The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
Having offered such a poor answer to the important question as to who represents the Third and who the Fourth Israel -- after telling members that he does not know the answer to this question – Rev. Chung asked: "Do you recognize a little bit my professionalism?" That comment was not made ironically but he really believes that he is so clever even though he does not even know fundamental points in respect to leading a God-centred life.
The next question was about a system of preparation for church leadership including: "If that system does not yet exist, in which way will it be set up?" Rev. Chung responded by saying that the system to educate leader exists adding, "Yesterday I answered this question, didn't I?" He asked the main Russian leader, then another and yet another leader but none of them knew the answer. So he responded with the usual "Oh my God,…".
Then one of the leaders began to speak: "True Father showed through his example how to be a leader. So we should follow Father's way and practice Principle in our life." Jin Pal Chung affirmed that this is the right answer: "True Father created already the system. What is the problem? That we did not follow the right way. We did not understand enough and did not follow… Understand or not?"
What about Rev. Jin Pal Chung? He claims to understand True Parents better than anybody else? How are his great insights visible in his practical behaviour? At that point of the recording you hear him shout in that meeting: "Hey guy! What you are doing?..." What kind of leader is he? How does he treat people, in which way is he serving them?
Next, one brother noted that Christians have a certain system which works and brings results, more members. "Obviously, it makes sense to have a concrete system which works."
Rev. Chung responded: "I gave you already the conclusion. Need to explain more. Why I said I already gave conclusion?" Then he explained that Father restored in 56 years 2000 years of Christian history and asked: "Who can do this? Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Ghandi? Mother Theresa? True Father could do it. So he is a perfect leader. But we cannot catch up with True Father. This much explanation enough? Understandable? Elders don't understand all? [No] Come on men! Why not enough? For you now, why this no practical answer now? Because you do not understand practical system. 2000 years in 56 years. That is our system result. You and I follow True Father and that is our result. You participated in that system."
At that point the brother noted that Father is already in spirit world. Rev. Chung responded: "You already participated in that system. What else can I tell you? I said you this result. If you really want to know more, I call you, you study system. I will tell you step by step through your leadership. If you still do not understand then you have to wait because your mental, your emotional not mature… You cannot understand just through words, you need to participate in that system. That is my limitation, ok? I cannot explain you more."
It is clear that Rev. Jin Pal Chung is out to establish his system through leaders and implement his understanding of what it means to follow True Parents all over the Northeast continent so that everywhere his version of Cheon Il Guk will be established.
The next question was about how to make harmony between daily life and spiritual life in Blessed families. Instead of answering himself, Rev. Chung said: "Alyosha and Dima, I told you already. Yura, who understands?" So Yura spoke: "As I understand according to the explanations of our elder brother, first of all we have to become full-time members – like True Father. Father's spiritual and daily life have been one. There was no separation between his spiritual life and his daily life. That is the answer. I am sorry…"
Yura came up with the conclusion he had learned from Rev. Chung: "When you want your spiritual life and your daily life to be united then become full-time member." Having heard that Rev. Chung praised him: "Yura, good answer."
When Jin Pal asked, "Is that answer enough for you?" the brother said that he understood that all have to leave their work and become a full-time member in the church, adding, "That applies not only to leaders, but to all members, without exception."
The question was asked: "Who are full-time members?" and the answer was given: "Those who live according to the Principle and follow the path of True Parents."
Rev. Chung called again Yura to explain the right answer, telling him: "I explained you yesterday; your answer is right according to the textbook. Look at True Parents and live like them. That is the perfect answer. Nobody will doubt that vertical answer. But you wanted me to give you a more substantial horizontal answer."
Yura explained: "From the standpoint of our elder brother Rev. Chung we are now in the realm before formation stage. Don't misunderstand me, the original ideal is that all people are full-time members. Who are full-time members? Those who practice the Principle and follow the path of True Parents. Therefore we have to establish such a world where all our brothers and sisters, all our children and grandchildren, live and work fully dedicated to God's ideal of creation. I know that many of us have their work, their business, serving God's providence to a certain extent, maybe 10%. That means that the greater part of my energy and time serves somebody else, the businessmen for whom we are working, etc. But it does not serve God's providence. Therefore our goal is to establish such a Movement, such a culture and such an organization where we live on the internal as well as external level for God's providence. For that purpose we need time and it will be good if you support that goal in your prayers."
