The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
Rev. Chung shared an important point: "We were learning from True Father. He did not tell us, 'Follow me.' When he gave us direct education he told us: 'Don't follow me, follow the Principle.' True Father himself told us in these words. Father emphasized the importance of the Principle so much."
It is indeed decisive that all members understand that central point of Father's teaching. The issue is not to follow True Father but to walk the path of the Principle in line with God's Will, the course of restoration based on the practice of True Love on every level.
Rev. Jin Pal Chung understands this point, that he should follow the Principle but it does not help much in the given situation because he has such wrong concepts of what the Divine Principle teaches. He thinks that he is following the Principle while in reality he is very far from doing so as I am showing in this reflection series based on his understanding and his behavior.
Rev Chung continued to explain: "In the light of the Divine Principle Father also recognized the mistakes which he made. But all our leaders did not do it. Therefore this kind of conflict. You have to tell your children openly: 'I have this kind of problem. Together with you I want to follow the way of the Principle and True Love and True Father.' We must establish this kind of culture, in our organization, in our church, especially the leaders.
All must be connected. The public organization and your personal life, has to be the same. If you separate them then you will surely have problems. So personally you establish that kind of culture in your family and also the church activities have to be developed in this way. The children will understand: 'Yes, my parents have problems but that does not matter. Together we will solve them.'"
Rev. Jin Pal Chung tells brothers and sisters that the church leaders have not been doing what Father has told them, they did not check their life in the light of the Divine Principle and therefore many problems arose. Now he comes with the right way and therefore everybody should work together with him in following the way of the Principle – as he understands it. I have already been pointing out many grave errors in Rev. Chung's view of the world, in the way he understands the Principle. It is absolutely clear that his method and system creates a pseudo-version of Cheon Il Guk, a world that is centered on him and on his way of interpreting the Principle.
Jin Pal asked: "How did you join? Your Abel usually told you: 'You have to keep your mouth shut and follow me.' That is the problem. Do not stick to your own thoughts any more. Follow the Principle. Don't use your position… You have to humbly follow the Principle."
At that point Rev. Chung called out the name of one of the top Russian leaders and asked whether or not he understands this point. That brother responded: "I understand you Rev. Chung." Jin Pal continued: "So change. I am also not perfect, I also make mistakes. But I am ready to change together with you. Do you understand?"
Jin Pal Chung pretends that he is humble to learn from others but his real attitude can be seen in the way he treats others who have questions for him. He did not allow any more questions to be asked in respect to certain issues connected with his false teachings in that and other meetings because he knows that he cannot win over the arguments of others.
In that meeting one brother asked: "Can we tell you when we think that you make a mistake?" Rev. Chung answered: "Yes, you can. Many did already. So don't worry. But it has to be done with the right attitude." The brother noted: "You should not say, 'Don't worry about my mistakes.'" Through the reaction of Rev. Chung you can understand how he thinks about himself: "I gave you already everything. I did my 95% responsibility. That does not bother me. If I would be worried about this point I would go against the Principle. Everybody has his portion of responsibility. If I would worry it would be a grave mistake against the Principle…"
From such an answer it is clear that he sees himself in the position of God who has already fulfilled the 95% of giving the commandment, telling members what to do and now it is their responsibility to respond by absolutely obeying him. Again and again Rev. Chung said that brothers and sisters do not understand the Principle in the right way and he emphasized: "Get rid of your concepts. We have to establish another system and culture."
One of the questions asked in the May 19, 2013 meeting was: "Is communism or democracy closer to the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven?" Rev. Chung's answer: "Both are close to the Kingdom of Heaven. They are like the two sides of a coin. Both are precious for God's Will." He even asked for a coin to be given to him and made a demonstration… Maybe the brother was also speechless like me to hear such an answer. He asked for some further explanations. But Rev. Chung refused to explain his viewpoint. He wants to hide the fact that he is establishing communism in our church, an ideal without God because he is the one who has put himself in God's position!
Such is the unspeakably terrible situation of our Movement on the Northeast continent and Unificationists are sleeping or closing their eyes, pretending that they do not see. I have been writing to top leaders of our church about the reality of what is going on and did not receive a single word of response! Complete irresponsibility on the side of our leadership is well established, and unfortunately our members around the world also do not care, showing that we have become a dead Movement which has become apathetic towards the truth and the fulfillment of God's Will.
