The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
The responses I receive to the present series are manifold, including those from members who take the serious issues to heart like the Blessed mother who wrote: "I had heard about the situation in the Ukraine, and am really concerned. Your email gave a lot of information, which I was heartbroken when I read it."
One fact is for certain: Our Heavenly Parent is truly heartbroken about what has become a reality in our Movement. Whoever has a personal heart-to-heart relationship to our Heavenly Father/Mother will surely confirm this.
One voice from the Philippines: "Exposing the evil doings of some UM leaders is like what our Philippine National Hero, Jose Rizal, who exposed the wrong doings of the friars while they were occupying our country. Now I understand why that Continental leader directed National leaders to kick you out from the center instead of receiving you showing True Love. I admire you for exposing their wrongdoings."
The issue is not just exposing what is wrong but the right changes must be implemented now. In the past positive improvements have been again and again blocked by leaders whose heart and mind has not been big enough to embrace God's point of view. One former missionary to Russia wrote in this respect about brothers and sisters efforts to develop more effective ways of witnessing:
"And honestly, after all our (and others) attempts to create something better and the inspiration that our members had at seeing the real potential in those changes (as opposed to blind faith that 'it'll get better....eventually...if we make enough condition') -- our Continental Director rejected it all and tried to force the members to return to 'traditional witnessing'. (His clear reasons being that we needed more members quickly to send fundraising for HQ).
Unfortunately for many of those members, the cat was out of the bag already -- their conscience would not allow them to return to that kind of witnessing. Some walked away altogether. Some grudgingly followed but without any passion or inspiration. You can pretty much mark the death of the Russian movement from that moment (in my opinion anyway.)"
There are many reasons for the death of our Movement in Russia but one is surely that when members go out because they want to find people who fundraise for the Headquarters then this is a completely wrong motivation which will never ever be blessed by Heaven and accordingly hardly any members joined in recent years.
After reading my recent reflections one brother responded: "Thank you very much for your sincere effort to share these important issues with all brothers and sisters throughout the world! My heart especially goes out to the brothers and sisters in the Ukraine, who are suffering so needlessly. How can we expose this criminal leader? What can we do to help? Write the church headquarters? Collect documentation? Pray?"
In the face of the actual situation on the Northeast continent one brother offered the following consideration: "Nikolaus, We are supposed to be building the ideal world on earth. If we know someone is committing a serious offence against our church, humanity and True Parents, who represent our Heavenly Parents, then what are we supposed to do? Just wait for a miracle to happen and then the criminals become great saintly leaders? You already have made them aware of their crimes and they only attack you and try to defame your name in front of all your friends, relatives, and family. I believe that you are right and feel we should try to stop this injustice now, before it gets any worse. Should we allow Satan continue to dominate people on this earth?
The commandments and laws were made for this world in order that we may live and become righteous people of goodness, similar to Divine Principle. Courts and juries will decide whether a person is right or wrong in this world. This serious crime affects everyone of us who breathes, especially the great creator of this world. I believe the jury will decide the judgement, which will definitely recognize and choose the right verdict for all humanity, then we will begin building this Kingdom of Heaven on Earth we talk about."
Another brother wrote: "Hi Nikolaus, thank you for your efforts and good heart…
You are right about what you say about our individual responsibilities to become persons practicing true love and eventually reaching even beyond True Parents level. This has always been my understanding and is a very empowering concept, because it is true. So it's great that you are promoting this… All strength to you."
A heart of true compassion is expressed in the following lines offered by a Blessed mother: "Hi, I just read your reflection, and am speechless. For one, you are a very talented writer. I am so heartbroken, it is so unbelievable. Yet, I do know it is true, what you write.
I do believe that things need to change on earth, and that Father, in spirit world will be making everything exposed, not just in our small movement, but in the whole world.
God is alive and the cries of our beautiful brothers and sisters will be heard. I feel so grieved that a Blessed Child had to die in the womb, and other such tragedies.
I can understand your calling a lot more now, and I know that your Mom is helping you from spirit world. In True Parents Love,…"
In an internet group one member posted: "Now St. Nick I like this crusade you are on to expose shady financial arrangements and lack of transparency! Keep it up!
