The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
After announcing the end of the morning session on May 19, 2013 Rev. Jin Pal Chung asked: "Any questions?" and added: "Now afraid questions?" He speaks in poor English; when I am quoting him I am using a more proper English version of what he is saying, including the translation offered by the Russian translator – unlike here where I literally put his words.
One brother asked: "I have a question about communication. There are two sides: There are those who listen. Their responsibility is to hear and to catch the meaning of what is being said. And there is the subject, the one who speaks. We, as leaders should teach the members not only to be open-minded and hear, listen, but we should develop ourselves to explain the proper way, so that from the very first time we would 'hit the 10'."
This brother addressed this point because when Rev. Chung started to speak many did not understand him and felt hurt and Jin Pal spent a considerable time trying to explain what he wanted to say. Therefore this brother suggested: "Some understand immediately, others need a second explanation, again others a third or fourth explanation. That might be the problem of the one who speaks. That means, he could not explain his point in such a way that others would swiftly understand. He could not touch their mind so that they would understand. That is the lesson I took for myself."
Jin Pal Chung responded: "I am not leading all 25 people [who participated in that leaders' meeting]. If I would share with one person I could touch that person's heart but we are many here. We do not build here a personal relationship. I treat you like an organization, 25 people, whom I need to bring to God's side, not each individually. That is a very different situation. Do you understand now? Hopefully there will not be more such stupid questions?"
Objectively speaking: How many points would you give the brother who asked the question and how do you evaluate the answer by Rev. Chung? Was it really such a stupid question which he asked? That brother came forth with an important point, presenting it in a humble way, while Jin Pal Chung answered very arrogantly, showing his own primitive standard that he calls himself the bloc leader over several countries while in reality he is not even capable of bringing a point properly across to 25 experienced leaders of our church!
Rev. Chung added: "Stupid question. Why?" And he offered further explanations that he is right in what he is saying and that the listeners are the problem instead of humbly acknowledging the valuable point which the brother made.
When you listen to the recording of that leaders' meeting you can hear Jin Pal many times shouting out: "Understand?" without having offered proper explanations, treating brothers arrogantly and dominating the spirit of the meeting with his upset, often changing emotions, instead of fulfilling his role as the top leader by being the servant of all.
That is the fundamental problem of the leadership of our Movement. Those 25 leaders are likely to follow the example of their superior and treat those under them with an arrogant attitude and in this way the fallen culture is multiplied in our midst.
When another person signalled that he wanted to ask a question Rev. Chung said: "I hope that it will not be another stupid question." The brother emphasized: "There are no stupid questions. The people sincerely want to know."
That brother spoke about the reality that they have been making plans year by year towards fulfilling the goal of Vision 2020 upon which everybody agreed and then from the top leaders some corrections or different direction comes: "How shall we do not to get lost? How can we change everything quickly and re-orient our tasks? Is my question clear or should I explain in more detail?" In response Rev. Chung asked that brother's name and his mission, which is PR, said one or two sentences, and then asked, "Another question?" Rev. Chung did not really answer that person's inquiry but went on to the next question which was about the eye-glasses which the leaders need to change.
Jin Pal Chung reminded the leaders that he had told them in the meeting in Ukraine that they have to liberate themselves from their concepts. The idea is not just to remove them based on the understanding: "I have bad culture, I have bad behaviour… What did I tell you? You need to throw your old concepts away because otherwise you cannot grow. Why? Because your glasses come from your parents who are fallen parents. From whom did you receive your glasses? From whom? Tell me -- from Satan."
One sister commented: "Maybe we should improve our eye-sight." While the leader insisted: "Your spectacles are from Satan. That is the key point."
Is it really true that these brothers and sisters who have been in our movement for about two decades, leaders for many years, need to change their eye-glasses with which they see the world. Have they been so poorly educated by their previous leaders and did they learn nothing in all those years of membership in our Movement that they would need to be re-educated by Rev. Jin Pal Chung?
One brother brought up the point that True Mother had said that now we should not be focused on some charismatic leader but on the members. Rev. Chung explained that the difference is now that he does not push members to do the things he wants them to do but he is motivating them to do what he tells them. That is his understanding of what a member-centred Movement looks like.
