The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
In the afternoon session on May 19, 2013 Rev. Jin Pal Chung emphasized: "Chon Il Guk is what I am building now. That is my life and my mission. That is what I am building step by step. I tell brothers and sisters that we must live together in this way, and that becomes one society. In the Ukraine we have the form of a small Cheon Il Guk. I showed to the leaders who came to the Ukraine a few weeks ago how we are building Cheon Il Guk there. Brothers and sisters there feel like me. They are working day and night to build Cheon Il Guk…"
Should we be happy that there is an example of the Kingdom already established in the Ukraine? Is it really a miniature of God's Kingdom which we would like to see realized?
The person who is the main constructor of that Kingdom says he is a very terrible person and he is the one who ordered the national leader of Latvia to throw Enari and me out of the Peace embassy in Riga, never ever to be allowed to return there. Such an attitude does not fit into the kind of world True Parents have asked us to build and accordingly it is a false pseudo-ideal which was established in the Ukraine, what can easily be witnessed in the way how those are treated who do not agree with this version of Cheon Il Guk.
Rev. Chung shared that he reports his Shim Jung result to God every day and puts it into his Shim Jung bank, encouraging his audience: "I invite you to do the same, to build your Shim Jung bank. In this way you should lead your life. I am growing up every day… In this way you will feel happy." Rev. Chung explained that as people are checking their bank account he is checking his Shim Jung account daily, the personal and the public account.
Rev. Jin Pal Chung rightly noted: "Now, the meaning of our life is not money but True Love." He asked brothers and sisters if they are happy when they see their True Love account growing, and he encouraged them to be happy no matter how terrible the spouse or the children may be -- if their Shim Jung bank account is growing.
Then he made the revealing statement about himself: "My case this way. It does not matter whether my wife is happy or not; I am happy if my Shim Jung bank account is growing. With the money I buy flowers for my wife and make her happy." In Rev. Chung's concept that is the first step everybody has to make according to the law of the Principle.
Then he mentioned the Original Divine Principle, and asked brothers and sisters if they know that the Principle which Father wrote at the beginning of the nineteen fifties in Pusan is the Original Divine Principle, which begins with Father's statement on the first page that everything begins from one.
Rev. Chung told brothers and sisters: "You do not need to think of big things but just change yourself substantially. If you are happy then you want to make others happy… If you really want to give True Love you need to be happy. Otherwise it is only theory.
I want to suggest to you to receive True Love through True Parents substantially, not just as theory. Why do I speak about this? This is my professionalism. I want to share with you. If you want to listen, open your ears and then practice. Then you will become better than me. That is Cheon Il Guk. Ok? Do you want to hear what I say?"
Jin Pal Chung presents himself as a professional concerning what Cheon Il Guk means, but why is he himself not practicing what he preaches? He claims to be expert in the realm of understanding True Parents, more than anybody else of the First and Second Generation, and at the same time he himself does not even understand the simple lecture of the Divine Principle: Cain should not kill his brother Abel.
It is a clear fact that Rev. Chung ordered the national leader of Latvia who had shown a welcoming attitude to Einari and me during the four hours during which we stayed at the Peace embassy until he received the order from Jin Pal Chung to throw us out, never to allow us to return – which means nothing less than killing one's brothers.
It is ever so clear that Jin Pal Chung has been building a Kingdom in the Ukraine centred on himself, which he wants to expand now as bloc leader to Russia and other countries, pretending that he is the one who knows better than anybody else. He is mixing truth with lies, misleading in this way brothers and sisters with most of them not realizing what is happening.
After that introduction of himself and his special abilities Rev. Chung mentioned four Russian sisters who are his best friends in Russia and then he came back to what he suggested in the beginning, that brothers and sisters can ask questions. He remembered that the first suggestion was to speak about Tribal Messiahship but when he found out that this person had to leave already Rev. Chung said: "Then we do not need to speak about his topic." True Mother had declared Tribal Messiahship as the most important work at this time while Rev. Jin Pal Chung easily dismisses that core task of our mission.
Another member suggested to speak about: The system of preparation of church leaders. When the third person suggested the theme of how to combine daily life with our spiritual life Rev. Chung noted that this is too big a subject to talk about. He also emphasized that per person only one question is allowed.
