The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
Any true member knows that developments on external levels in a country have a parallel root cause on the internal level, in the realm of people's attitude, in their religious mentality, etc. This is especially true for the mindset of the leaders and members of our Movement because we represent the core of God's providence and according to our behaviour good or bad developments are happening.
In the case of Russia, on June 8, 2013 more than 30 long-time members sent a letter to their regional president and then found an answer by six main Russian leaders posted on an official website where their efforts were discredited, speaking of "a number of poorly thought-out or completely incorrect information" while in reality it was the leaders who such a poor response in which they were attacking Nikolaus Beutl based on blunt lies, speaking of a statement by the European Office which was never made, etc.
Did somebody stand up against this grave misuse of their position on the side of the Russian leaders, attacking innocent people? Where are those who are brave enough to challenge those who are spreading obvious lies and disinformation?
Base on that very bad condition on the side of the Russian leadership in the Movement which is supposed to represent God's side, satanic forces were free to advance their cause again one more step in the direction of tyrannical treatment of its people by the established government. A few days after the attack by our Russian leaders on innocent brothers and sisters who stood up for the right way of Heaven, the Russian authorities also cracked down on human right activists as you can read in the article published at World Now on June 22, 203 (www.latimes.com/news/world/worldnow/la-fg-wn-russian-human- rights-activist-20130622,0,6693724.story)
In that article you can read: "A prominent Russian human rights advocate was beaten up and his associate, a Moscow mayoral candidate, was thrown down a flight of stairs in a riot police raid Saturday morning. Lev Ponomaryov, head of the group For Human Rights, sustained light injuries when police raided his office... Ponomaryov and his organization had helped thousands of victims, from businessmen to prisoners, during the past one and a half decade.
Earlier this year, the Kremlin compelled Parliament to pass a measure saying nongovernment organizations should officially declare themselves 'foreign agents' if they are funded from abroad. The For Human Rights movement was one of the first of hundreds of NGOs in Russia to come under official scrutiny, with tax inspectors and prosecutors thoroughly examining its papers and books, seriously impeding the organization's work… Ponomaryov said he will demand a criminal investigation into the attack and added that he will take the case to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France.
The eviction Saturday was part of the ongoing crackdown on the opposition and human rights groups conducted by the Kremlin since Putin's election as Russia's president in March 2012, said Alexander Cherkasov, head of the human rights group. 'Lev Ponomaryov is one of the most intransigent fighters for human rights and probably this is the reason he was chosen for this action,' Cherkasov said. 'By dealing so ruthlessly with him and his organization, the authorities want to scare everyone else who dares to criticize them or investigate their actions.'"
The attack on those who defend human rights in society has its root cause in the way the Russian leadership of our Movement treats brothers and sisters who stand up for what they know to be right and true. If our brothers and sisters around the world will not wake up and recognize their responsibility to liberate Russia it may be that before long they will read reports of our Movement having been stamped out completely by the official authorities in that huge country – following the example of the terrible leadership of people like Jin Pal Chung and those who gave in to the temptation to follow in his footsteps, leaders of our Movement in the Northeast region.
The development of less and less freedom in Russian society has its root cause in our leaders in that part of the world limiting the liberty of our members, with an incredibly arrogant attitude as we find it manifested in the behaviour of Rev. Chung and those who united with his self-centred leadership.
The reality on the Northeast continent was discussed by many people, including subscribers of the internet group where I wrote e.g. in response to claims that I make the whole situation about myself: "In reality I am dealing with the actions of the leadership on the Russian continent, explaining in detail what is going on. Because I am their number one enemy my name and how they treat me is there in the letter but it is not about me but about the actions of the leaders. [Name], you say: "Rather you should own up to the fact that you HAVE been kicked out and listed as unwelcome in NUMEROUS countries and centers around the world."
From which countries have I been kicked out? A) From Moldova in 2004 by Ronald Koonce who personally complained to my continental director President Song when we all were in Israel that year. The reaction of President Song was to offer me to become a national leader in Europe under him! Do you think that he would have done that if Ronald Koonce had come up with any valid accusation of some misbehaviour on my side?
B) From Belorussia in 2005: The Korean leader had welcomed me to his country, asked me to give the sermon at Sunday service and invited me to take care of his members (my spiritual daughter was at that time responsible with her husband for Blessed families) and expressed high appreciation for my work. When the assistant to the continental director came back from Korea and heard that I am working in Belorussia he asked the national leader to kick me out. That Korean Second Generation brother said to me that he knows it is wrong to do so but he has to do it because he must follow his leader, otherwise his members will stop following him. So again no case against my activities but just an order from above.
These two countries are the only in the world from where I was kicked out [except for the recent incident in Latvia involving Einari and me]. I am sorry to say that you, [name], contribute to the spreading of lies about me, even using capital letters to make your point which is completely invalid. What you write about my having "been kicked out and listed as unwelcome in NUMEROUS countries and centres around the world" has nothing to do with reality. It is just propaganda by leaders who have no arguments against me and therefore misuse their position to spread lies about me which seem credible in the eyes of members because leaders are telling them about these things.
[Name], you advise me, "Keep focused on the real issue." This is what I am doing, as I am speaking about the situation of brothers and sisters who are "suffering under tyranny that uses True Parents' name in vain." Who will join the fight to liberate them?
In another response to comments I wrote: It is not I who makes the whole situation about Nikolaus Beutl but those who resist changes. In the mind of the Russian leaders who did the dirty work of spreading lies and disinformation instead of Rev. Jin Pal Chung and his elder brother Jin Hwa Chung, to whom the letter was actually directed, the more than 30 signers of the letter are my followers even though they wrote their letter completely independently of my efforts.