Jin Pal Chung said, "Enough?" The brother asking the question noted: "I understood from the explanations that all of us sitting here are full-time members, only that one person contributes 50%, another 30% and the third person 10%." Rev. Chung responded that this is not correct, that this person should listen more carefully: "Don't live in your own world."
At that point Rev. Chung called one sister and asked: "Please bring me water and tissue." Then he asked Yura to explain more. So Yura said: "We cannot be 10% full-time member. Full-time members are 100% full-time members. Other members are part-time members from the standpoint of the textbook, and also from the point of view of the original ideal."
One sister asked for clarification, because she sees that in Korea there is not such an emphasis on full-time members: "They are working, paying their tithing, helping with campaigns etc. How does this relate to our situation here in Russia?"
Jin Pal Chung explained: "We have different things. The ideal system, and Russia system, Korea system... We say True Father and the Principle is ideal textbook and our goal is to get there. Korean system is not perfect. You should not compare your situation with that system. Your goal must be to go beyond that system. That is why I am telling you all the time that I grew up in that church system, Second Generation received education in that system, and how many remain? Less than one hundred, and not even 10 of the 20.000 Second Generation are church leaders. So you should go beyond that system and then you will give your children the right education."
Rev. Chung called for the person who is responsible for the Second Generation and emphasized that he wants Russian members to do better than the Korean families: "My desire is to make the Second Generation of Russia better than the Second Generation of Korea. Only looking for True Father's system. I don't like anybody, only True Parents. But at the same time research our elders' system, their good side. At the same time, their bad things need to throw away, and make better than they."
At that point Rev. Chung emphasized: "I am substantial guy." What his translator put in Russian as "I am a practical person." And he explained that the Korea is looking now for the better way, adding: "We are also doing here, ok, all understand?"
One brother asked for clarification concerning the understanding that a system should be established where everybody is working in some church business. Rev. Chung explained shortly about the situation in Korea that Father had established good businesses but the leaders made mistakes so that they went down. "True Father told the early members, 'If you follow me, your children will become princes and princesses.' But I cannot live like this because my Mom and Dad's failure. True Father showed my family but they did not follow. That is the problem. Father did what he said but we did not fulfill our responsibility. That is our Movement in Korea."
Jin Pal Chung says that his parents failed and therefore he cannot live as prince. For that reason he wants to establish now the right way so that he can be the prince. That is very obvious from all the goals he is pursuing.
Jin Pal continued to explain that the original meaning of being a full-time member is to be fully dedicated to grow our organization, like the Jews. "We are Cheon Il Guk membership, we are multitask. Your understanding of full-time refers only to the religious realm but it should include business. Our elder members did not do as Father had been teaching them. I do not want to do like them, therefore I am suggesting a totally different way. You need to throw away your own idea now. You need to understand what was done until the early members failed. That is what I want to establish here. Do you understand?"
Rev. Chung asked: "Enough now? Question answered." When one person wanted more clarification he asked: "Didn't I explain enough?" The sister asked: "As much as I understand, we are building now the economic system for the Kingdom of Heaven. Who will be the owner of these businesses, some individuals or the church? Who will be the owner of these organizations in which all members should work?"
When the translator clarified for Rev. Chung that the question is about ownership he said: "Not only business. Who is owner in democracy? It can be share market, stock market. All of you will become owner. Jewish same. Ok? Simply I want to share one more time: You need to change your concept about our Movement, our faith. You need to make your thinking 'multi-mind'. Especially in Korea, we do not separate the spiritual and physical. But you in the West have a different culture. You separate these two realms. More details later. You will hear from elders because I share with them. Later they share with you about my 21 year plan. Don't expect from me to get everything. I don't have this much energy power. I will share with you step by step. Ok? Enough now."
From these explanations it is crystal clear what Rev. Jin Pal Chung intends to do: To establish his version of Cheon Il Guk where his ideas and plans will be implemented, which the members will learn through their leaders. It is a system of absolutism with him at the center. He thinks that he knows better than all the other leaders and therefore everybody has to listen to him and follow his directions.
The decisive question is therefore: Do we want Jin Pal Chung's version of Cheon Il Guk which is centred on him instead of God? He uses the word God but when it comes down to it, we can check in detail whether he is an absolutely God-centred person or not.