we should progressively win the hearts of any given community with unceasing genuine service that benefits the community in real ways.
I feel that whether it's a team effort, or Home Church 360 effort, or Family HDK effort, these aspects all hold true. Our outreach has to create a more and more positive atmosphere as we make more effort...not the other way around. And, if it isn't genuine and from the heart…it ain't going to fly either."
I consider this to be a very important short analysis of how to be successful in witnessing to others. More than anything else we need to bring the people to whom we are reaching out into the experience of a loving atmosphere in our family, in our Hoon Dok study group, in our local community. Witnessing can only be successful if we can provide the right kind of atmosphere which attracts people on the level of heart, inspiring them to join our efforts and to work together with us to build a worldwide family of true brothers and sisters who love our Heavenly Parent dearly.
Only if we can create bonds of heart with those to whom we would like to witness can we be successful in our outreach efforts and become a true Tribal Messiah who embodies a parental heart not only for our relatives but for the people living in our neighbourhood.
The way to build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth was already defined by our True Parents by the end of the nineteen seventies and the beginning of the nineteen eighties – more than three decades ago. God's eternal truth is unchanging and accordingly it is true today just as much as it had been more than 30 years ago when Father proclaimed e.g.: "Home Church is the base for the Kingdom of Heaven."
True Father asked all leaders at that time to go out and live in the Home Church area. Instead of following Father's direction, here is what has become a reality as outlined by an elder member of our Movement: "George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' is alive and thriving in the international Unification Church it seems. 'All animals are equal. But some are more equal than others.' This guy, Chung, has basic contempt for members and their sacrifice, and he is not alone in that. There are more than a few Korean leaders who regard the sacrificial obedience of Western members as a form of mental subnormality. 'If they let us push them around, we are going to keep pushing.' I have this from my wife who is Korean an conversations she has had.
I had the privilege to spend significant amounts of time in Europe with Won Pil Kim and Young Whi Kim, men of a totally different caliber, whom I learnt much from and was happy to look to as role models. What I don't understand is how the Unification Church went from men like that to 'leaders' like this Chung character in such a short time. He boasts about having been educated directly by Father yet seems to have learnt absolutely nothing from him. Instead he pursues a life practice that is the total denial of the heart of Father's teaching and example.
Again, how did this happen? And are enough blessed families ready to reclaim their lives of sacrificial offering and Father's true legacy from thieves like this. I now realize that on the many occasions when Father castigated Korean leaders as thieves and liars, it was not hyperbole, or Abels taking the indemnity in the place of Cain, as i once thought, but was the literal truth in the case of way too many of these guys…
Enrique Ledesma, a brother whom I know as faithful and committed, had sent to the WMC about a regional director in Oceania. The same misuse of money as well as other issues. When efforts by members in the region produced no change, Enrique, who was the number two to a series of regional directors, finally and reluctantly sent a detailed account of all that had happened to the WMC. He never even got a reply."
Should we not finally realize very clearly the evil which has invaded our Movement and take full responsibility for it to be completely removed through applying accountability?