The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
The next question was about Rev. Jin Pal Chung's wife, whether she was happy about his mission, how much he shares with her etc. First he said he will not answer because the person who had asked had left the room but when she returned he shared a few general things about his matching and Blessing and characteristics of his wife.
Then he addressed the question: "How to develop Tribal Messiahship and its role in the providence now?": "Tribal Messiahs are two ways. Vertical tribe and horizontal tribe. So, vertical tribe meaning: Blessing family. This is vertical tribe. You must feel each other your true relatives. You feel like this? Not so much. Not ideal.
When I answer I do not give textbook answer – in respect to textbook answers I know more than you, don't I? So don't ask me to give you textbook answer. My question to you is a practical question. You feel each other, Blessing family, as true relatives or not? People not so much. You do not even know how to build a love relationship with close relatives. You can say we are good friends but real content does not exist. Don't misunderstand me, but you do not know how to have a close relationship to your relatives. If you do not have vertical tribal relationships how can you build a relationship with horizontal relatives. Impossible. You can't solve that problem. Only on the level of theory, but not practically. That is the key problem.
Do you understand what I am talking about? First you must make tribal relationship, each of you, feel, not just theory, feel you receive love, real love. That is completely different from your understanding until now. So if you want to fulfill tribal messiah, not just speech, when you practically want to feel, you must make first step, each of you, true relationship of love, otherwise you can't give your love to your relatives. Do you understand what I mean? Enough! Yes?"
The translator noted, "But that is vertical." Rev. Chung explained: "Yes vertical, and at same time, horizontal… Oh, now I understand. Everybody understand? That is the original tribal messiah. You need to understand what is vertical and what is horizontal. What exists horizontally exists also on the vertical level. Don't separate. Who separated them? You yourselves separated them in your concepts. God and True Parents do not separate they teach us not to separate vertical and the horizontal, but we separate them. So change. Understand?"
One person asked: "So for Korea and Japan the time for Tribal Messiahship has come but not for us?" Rev. Chung answered: "Korea is the same. Korea also problem. They did not build ideal relationships. Korea is also problem. I don't say Korea is perfect. They also do not have close relationships, sometimes they hate each other and fight. Of course not everybody. Many, many different. Generally, they do not have a vertical tradition of love in Korea but they want to do this. That is their idea, but the practical deeds are not yet there. Because their age old already. Big problem. I don't want to accuse, right? Korea is my nation. When I tell you negative points about Korea it is because I want to educate you not to make mistakes like them. This way I share with you about their problems. They are my relatives… Am I that stupid guy. I am that much crazy guy that has problems or not? Looks mental I am not problem, not?"
Then Rev. Chung affirmed that only True Parents are the example, adding: "Don't say any more, 'That is our Russian culture.' Understand?"
The situation is very clear: Jin Pal Chung says that we must follow the example of True Parents but at the same time he claims that all the others failed to do so, starting with Korea, and therefore he is offering now the right way how things should be done because he understands better than any other member of the First and Second Generation.
The next question: "What is your advice for the lifestyle of Blessed couples to build a good relationship between husband and wife?" Rev. Chung responded: "Exactly, case by case, different situation I need to answer. Because this is a too much general question I want to answer generally. Ok. This way you can resolve: Husband and wife – all kinds of problems come out because he wants to prove his opinion and she wants to prove her opinion. So you must make rule: Divine Principle. We do not need to proof each other. We need to follow the path which is closer to the Divine Principle. We must make this the family constitution and rule. When you practice this then you will solve family problems."
One sister commented: "We are rather intellectual people and there are different levels of understanding of the Principle and what it means to act in line with the Divine Principle. To center on the Principle alone is not enough because our understanding of the Divine Principle may be different." Rev. Chung's answer: "You need to practice. When you practice you understand what I mean. Practice. Ok? Now you need to practice, as much as you can, do it. Later come to me again. You need to communicate with leadership. Do you understand? Ok?"
I am not impressed by the answer from Rev. Chung. He does not even mention the word Love in his explanation concerning the question how to build a good relationship between husband and wife! His answer is about the Principle and in the end about asking leaders who will tell you what to do. Such a level of understanding is far from what is needed on order to qualified to lead millions of people into Cheon Il Guk as bloc leader, a position to which Jin Pal was appointed by his elder brother Jin Hwa.
