The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
You may be surprised that I am speaking in detail about the behavior of Rev. Jin Pal Chung, but his view of the world is indeed relevant for our worldwide membership because his goal is our re- education, especially of the Second Generation, as he stated clearly.
He told Russian leaders in the meeting on May 22, 2013 that his final goal is not only that all over the Northeast continent but in the whole world his system will be established. He put it into these words: "One week already three times workshop, I hope you understand what I am talking now. Yes? No? Understand? We will build. People naturally witnessing by our result. Does not matter top or young. The top is going to learn. Top leadership coming, they inspired, they are going to learn.
Finally, True Mother will recognize, True Mother will say, 'Oh all Headquarters must come there, learning.' We are creating this system and later we want to offer to world. Based on our result. Based on True Mother recognize. That is my desire with my brother [Jin Hwa Chung, continental director], beginning from our Movement in Ukraine. This is my goal. I apply the same concept in Russia as in Ukraine.
I am thinking of the world, practically we are going to build restored world. This is my plan. You join with me this kind of plan? Practically going to resemble True Father. Not just Russia, not just our continent, but for world, practically resemble Cheon Il Guk. This is my goal. All the time I told you. So you are going to do or not? Everybody, you must change your attitude. Ok? Again, again, you must make prayer condition, all the time that kind of talk you are giving to people, spiritually must create resolve.
That is first your mission, True Love. All the time I told you. What does it mean? We received love from True Parents. Then our mission is to express. That is our major job, True Love express. How are we going to express? Way of True Love express, this is through Principle life. Ok? So without Principle you can't express True Love. So continuous study again, continuously looking for True Father. That way we are going to do everything.
This is Peace army and Peace police. I told you why True Father proclaimed in a former communist country Peace army and Peace police. This way he wants to see Second Generation nation for world peace. This is your continental life. Don't think just nation anymore. Ok? Understand? [Name of one person] Understand? Change your mind! Not just simply Russia. Peace army and Peace police meaning. We are people who offer to True Father and True Mother. Then what? Other nations, other continents, Other nations more elder than us. Meaning what? We are going to educate their children. We are going to educate their nations… Understand?"
Jin Pal Chung is determined to re-educate the first and Second Generation. For this reason it is indeed relevant what he is doing now on the Northeast continent after having established his version of Cheon Il Guk in the Ukraine during the past one and a half decades. If we are wise then we will have a close look at what he is doing.
What is the internal reason for True Father proclaiming the Peace police and Peace army in the Ukraine? It is in that nation where these organizations are needed first of all because in that country a false pseudo-version of Cheon Il Guk has taken roots and is expanding now from there to Russia.
One thousand years ago Christianity spread from the Ukraine to Russia and now, one millennia later, the Ukrainian version of Cheon Il Guk [centered on Jin Pal Chung] is being brought to our Russian brothers and sisters. Some are still suspicious, but many have already given in to the new ruler, bloc leader Rev. Chung, and are eager to follow his plans.
Why? Because he told them many nice things, like: "What True Father say I want to fulfill. That is my desire…"
Of course his new message is also challenging: "Change your attitude. Don't say Russia anymore. Everything my life, your life connected with True Father life, Cheon Il Guk building, substantial building. Practically, substantially. Totally change your understanding! Everybody understand? Totally change! Our new leadership, means we are one with this kind of mind. We are the Second Generation.
We are Second Generation. So we want to fulfill God's Will, especially with Women Federation. We have good potential…. You must be thinking all the time continental level. Change your goal, change your mind, change your mission! Don't say any more, 'We in Russia must build.' You are Cheon Il Guk membership, not Russian membership."
Approaching different members he shouted: "You understand? Understand this guy? Yes? No? Yes? Ok. Really we must make work. Ok, from that time on we have that kind of clear plan, result. Don't advertise any continent, any people. Humbly you make result and then naturally we will have their nation's Second Generation, Korea Second Generation too. Korea Second Generation we want to have. They will receive education too, if you fulfill. Change! Understand? Ok? If you create this way, practically your children will work with you, naturally. They will belong to God. If you work outside your lifestyle belongs to Satan. Do you understand? I told you, parents must create children. That is your responsibility, education.
God created environment for Adam and Eve first. That is parents' original mission… Now together you are the uncle, aunt, together with your children. You must worry about all kinds of Blessing family situation. So each other you must care Blessing family situation. You need culture change. Ok?