After 12 questions were asked Rev. Jin Hwa Chung wanted to answer the easy questions first. He started with the inquiry about the unity of North and South Korea by suggesting that the person should look up in the internet what is happening in this respect: "Then you find out more than I could tell you. Do you understand? Ok? Finish. Enough because I do not know anything. I am a practical guy. I can share you one or two weeks about North and South Korea unite, but that is not practical. Then I don't need to share."
Alone by the way he responded to that simple question Rev. Jin Pal Chung shows what an incompetent leader he is. In reality no answer was given because the brother knew already that he can look into the internet. Rev. Chung says that he could speak about that topic for two weeks while at the same time he is not able to give any serious answer to such a concrete question.
Next Rev. Jin Pal Chung responded to the member who inquired: "Your elder brother said that we represent the Fourth Israel. But then who represents the Third Israel?" He asking: "Who is the Third Israel?" He agreed with the answers: "Korea, church members, America." Then he asked: "Who is Fourth Israel?" The answer was "We."
Rev. Chung responded: "Leadership, Alexei, you must answer. Tell me, who is Third Israel? Where is the leader of the Moscow region? … Sasha, answer, members asked you a question." So the Russian leader answered: "The way I understand, the First Israel is Judea, the Second, Christianity, the Third Unification Church, and the Fourth Israel is Cheon Il Guk, successful Unification Church."
Rev. Chung asked if that answer is enough and when somebody in the audience said, "No" he responded then that means that the answer is not right. He asked another leader to give the answer adding: "Elders, you must say, I do not know also."
Isn't it a miserable situation that the bloc leader representing our Movement in front of more than 200 million people is not even capable of answering such a simple question?! At the same time he claims that he is an expert in knowing True Parents better than anybody else among the First and Second Generation. To have a person with such a poor understanding, full of contradictions and personal problems, leading our Movement in the greater part of the Northeast continent is indeed a big tragedy.
At that point a former underground missionary to Russia who was present in that meeting got up and gave a detailed explanation concerning the meaning of Israel, noting e.g. that the First Israel failed not because Jesus would have made a mistake but the people not receiving him. The same was true for the Second Israel, Christians who made the same mistake by not welcoming True Father.
Then this early missionary pointed to the fact that True Father spoke many times about the Fourth Israel, a fact which gives rise to the question or issue that the Third Israel, the Unification Church, did not fulfill its responsibility to welcome the Messiah. That brother concluded: "According to my logic, only that can be the reason for establishing the Fourth Israel." and asked again the Bloc leader to answer the question which was addressed to him.
Rev. Chung responded: "I also do not know exactly. If you really want to know details, you need to go to spirit world and ask True Parents. I have this attitude. Until now I understand this much. If I have questions or doubts I will ask my brother in Korea, he is a theology professor."
Then he repeated the core of what was said before by others about the Four Israel, adding that Father paid indemnity for the failure of Christianity to welcome him from 1945 until 2001 when he proclaimed Cheon Il Guk, emphasizing that it was the right attitude of Father to take responsibility for the failure.
He spoke of the support by NGOs around the year 2000 when people from PWPA and other organizations as Cain Children helped Father together with us as Abel children, forming the foundation of Cheon Il Guk. The Kingdom of Heaven was built conditionally until 2013 and from then substantially, "with physical God existing on the earth in the form of True Father and True Mother. Unfortunately Father went to the spirit world. I do not know the meaning. We need to research later on."
What an irresponsible attitude to say that we will ask the question why Father went to the spirit world later, when it is now that we should indemnify our failure as Third Israel. Father proclaimed already on October 3, 2004: "The first, second and third Israel all failed."
Rev. Chung said: "Until now we need to believe that True Father and True Mother did this way." He explained that the Unification Church is totally different now after the beginning of Cheon Il Guk, representing since 2001 the Fourth Israel. He ended his explanations with, "Do you all understand? Enough? Then erase that question." For me such an answer is surely not enough. How come that the Third Israel suddenly turns into the Fourth Israel? Is there a new providence through miracles?
The Third Israel, Korea, failed to respond to God's expectations and therefore His providence moved on to the continent which has been the center of Christianity for centuries. Therefore Father said clearly that "The New Heaven and Earth Civilization will arise starting from Europe". It is on this continent where God has the strongest historic foundation to unveil and to overcome false teachings including the heresies taught by church leaders who did not separate from Satan, who are still connected with the spirit of the Archangel, who misled the first human ancestors.
The only way forward for our Movement lies in clearly recognizing the root cause of Father's premature ascension and a thorough reformation of our Movement from being focused on false leaders to becoming truly centred on the Living God.