One sister spoke in that meeting about the reality that there are many discussions going in the internet about Rev. Chung and it would be good that if these people could come and ask their questions directly to him.
When one brother came back to the question which Rev. Chung did not answer before in respect to successful trinities, of Blessed families working together, Jin Pal responded with two words: "Exist. Ok." And asked for other questions! It is ever so clear that he is the absolute ruler who decides which questions he answers and which not. The brother had asked for examples of successful cooperation from which we can learn and Rev. Chung responded basically with one word: "(They) exist." That is his understanding of the culture of Heart and the ideal of True Love, where the top leaders decide everything including what is God's Will, which questions are allowed to be asked and which are answered, etc.
One brother asked Rev. Chung, "What is the vision for 2020 in the case of Russia in line with True Mother's words?" because one member had asked him and he could not tell that person. Jin Pal's answer: "A little waiting. We will tell you." Now, when did True Mother ask each nation to make a plan for 2020? Months ago. And still there is no plan for Russia! That is the exemplary leadership of Rev. Chung.
Rev. Chung added: "These days I am meeting with your leaders about Vision 2020. They are working for you on this topic. Just have more patience." In other words, he needs more time to get the leaders to agree with his plans and to convince them of his system so that they can then tell members what they have to do. The plans are not made by all Blessed families as Tribal Messiahs contributing but everything is decided by the top leadership and members have to follow what they are told. That is the Old Testament culture which is firmly established in our church in the Northeast region where Jin Pal Chung proclaims that he has established a pattern of Cheon Il Guk in the Ukraine which other nations should follow. Now he is expanding that pseudo-ideal to Russia.
One brother wanted to have further clarification concerning the relationship with God, whether he is relating now to God through the angel or through True Parents. Rev. Chung's answer: "You are having give and take with True Parents. Hey, True Parents are God's body. Why do you separate God and True Parents? How can you separate spirit and body? That is impossible! They are God's body."
At that point Rev. Chung began to shout loudly: "How can I only communicate with your mind, and run away from your body? Only your mind? Impossible! I ask my father. Impossible! I ask my children. Impossible!"
These are the words of somebody who seems to be spiritually dead, who does not know that a human being has a spirit and you can communicate directly with the spirit of another person. Because he does not even understand the most simple concepts of the Divine Principle Rev. Chung uses emotional force to dominate brothers and sisters by shouting loudly at them, repeating especially the word, "Understand?" again and again with such a force that one has no more desire to ask any further questions.
You could read in the letter signed by more than 30 brothers and sisters about Jin Pal Chung's impossible behavior of hurting many members, while at the same time there are those who give in to the pressure he exerts and just follow him blindly.
For Rev. Chung it is no problem that he contradicts his own words. An hour earlier he had explained that all people can only relate to God through the archangel because we cannot communicate directly with him until they have reached perfection and suddenly he says that we are communicating to God through True Father who is the substantial God, which means that we are relating with God directly because God's Spirit and His body, True Parents, are one.
Then Rev. Chung noted: "Why do you ask such questions? I told you because of your culture. For thousands of years you in the West separated spirit and body. In our Korean culture, in the Divine Principle they are one. Look at True Father and True Mother. They are God's body. God and they are one like mind and body. Don't think in any other way. Make this oriental thinking your own.
If you want to relate to God, He comes to you through True Parents' face, through True Father's face. That is God. True Father is now in spirit world. When True Father comes to you in your dream, that is God. Don't separate any more God's body and True Father's body. God cannot come to you in the form of some light or something else, but only in the form of True Father. Otherwise it is an angel."
The missionary who originally inquired into this topic asked Rev. Chung why he is contradicting himself -- as I just pointed out here. Jin Pal answered: "That was before. Now it is different because Father fulfilled. Now you do not need the angel any more. Only through Father's body. Sometimes Father can send an angel. That is all possible. Why not? For example True Father sent National Messiahs."
When one brother asked for further clarification of this so centrally important point of our relationship with God Rev. Chung responded: "No, no, enough. If you do not understand you need to study. All the time I am explaining to you and you do not understand. Enough now." When he was asked again for clarification Rev. Chung insisted: "Stop! Stop!"
In this way any clarification is impossible. Only Jin Pal Chung's opinion is allowed. He does not accept another view of the world and those who do not agree with him are silenced in one way or another. Is this the culture True Parents have asked us to establish?