Jin Pal Chung tells Russian members that if they have an outside job then their lifestyle belongs to Satan. Therefore they should give up their job, become full-time members, and eventually join the businesses he is establishing on the Russian territory with the money our members are raising there -- in the coming years.
Everything is well planned. Brothers and sisters should not use the internet and not connect too much with people outside of the Northeast continent so that Rev. Chung can quietly but firmly establish his organization of faithful followers who are absolutely obedient and submissive to him.
The business 'empire' he is planning to build is separated from the church. He used the money which Ukrainian brothers and sisters raised for the fulfilment of God's Will in order to build his company in that country where now 250 people are working! Now he is asking the Russian leaders to raise money which he will use to expand his company to their country.
Rev. Chung's understanding of how to build up business: "We build a new system… hopefully 20 years later some business group will come out. Of course, in Ukraine we are doing. Later on in Belarus, Moldova,… all other nations on our continent they will do. And finally what? Continental level business foundation come out." That is his plan how to control all business activities in the Northeast region as he is doing already in the Ukraine.
Rev. Chung declared: "That way we are going to create. That will not belong to the church. Of course, internally, spiritually belong to church, but not simply any leadership can come and destroy. I don't want to see. So specially separated in this point. Don't worry, I am not stupid So I need to avoid this kind of mistake, especially financial area, understand?"
I know that Jin Pal Chung is not stupid, that he has a clear plan how to get hold of all the financial foundation that is being built up by brothers and sisters so that he can become the sole ruler of the Northeast continent – with him controlling everything and nobody from the side of the church can interfere!
He has established such a model already in the Ukraine during the past one and a half decades. He worked separately from the Moscow Headquarters. Jin Pal Chung spoke of a "disconnected relationship" with Russia. But meanwhile he is on the way of expanding his version of the Kingdom to the whole continent wisely so that the World Mission Headquarters can never interfere in the financial empire he is building centered on himself, misusing brothers and sisters trust and deceiving them, hiding his actual goals behind nice words.
And what is our worldwide membership doing in the given situation? Aren't we collectively responsible to act when we see the grave misuse of public money in the name of True Parents in our own Movement?
In a meeting with Russian member on May 23, 2013 Rev. Chung told brothers and sisters: "In Korea we have already that kind of organization. What about other nations? It is less. Therefore there remains less. If you don't change, all your 600 Second Generation will go to the side of Satan. They will not keep purity. They will hate our faith, because of you. I am Second Generation. I grow like this way. I communicate with all Second Generation. I teach the Second Generation in the whole world. Be careful. Change!
What do you need to change first of all church concept. Our Movement is not what God wants. The church is centralized. Don't misunderstand. Understand? Then we will build business and we will build NGO. In this way we bring our children as much as we can. The bigger our NGOs the more Second Generation will work in our organizations. Then there is a way to become true parents and true children. Understand?
In our company in the Ukraine we have 250 workers. Nearly half of the 600 Second Generation could already work there. We are younger than you, smaller than you in terms of the number of members in Ukraine. So change! That is the original formula that True Father wanted to establish in our Movement. We have to help each other. We can do like that or not. Will you do it or not? Who will take responsibility? You or I? Not we, but I. You have to say that this is my responsibility. Then us. First you must take responsibility. First each one of you must take responsibility and then we. That is the right attitude of an owner. That is Tribal Messiah mission practically.
If you fulfill your responsibility your children will work there. If your children will earn 10.000 dollars a month your relatives will naturally follow you. That way you will develop your Tribal Messiah mission more quickly, more practically. If you don't do this, who will listen to you? They will think you are a sect. That is absolutely different. Yes? No? That is real Tribal Messiah work."
This is the understanding of Jin Pal Chung as to how to fulfill the task of Tribal Messiahship: Work hard to build up a business so that the children can earn much money in that company and then the relatives will be impressed what a good income the children have and naturally express the desire to follow their path.
That would be restoration through money, which will surely not work. Unfortunately Jin Pal Chung does not realize that fact. Therefore he is pushing brothers and sisters to work hard, telling them: "I am practical guy. Not idealistic guy."
Are we just spiritual people or are we capable of practically stopping evil in our midst?
Sincerely yours,