The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
On May 20, 2013 Rev. Jin Pal Chung met with Russian leaders (from the three main cities) to speak about the financial situation, how much money is raised/received and how it is spent. In that meeting he emphasized again to the leaders that now the most important task is to get the members to think in the same way as they, so that there is only one way of thinking.
When leaders suggested to invest into business he told them that they should not do it now but wait and survive through fundraising – because he wants to establish the kind of businesses which he can fully control. Rev. Chung gave them the direction that from now through the next three years there must be stable teams of fundraisers in order to raise money as foundation for businesses. He told them that during these three years they should educate people who can work in the businesses which will be established but they themselves should not establish any business. He repeated that direction several times to make sure that all leaders understood this point well.
Rev. Chung asked about the age of one sister and then said that she and other leaders should work full-time until they are 35 years old. He gave them the goal that existing centers are responsible to open a new ones...
About the situation in the Ukraine he mentioned that there are church centers with around 7 people, some have home members, others not. In each city there are two or three families and a couple of full-time members. In average there are three or four full-time members in every city in the church center.
Rev. Chung gave directions how to use members, e.g., the 15 CARP members in one city should be used for FR – to raise funds for future businesses and for witnessing in three groups, together with home members. Each center has to put aside 10.000 dollar per year so that after 3 years 3 cities will have together about 100.000 dollars to start a business.
Because Rev. Chung told them to ignore their own thoughts about opening some business until then one brother asked: "Can we as owners develop our own business ideas? Because you have told us we should develop in three directions with one of them the area of business?" But Jin Pal emphasized that they are not allowed to do so during the coming 3 years but they should follow his directions.
And when the brother asked: "What will be after three years?" Rev. Chung answered: "We will see if you are qualified [If by then you will be absolutely obedient to me]. Maybe these 100.000 dollars I will invest in St. Petersburg or in another city…"
It is ever so obvious that there is no freedom for those who raise the money to decide anything about how it will be used. All decisions will be made by Jin Pal Chung because he is building his Kingdom for which he needs money which the leaders should raise for him. He is the sole authoritarian ruler who does not mind to use unprincipled methods in respect to how he deals with those who speak out against him.
Today, as I am writing these lines on June 26, 2013, I learned that the activities of Rev. Chung had been reported to Rev. Yang, the vice president of our worldwide Movement who said that there will be an investigation but the conclusion was that he will not be changed. That means Jin Pal Chung is free to continue to build his pseudo-version of Cheon Il Guk centered on himself with no freedom whatsoever even for leaders to decide about financial matters, about businesses because everything will be in his hands.
This is expressed in telling his members: "Then in seven years, we will have one very big business here like in the Ukraine. Don't think of your local business but for all of Russia. In three years we will see who works better and make further decisions."
Of course these further decisions will be also made by Jin Pal Chung just as it is he who tells all leaders what to do now. He thinks that he knows everything better than others and therefore it is him who should make all decisions.
When Rev. Chung told them that they should raise people who can do business one brother asked in that meeting: "How can we educate business leaders when we or they do not have experience in doing business." The response of Jin Pal was: "You need to study what I say and teach that to other people who can do business."
The brother continued, "If we have already such an experienced person in the area of business -- " immediately Rev. Chung asked: "Who, who is that person? Tell me."
When the brother asked, "Why do you think that we do not have an internal foundation?" Rev. Chung affirmed: "You don't have a foundation. So you need to prepare. If money comes to you and you are not prepared that is dangerous, it is like poison, not only for you but for your family. What does that mean? Some car accident may happen to your children…" At that point he shouted out loudly: "You are not qualified! Understand?"
One brother inquired: "If in our city we witness 10 new people in one year will they belong to our city?" Rev. Chung answered: "Five for you to open a new center and the other five will be sent to another place." Leaders work in their cities but above them is their bloc leader, Rev. Chung, who decides how full-time members are used etc. Is this the Providence of Tribal Messiahship about which True Mother has been talking? Is it really so difficult to see that Jin Pal Chung is establishing his own system no matter what True Mother says?
