The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
In the public discussion concerning the relationship with God between the former underground missionary to Russia and Rev. Jin Pal Chung the bloc leader admitted that sometimes he hated members and he hated the church and also True Father.
He mentioned the period when Blessed wives were mobilized for three years at the beginning of the nineteen seventies which was so hard for him because his mother cared for others more than for him, and he added that for this reason many of the Second Generation left our church.
One person asked: "When we are praying, we are addressing Heavenly Father; that means we are actually not addressing Heavenly Parent directly?" Rev. Chung answered: "No, not directly, through the angel."
That sister explained: "It happens, I want to start praying and all of a sudden tears come out. Is that also through an angel?" Jin Pal responded: "Yes, yes! So you see, you really need to study Principle seriously."
Who is the one who failed to study the Divine Principle seriously? It is Rev. Chung who claims that no direct relationship with God is possible for anybody except for Adam, Jesus and True Father. He did not even mention Eve - as if she did not have a direct relationship with God before the Fall but only Adam! And then True Mother suddenly turned into God after he had declared that she cannot have a direct relationship with our Heavenly Parent but only through Father!
The tragedy of the situation is that many brothers and sisters are now confused and some of them really believe that they are only communicating with an angel when they are praying! It is so very sad that a person like Jin Pal Chung who did not even understand the essence of the Divine Principle is allowed to rule over our brothers and sisters on the Northeast continent and establish his pseudo version of Cheon Il Guk there - where no direct relationship of the individual with God is possible.
Rev. Chung remained in the Old Testament era where God reached out to man through an angel. Jin Pal did not even enter the realm of the New Testament where a personal relationship with God was opened up by Jesus Christ for every person who unites with Jesus' teaching of loving your enemy.
What did he do when he heard that Einari and I are in the peace embassy of Riga? He told the national leader to throw us out because in Jin Pal's heart the concept of loving your enemy does not exist. Of course, Einari and I are not his enemies but we are helping him to become liberated from the prison of living in a realm far below the New Testament era which was opened up 2000 years ago.
At that point of the afternoon meeting on May 19, 2013 Rev. Chung spoke about the relationship between God, man, the archangel and all things, asking: "All things, how they go to God? They cannot go directly. For example, an apple cannot come to God directly. Through me he comes to God. That is the structure of love, the structure of the Principle. Understand well: If you eat, then things come to God. That is the structure of love and Principle. If you want to receive love directly, that is the motivation of the Fall, wanting to have things for yourself.
Now recognize yourself. When you put yourself into the center and do not look at things from God's standpoint. Listen to what I am saying!"
Unfortunately, it seems that Rev. Chung is not capable of doing what he asks of others - recognize yourself. He does what he says that others should not do by putting himself and his false concepts in to the center. He does not realize that he still lives in some Old Testament realm understanding of God and the world with angels above man.
Therefore one brother asked: "Does it mean that angels are higher than human beings?" Rev. Chung answered: "Yes, yes, before we fulfill. When we are growing up, in the realm of indirect dominion the archangel is better than us in communication with God. After we fulfill we come closer to God. But the archangel Lucifer did not want to receive Love through Adam and Eve. The Archangel is a spiritual being, I am your elder brother!"
When the question was asked by one brother: "In other words, when we reach perfection, we will be able to communicate with God?" Rev. Chung got angry and said: "I told you! Really this is how difficult you are! Whether you fulfilled or not you will understand your parent's mind. Don't think whether you are fulfilling or not. Why do you compare yourself with the archangel? He is not part of our family?"
The brother responded: "But Father said that Lucifer is our brother." Rev. Chung's answer: "That is another topic. Father actually said he is our uncle. If you want to understand deeply you have to study Korean. I told you, we really need to study Korean."
Now, who is to blame? The brother who quoted Father wrongly because he received a wrong translation or the Korean publication department which has not been providing a correct translation of Father's speeches even in official publications, as the present leader of that department recently revealed! It is easy to say for that Korean brother that everybody should learn Korean when Jin Pal himself speaks so very poorly English even after 15 years of working in a Western nation. Many times he does not even say complete sentences. When he speaks he is often more shouting than talking.