Accordingly the Abel National Messiah for Russia wrote in the first sentence of his mail to that group of elder brothers and sisters: "I have sent an introduction letter to Rev Yang introducing you as a group of faithful yet concerned Russian members and not followers of NB. I hope your letters are read along with the reply from leaders approved by Rev Chung."
NB stands of course for Nikolaus Beutl. Unfortunately, I have been the only person who has been fighting consequently for many years against corruption in our Movement and therefore it seems to you [name], and others who look superficially at what is going on, that the whole situation is about me.
I asked in my previous post, who will join the fight to liberate those "suffering under tyranny that uses True Parents' name in vain." But none of the more than 500 subscribers of this internet group, which is dedicated to Father's legacy, expressed their readiness to take up the fight to defend the legacy of True Parents which is misused by those who use their name in vain.
I am definitely doing what [name] advised, "Keep focused on the real issue." But how much longer will I be the only one who is standing up against corruption in our Movement?
[Name], you wrote, "By the way, I heard from one of the Russian sisters involved that they received an official response (NOT directly from Rev. Chung but from the HQ with the approval of Rev. Chung). The response was simply that you are misunderstanding what was said because you do not understand Korean culture… Basically, just an arrogant brush-off."
I have been studying Korean language and culture for years and also spent one year living in Korea, staying with many different Korean families, so their claim is completely invalid. The issue is the leaders "arrogant brush-off" of the concern of 30 elder members about whom you, [name], say, "Well, knowing some of the authors of that letter, it was a HUGE step just to write it. Hopefully, their next letter will take the 'hard' stance."
Who from the West is helping them to take the hard stance, our brothers and sisters who grew up fearing (communist) authorities, so that even to write a letter to their leader is "a HUGE step"? True Father said that it is the responsibility of Europe to open up Russia, but so far I am the only one fighting consequently for that goal. Why is nobody else ready to support that direction from Father which must be first of all fulfilled in our own Movement?
Hoping that the representatives of the son nation (America) realize that they have the responsibility to take up this task in the face of our members on the old Continent (Europe) continuing to sleep even though Father had said repeatedly that Europe must wake up,…
How much our Movement has become invaded by Satan can be seen through many examples of how leaders have not overcome but fallen prey to the temptations of power and money, and also knowledge, which was misused by Lucifer and that fallen tradition tragically has also infiltrated into the hearts of leaders who misuse what they know or they claim "Father said…" and use the name of God and True Parents in vain, a sin against which already the people of the Old Testament were warned.
How leaders try to dominate Blessed children became once again obvious at the recent workshop in Belorussia where e.g. the Blessed mother who helped in the kitchen was not allowed to listen to a single lecture which her children received. When the sister sat in the back of the room, behind all children, she was immediately approached by the organizer and asked to leave.
On another day, after meeting with her daughter on the street in her spare time, the daughter asked if she could see the room where her mother lives. But the organizer did not allow her daughter to even shortly visit her mother, without explaining the reasons.
One day that Blessed mother who worked in the kitchen was called to the lecture room where gratitude for the cooking was expressed. Afterwards, a special ceremony was held for the children and the mother was again asked to leave. That ceremony represented the children inheriting the light of knowledge from the leader of the Department of the Second Generation. The kids were told that the leader gained the knowledge from True Father, and now, thanks to his efforts and the work of the Department the light of knowledge is transferred to the children, and the children must pass the knowledge on to others. During the ceremony, the candles were lit, first by the leader who lit candles of the other teachers, and then the children could light these candles from the adults. This ceremony was held in secret and the parents were not allowed to see their children getting knowledge.
It is so clear that those in the archangel position, the teachers, are separating the children from their parents as much as possible during the workshops just as Lucifer has been separating Adam and Eve from God, their Parent. The leaders of the Second Generation Department teach the children to listen primarily to them – and not to their parents.
You could read about this problem in our church in the reflection with the title "In which way is the Second Generation educated" in respect to the situation in America. That unprincipled attitude is of course much stronger in former communist countries where children have been educated by the state for decades.
From the side of the leaders it is their incredibly arrogant attitude of wanting to dominate Second Generation children and stand above their parents. It is all about the power which comes with being put in a position of leadership where members have to follow with leader having the mindset: "Because I am the one who represent True Parents you must obey." That is the great lie of the leaders of our Movement who feel that they are the ones who represent True Parents and others have to follow them. In this way we have set up a cult of 'leader worship' which is generally not so strong any more in most countries around the world but which is firmly established on the Northeast Continent.
Are the leaders responsible for the lies they have told them about their brother Nikolaus? They are like God, above the law; they do not need to apologize when they officially spread all kinds of lies. Such a situation is nothing other than hell firmly established in our Movement on the Northeast continent where truth and facts count nothing any more.
One subscriber of the aforementioned internet group noted: "I have seen several victims of character assassination within the movement and by the Unification Movement Leadership. It is hard to open up and share your experience without sounding hurt, self-centered -- making it come of 'all about you.' That does not change your story nor does it reflect poorly on yourself. Nicolas, I hope you can continue to endure the pain in your heart and remain faithful to God and continue your work to expose the truth."
The issue is of course not the pain in my heart but the reality of our Movement, especially on the Northeast continent, where the victory of evil is established on many levels. Unless we become serious about eliminating the evil self-centered traditions which have been established there, we may soon see the end of our work altogether in formerly communist countries like Russia, where the authorities have become more and more cruel towards its people.
Who is ready to stand up now and who prefers to suffer later the pain of regret of not having spoken out when there was still time to prevent grater tragedies?
Trusting that there are those who do not chose the latter,
I remain sincerely yours,