This is a good use of your time in my opinion but be careful when you start messing with RELIGIOUS GANGSTERS money.
Remember that Jesus really got in hot water when he started to mess with the Jews money in the temple. (Kicking out the money changers) Jesus was fine healing folks. preaching nice sermons and talking about KOH stuff but when he started exposing the crooks/clergy in the temple he had to go!"
I responded with the following explanation: Dear [name] and all who are concerned,
Jesus was left alone in the end but I am in the lucky situation to have the full support of the Lord of the Second Advent who said 16 months ago (vimeo.com/35761730): "I will be investigating. If I create a system to investigate what Unification Church members are doing, everything will become very clear within a three year period… Investigations are being made in the Heavenly nation and in the Unification Church so that we'll know who is communist and who is messing around and lies…"
One year ago it was the chief of operations at LLM in America, David Rendel, who called me a communist and explained to me why he seriously considers me to be a communist, revealing in this way his own thinking and what kind of spirit he represents. He referred to me as a communist because I wrote, "The time has come for a thorough purification of our movement centered on God's Word." He associated the word purification with what communists like Pol Pot did to their people, showing Rev. Rendel's way of thinking.
Rev. David Rendel warned me two times that he fears for my life because he seems to know that there are leaders in our church who have no qualms of conscience to take my life as I have become too powerful for them to handle in another way.
One Blessed parent wrote upon reading of my experiences last year in America: "Dear Niklaus, I love your work my dear brother and I cried tears to hear of your struggle. I didn't verify your position but, by the tears in your eyes that you shared with me I know you are a sincere brother in the Living Christ.
I too immediately felt reading only 2 pages -- and I read 25 -- that you are in danger. Rev. Rendel pulled you aside to have lunch and stop you from doing, what you were doing. He and [name of a district pastor] had pulled my grown up child out of a Divine Principle workshop by force physically…"
One brother commented about the situation: "You were attacked by your older brothers (by position). They are jealous of your colourful coat, the truth to which you are testifying. They want to kill you as Rev. Rendel implied when he told you on Sunday that he fears for your life. But your heart is to embrace them and help them even though they may deserve punishment. Ultimately Josef was victorious..."
I am not afraid because I know down to the depth of my soul that I am doing God's Will in standing up for what I know to be right and true, investing for a thorough purification of our Movement so that finally God's Spirit can return into our midst.
Throughout history people who stood up against corruption have been attacked by the powerful and tragically that spirit has also infiltrated into our Movement. Concerning what needs to be done we may learn from Avaaz, the voice, who encourages everybody to support people like Edward Snowden, a 29 year-old analyst who just gave up his whole life -- his girlfriend, his job, and his home -- to blow the whistle on the US government's shocking PRISM program -- which has been reading and recording our emails, Skype messages, Facebook posts and phone calls for years.
The Avaaz team reported: "PRISM is profoundly disturbing: it gives the US government unlimited access to all of our personal email and social media accounts on Google, Youtube, Facebook, Skype, Hotmail, Yahoo! and much more. They are recording billions of our messages every month and the CIA can now or in the future use the information to prosecute, persecute, or blackmail us, our friends or our families!
Edward was horrified by this unprecedented violation of individual privacy. So he copied large amounts of files, sent them to the Guardian newspaper for publication and escaped to Hong Kong. His bravery not only exposed PRISM, but has started a domino effect around the world, shining a light on secret spy programs in Canada, the UK and Australia in just days!"
The Avaaz team expressed the hope that if we act quickly we can help Edward to win the fight he has bravely taken on, for all our sakes. What I am doing is for the sake of the liberation of our brothers and sisters wherever they are under the false dominion of the archangel, of leaders who claim to be Abel and demand of members to follow them.
If we stand up against corruption in our organizations we can swiftly bring it to an end based on implementing the principle of accountability which must be applied to the leaders up to the very top.
May we all realize that it is in our hands to bring about the urgently needed changes in our Movement and that we will be held accountable for having known of the corruption and having done nothing to stop it -- in case we do not act swiftly now to bring an end to the misuse of positions and abuse of members' hearts by leaders which has tragically been going on for decades in our midst.