Rev. Chung continued with some explanations where he told members again: "Don't think that you can receive unconditional love." One person wanted to ask a question about this topic but Jin Pal did not give permission.
In the end Jin Pal Chung allowed for one more question to be asked. So one brother wanted to know: "When we pray, why then do we address Heavenly Parent, why do we not pray to True Father?" Rev. Chung responded: "We pray both, Heavenly Parent and True Parents, both we are using. First we say, Heavenly Parent and then True Parents."
It has been clarified long ago by top church leaders that we are not praying to True Parents - but that fact did not reach Jin Pal Chung as he is not listening to others and thinks he knows everything best. So he continues to spread his heresy on the Northeast continent and unfortunately nobody stops him even though Father had stated 30 years ago on Children's Day: "Do not pay attention to anyone, including leaders, who do not obey me; those who don't listen to me but insist on doing things their own way should be kicked out. Even if they are Korean or Japanese leaders, it doesn't matter. The precious leaders are those who are following God's will."
Is Rev. Jin Pal Chung following God's Will? I have shown in his own words that he does not even understand fundamental contents of the Divine Principle, that he is leading people in the wrong way. But the solution is not to kick him out and to place another leader in front of our member on the Northeast continent but to realize that we all are not obeying True Father when we are still following leaders even though Father had asked us directly not to follow any leader or leader's family on March 1, 1992 when he spoke about the theme "The responsibility of authority of the Unification Family":
"Those who are Blessed couples, please stand up. Do you think that my intent was to bring all your families to the same level as my own? Or do you think I wanted to stay at a higher level and keep all of you at a lower level? Did I do that? Think about it. You all know what level your own family is standing on. You know best whether you are providing a condition to glorify the name of Blessed couples or disdain the name of Blessed couples. Father is now saying, don't follow any leader or any leader's family. Do you understand? You have to repent. That is the only way to get back."
We are still a leader-centered Movement contrary to God's Will and therefore Satan can easily invade and destroy our Movement from within through leaders like Rev. Jin Pal Chung who are propagating a pseudo-ideal which sounds like Cheon Il Guk but is in reality a Kingdom without True Love and without people receiving God's Love but only the love of the servant by fulfilling their duties and working hard to earn some love from the servant.
What we should actually be doing is for example expressed on page 823 of Cheon Seong Gyeong where we can read Father's words: "You did not know that the conscience was your second God, the central aspect of your existence. You have to attend it more than you attend God. Attend your conscience more than you would the founders of religions, even Jesus. Then you can attain a position higher than that of believing in Jesus.
Do not believe in me, the founder of the Unification Church. If you accept my teaching and become completely one with your conscience, you can go to heaven even without following me."
From these words we can unmistakably realize that the point is not even to follow True Father because we can enter Heaven if we become one with the teaching and not when we follow a person. The issue is to embody God's Word and to reach oneness with the Heart of God through the practice of True Love which was shown to us through Jesus and in the highest form through our True Parents.
That clear understanding is also expressed in what Father said during Hoon Dok Hae on March 2, 2003 at the Sheraton National Hotel in Arlington, Virginia: "You are not in the Unification Church to follow Rev. Moon but to become better than Father and unify everything. That is the meaning of Tong Il. Unification."
How many of us are aware of these words which were spoken one decade ago, telling us that we should become better that our True Parents and bring about true Unification and not cling to a church but excel in doing God's Will in line with what we have learned through Gods True Son and True Daughter.
We really need to move out of the servant's realm of obedience to leaders who are all in the position of teacher, an archangel position, and enter the direct dominion of God's Love which has been opened up through the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity.
Father clarified on Children's Day 1983: "It was God's design for the archangel to take the position of teacher to the growing Adam and Eve even though he was ultimately in the servant's position... From the Divine Principle point of view, the Korean elders are in the position of unfallen archangel in the Garden of Eden and you are in the position of Adam and Eve. Their primary purpose is to teach God's tradition to you."
Korean elders, including the Chung brothers, have failed to teach the true heavenly tradition. As a consequence our Movement declined and became divided. Only repentance will bring us back to God's side, when we stop living under the false dominion of leaders and unite with the Living God and allow our Heavenly Parent to guide each one of us directly.