The question: "Can you explain more about what your elder brother suggested, the unified thinking?" was addressed next. Rev. Chung responded: "You don't understand what we say in Korean… You need to understand public mind. But I think because you have a communist history, your government misuse you about public mind. You do not believe any more in public mind. No choice. You must believe one more. You don't want to believe but you must believe. That is solution. Ok? Understand?"
One brother noted: "In the Ukraine they have their 21 year plan. Rev. Jin Hwa Chung wants that we have one idea in order to come to have this common mind." To which Jin Pal responded, "True, true. That means you already got it. Russia already got it. Discuss with your leadership. They will guide you." That means, the elder brother, continental leader, and the younger brother, bloc leader over Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Moldova and Georgia, are united in establishing the one thought system on the Northeast continent. The regional leader fully supports the version of Cheon Il Guk which Rev. Jin Pal Chung wants to see realized based on his understanding of how things should be managed centred on him.
The present situation may be compared with what happened in history. Christianity failed to support the poor people which led to the rise of communism bringing tyranny to hundreds of millions of people. Because the problem of communism was not overcome but got stuck with the Korean War, it became manifested as a personalized ideal in North Korea centred on Kim Il Sung and his dynasty.
A similar situation applies to what has become a reality on the Northeast continent. The ideology of communism was not overcome in our own Movement in that part of the world due to the failure of the foreign missionaries whom Father called from 120 nations to Russia in 1992 in order to establish the Heavenly tradition. Their collective failure has finally led to today's reality of a personality cult centred on the Chung family being established in the Ukraine and being now expanded to other countries of the former Soviet Union.
That is a very serious issue because just like the people of North Korea are told to believe that their country is the best, paradise on earth, our brothers and sisters in the Ukraine have been educated to think that their system is the best, better than any other, and the world has to learn from them how to build Cheon Il Guk.
As I quoted, Rev. Chung tells Russian members that they have to throw away all their previous concepts and he asks them to unite with his plan of how to establish Cheon Il Guk through their leaders. A clear personality centred system is being established where there is no freedom for people who do not agree with the system. That fact is clearly proven in the way Rev. Chung asked that Nikolaus Beutl and Einari Peura to be treated when we came to the Peace embassy in Riga – to be thrown out never to be allowed to return again.
The brother who asked the question "How to unite Ukraine and Russia?" noted: "Twenty years ago we lived in one nation and spoke the same language. But now we are separated as countries and also in the Unification Church. We have a different understanding and most of the time we have a negative attitude towards each other."
Rev. Chung responded: "No, Ukraine don't have negative attitude. We have 'disconnected' attitude. In respect to following Divine Principle the problem of different understanding exists. Concerning the political situation, don't ask me this kind of question."
The brother clarified, "I was referring to the internal relationship in our Movement." To which Rev. Chung repeated: "I told you, we don't have negative attitude to Russia. I have your mistakes in mind and want to help you to understand Divine Principle. If I had negative attitude I don't want to come here. I am your elder brother. That is a difficult work and I would not want to do it if I had a negative attitude. There exists a problem and I want to help to solve it. Of course, among the Ukrainian membership, there are those with a negative attitude but I don't care. That is their personal level and I cannot do something about that. That does not bother me. But on the whole in the Ukraine there is no negative attitude. Ok? Finish? You understand?"
In response to the question: "Do you know of examples of trinities, of three Blessed families living together successfully in some countries?" Rev. Chung asked: "What does it mean successful?" Then he inquired about the person who asked that question. But he was not in the room so he stated that this question will not be answered.
To the person who asked the question: "Can you tell us your secret for your victory of unity between your mind and body?" Rev. Chung responded: "Ha, ha. Do you think I have my mind and body united? I have the same problems like you. I also don't know anything. I am not a high leader, I am the same like you. I have no secrets. You are there, and I am here in the leader position not because of my ability. God put me here."
That is the completely unprincipled understanding of what leadership means: Rev. Chung thinks that because his brother gave him the position of bloc leader it was God who has put him there and he can rule over others who have to obey him. The same thinking is inherited by the leaders under him and a centralized system is firmly established in which the leaders think they represent God and what they do is God's Will. In this way we have firmly re-established what our Heavenly Parent has painstakingly tried to remove through the Reformation, the absolute power structure of church leaders.
As Rev. Chung himself says, he is not better than other members. He should fulfill his position as servant for all but instead he rules over brothers and sisters, telling them to throw away their thinking and to make his understanding their own. Even though he should fulfill the role of an unfallen archangel he is repeating what Lucifer did in front of Adam and Eve, asking members to unite with his way instead of connecting them more closely with God.