One brother offered a suggestion: "It seems to me that we, sitting here focus on some kind of surface. If True Father would stand in front of us, he would seem not educated, because he talks about sexual organ… [At that point one sister noted in English about that brother: "Oh, what is he talking about? Rev. Chung does not understand us."] So, the way we perceive you does not let us do the right job. I suggest that we do not focus on the fact that Rev. Chung is so… but that we start to discuss the real questions.
Jin Pal responded: "In reality we are already speaking about the essence. We have been speaking something deep about Shim Jung." How is it possible that Rev. Chung claims that the one hour meeting was about deep Shim Jung while this leader speaks about the discussion having been on the surface, about external aspects?
At the beginning of the recording of the afternoon meeting you can hear one person ask the participants to come closer to the front, to sit down in the first, second or third row. Now, if this is a meeting of brothers and sisters with their representative of True Parents, why is there much external distance between Rev. Chung who claims to educate those under him in the realm of Shim Jung and those who participate in that meeting? If there were a family spirit, everybody would naturally strive to be close to each other also on external levels.
Jin Pal Chung asked: "Should I tell you about the life of the Second Generation in Korea?" In response one brother reminded everybody that True Mother spoke of some 20.000 Second Generation in Korea but only about 100 are active in our Movement, and asked: "Is that true?" Rev. Chung answered: "Yes, that is the reality."
Rev. Jin Pal Chung invited everybody to let him know about what they would like him to speak and asked for suggestions to be written on a whiteboard. The first suggestion was Tribal Messiahship.
Rev. Jin Pal Chung spoke about his family background and then about himself, mentioning for example that he has a special ability: "If I compare all other Second Generation, all Blessed families, all our leadership, I can say that I made by myself my speciality; it seems that I have more sense, more than anybody to research True Parents directly, substantially. I do not know what is the meaning, substantially, but I can say two ways: vertically and horizontally I have sense of learning from True Parents.
Usually in our Movement, our elders, including my parents, resemble True Parents through following them vertically but I do a bit less on the vertical level but enough, I believe in True Parents, but on the horizontal level I did better than the First Generation in researching True Parents. I have a better sense of what it means to follow True Parents substantially. And then, one more sense is: Apply Divine Principle life; embody the Divine Principle way. I am not perfect, I have analysed by myself: more than anybody I have sense how to apply Divine Principle life. I don't know whether you believe me or not but in this area I have a professional sense compared to other elder members...
I do not say that I am the only one who can do it but when I compare with all others… When I grew up in Korea, usually I guide them, the Second Generation, because there are many problems. When they grow up, in their teenage time, they have their own thinking. They are against our Movement because they grew up in that kind of environment in the school where the teacher said that Moon is Satan. At that time I guide them in my group. That is my analysis of my life. So I have a sense, more than anybody. That is me. Then I worked in the Ukraine more than 15 years; I researched True Parents' life more and more, and applied in the Ukraine. In that way I have certain result. Of course not big result. There are still problems there like here in Russia. What kind of result do you have in applying True Parents way in your life?"
Rev. Chong continued with explaining that compared to all other nations the Ukrainian members have more desire and a better standard. He affirmed that he knows because one of his friends is working in the World Mission Headquarters and receives all the reports of our members around the world.
"So I know that we [in the Ukraine] have a completely different culture from others. I compared all other nations with Ukraine where the people have desire to research True Parents and to study Divine Principle. That is my result. That is the Principle. In the Ukraine, for example, after they pass two or three day workshop people naturally desire to study Korean language… Too many times True Father had emphasized long ago to study of Korean language but not so many people studied from the top leadership down to the bottom. But in the Ukraine, everybody studies, whether they are smart or not. What is the meaning of studying Korean? It is the desire to receive True Love directly. To receive True Love from True Parents, from God. They want to receive directly not indirectly. Love relationship means direct relationship, not indirect relationship but True Love relationship. That is simple small result. That is my life course."
Rev. Chung continued by saying that this is the core of what everybody is to strive for: "to receive Love from True Parents and to become perfect. That is the purpose of life. With that begins Cheon Il Guk."
It is obvious that in Rev. Chung's mind everything is centered on True Parents whom he claims to understand better than anybody else and therefore everybody should follow him. Based on that thinking he is not really open to learn from others and treats others arrogantly, hurting them deeply without even realizing what he is doing because he is so full of himself, convinced that he knows better than any other of the First and Second Generation. Who will liberate Jin Pal Chung from his erroneous self-centered thinking?