Rev. Chung warns leaders that if they do not fulfill the goals he gives to them they will have to pay indemnity, they will lose their position and be sent to some place. The leaders take it as they are used to obedience to the one above, but do we all really agree that we want a kingdom of absolute obedience to leaders instead of God's Kingdom of true freedom?
Again and again Rev. Chung reminds the leaders that the time has come to build one united kind of thinking – one way of thinking for all members – similar to the Juche ideology in North Korea for all Koreans. One person decides who all people have to think and what they have to do… And the worldwide membership is silent and sleeping -- until their freedom will also be taken away?
Towards the end of the meeting Rev. Chung told the leaders again that they have to find the way to put 10.000 dollars aside per year and he shouted: "Clear? Or not clear?"
Concerning the money raised by FR teams Rev. Chung decided that 40% should be used for the local/national level and 60% are to be given to the continental Headquarters -where he decides how the money will be used.
The Headquarters is in the servants position while in reality more money flows there into Rev. Chung's hands (he makes the main financial decisions) than what is used in the respective nations. In this way the tragic history exploitation is continuing in our church! All of this is happening in front of our eyes but nobody cares because it is the leaders' business. They share the profit with each other and protect each other and evil continue to blossom in our midst.
Changes which Rev. Chung wants to see implemented include the centralization on the spiritual level. Instead of a group of pastors who take turn in giving the Sunday sermon only one person, Alexei, should speak from now on in Moscow. When one sister asked for the reason for such a change because they had already built a foundation and that also other people should have the chance to practice giving Sunday service Rev. Chung answered: "The elder [top leader] first. Then one by one the others can learn."
Why does Jin Pal Chung use that strategy? Because he wants to re-educate all members starting from the top. If only one person gives the sermon he can concentrate on indoctrinating that person with his ideas of how Cheon Il Guk should look like. He tells the leaders that they are not qualified to be leaders so a new kind of leadership needs to be raised up. And that is what he is doing in a systematic way.
He even said: "How can we bring about the change? Everybody together? I do not have that ability. Therefore I focus on one leader, Alexei, to educate him. And then through him other leaders." Imagine, here we have a bloc leader, responsible for the restoration of 200 million people, who cannot even lead a group but only people one by one. And what kind of leadership is he offering to bring new life and a new tradition?
Rev. Jin Pal Chung could not guide a single person into rebirth during his whole life, he does not have even one spiritual child, and here he speaks big words about great changes which he wants to bring about for the sake of the whole nation and the world! Would it not be better if he joined a witnessing team and learns to truly love people and to witness to them instead of continuing his life-style as a king, ruling over others, demanding obedience from them to his directions without even having understood the essence of the Divine Principle?!
Jin Pal Chung speaks about the need to have life devotion because otherwise God cannot accept the offering which brothers and sisters are making – because Love has to be earned. It is not freely given from God.
He says big words, like, "Spiritual leadership means investing your life 24 hours a day, seven days a week, caring for people." But when it is his turn he is complaining already after one and a half hours that he does not have so much energy to speak, as he did one day earlier at the afternoon meeting in Moscow where brothers and sisters asked him questions.
There are those who are impressed by Rev. Jin Pal Chung because they are nice to him and he responds – but woe to those who do not agree with his ways and speak out against what he is doing wrong. Is there nobody who can help Rev. Chung to learn to truly love others instead of dominating them?
Rev. Chung asked leaders to classify their members into full-time (those who are in a witnessing team or work in church organizations) and home members who are evaluated into groups of A, B, C type... He set up the new rule that everybody who joins our Movement in Russia must first become a full-time member as he told the leaders!
When one person noted about the system Rev. Chung is establishing, "That means, in fact, we are creating our own sect?" the answer was, "Yeah! That's right!"
Tragically, we have come that far that in our Movement things are being practiced of which the outside world accused us of for many years. The situation cannot get any worse than what is happening on the Northeast continent. Is there anybody out there in our worldwide Movement who has the guts to challenge the false system which is expanded by a self-centered top leadership who does not take God seriously because otherwise they would open up their doors to allow others to inspect what they are actually doing? God works out on the open while evil tries to hide. That fact is clear for those who know the truth.