The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
In the meeting with Rev. Jin Pal Chung on May 20, 2013 one sister expressed her concern: "I never felt from True Father the attitude: I am leader here and you are second class."
Rev. Chung responded to that leader: "You and my elder brother [the regional president of the Northeast region], you are two different categories of people. Is that true or not? This is like a caste system from the standpoint of structure. You also respect positions. Who created that? True Father. Not I created."
He is blaming True Father for what he is not responsible at all because he has been telling the leaders in so many ways that they have to be the servant of all, to be the most sacrificial, the most loving and caring people in the whole community while in reality the leadership itself set up the caste system with more privileges the higher the position.
In this way a completely false interpretation of True Parents' teaching is used as justification for the self-centered purposes and agendas of those in leadership positions who are doing the opposite of what Father has told them to do. No wonder that Father had scolded them so many times so strongly but especially the Korean leaders have not repented until today and are therefore centrally responsible for the decline of our Movement.
When this sister wanted to explain Rev. Chung did not let her speak but cut her word and said: "… We need that structure, otherwise there will be chaos." That is the primitive understanding of relationships of a bloc leader in our church, responsible for more than 200 million people. He thinks without putting people into boxes, creating a caste system with people at the top with certain privileges down to those about whom he does not care at all because they are not capable, there will be chaos in our church!
I am sorry having to tell you, but I feel sick to see such a reality and to know that there are so many leaders and members in our Movement who know about that miserable situation and couldn't care less to do anything about it.
Rev. Chung explained: "True Love is even more strict than the caste system. In Korea we also had caste system – of course today we don't have. True Father says that this system is the etiquette for God's Kingdom. God needs that structure. That means you don't know what True Love is. You have your Western concepts. That (caste) structure is not bad."
What is so bad is the misuse of Father's words for the self-centered purposes of leaders who created a structure which has nothing to do with God's ideal of a world of True Love but hinders the God's Spirit to come down and to dwell in our midst.
Because the Russian leaders did not easily agree with Rev. Chung's understanding he said: "What can I do? As much as I share with you – you do not like because you have your Western concepts. That is your responsibility." When one person suggested: "Then we have to watch Korean soap operas." Jin Pal responded: "That is the best answer I received from a Russian leader."
The sister expressed her concern: "It seems to me that claim that when we have problems in the family we can solve them only by doing witnessing and fundraising. There are also other ways to deal with them. Sometimes those who are successful in FR are not successful in the family life, they run away, they don't solve their problems. We cannot make the whole world fundraisers and witnessers."
Jin Pal Chung's response: "Oh my God! We have to change the name from "fundraising" to "man-mul-bog-gi", (the Korean term for FR or the restoration of all things)." So he called for one brother to explain what this term means: "When all things serve God's providence this is 'mamulboki'. This includes FR and the business we do. What else?"
One brother spoke of the aspect of creating joy by investing in FR and seeing the result and another spoke of creating a heavenly business. And then Rev. Chung added his explanation: "I am now drinking water. That is also 'mamulboki'. because this is true governance over things. If I work with the right attitude for God, then that is 'mamulboki'."
In this way Rev. Jin Pal Chung justifies everything. Practically speaking, for him 'mamulboki' means eating and drinking and for the members it means working hard, doing fundraising. Everything is explained in such a way that he can be the prince and the others the servants.
One sister explained: "Before I came here I understood that when everybody fulfills his responsibility then the ideal society is being established. So when people invest 100% in whatever they do that is also 'mamulboki'. Our mission is to guide brothers and sisters to change their surroundings and through this restore people from inside."
Rev. Chung's answer: "For what? When a person invests himself working for the Samsung company, who gets the money? The company." When the sister expressed that there is more than that view, Rev. Chung insisted: "We are talking here about all things. The things belong to the company owner and not to God. The people are working for the owner and therefore we do not call this 'mamulboki'."
The sister expressed her concern: "We cannot destroy this world and build our own world." Jin Pal responded with some explanations and then he said: "You are talking idealistic but I am talking about reality." Again he repeated the point that the profit goes to Samsung company and admonished the sister: "You must think in the right way. Don't mix up." without giving any reasonable explanation.
It is obvious that Rev Jin Pal Chung is incapable of giving clear answers in many (most) cases when he is asked serious questions. He just gets angry and speaks more loudly. One Ukrainian Blessed mother who experienced him for years Rev. Chung's behavior said that he does not listen to anybody.
When the sister tried to explain: "I want to look at this question from the standpoint of True Father and connect it with his words…" Rev. Chung angrily shouted: "Don't connect…" He really behaves like a little tyrant when he cannot get his way or if somebody is more wiser than him and he has no arguments. He just does not let others speak and shout louder and louder. He has no interest to truly connect with the teaching of True Parents but only to use Father's words for his own self-centered purposes
His explanation: "When your spirit comes to God it is witnessing and when your body goes to God it is 'mamulboki'. Two ways to God: Witnessing for the spirit, and 'mamulboki' for the body. In the Four Position Foundation when the mind relates to God it is witnessing and when my body communicates with God that is 'mamulboki'." I am sorry to say, but with such primitive unprincipled explanations members are educated about the meaning of the restoration of the First and Third Blessing.
Rev. Chung says things like: "If you work for an outside company and donate 100% of money you earned to the church -- this is not 'mamulboki' because you are working for a director who is not member..." In his understanding the decisive point whether restoration is happening is not with what kind of heart and mind a person has who is doing the work but to whom the company belongs! Such a strange teaching has of course nothing to do with the Divine Principle and still it is shouted at the Russian leaders who do not welcome his unprincipled interpretation. Arrogantly Jin Pal Chung claims that he is acting in accordance with the Principle, and those who do not agree with him are acting in foolish ways.
History will show who is the great fool. The one who misuses his position to call others all kinds of names or the sincere brothers and sisters who have been walking the course of restoration with a pure heart and mind.
Rev. Chung is certain that nobody can take away his results – because he is firmly controlling everything he establishes – and he insists that he is the one who follows the Principle and he does not care if others do not agree. Alone by the fact how often Jin Pal Chung says, "I don't care" shows what kind of character he is.
He has no respect in front of others because he thinks that he is the best, the most clever, the future prince whom the world will worship as those whom he brought under his dominion in the Ukraine are doing to a certain extent while those who realized his falseness have mostly left our Movement in that country where he 'reigned' during the past one and a half decades.
Honesty does not count much for him. He is ready to turn in any direction only to get his way. If you do not believe what I am sharing with you then you only need to meet Rev. Jin Pal Chung and challenge him and his belief. You can find out first-hand what kinds of spirits will arise in his heart and mind and how he expresses his of often uncontrolled emotions. He may be very nice to you if you agree with him but if you challenge him you may be surprised to what kind of things Jin Pal Chung is capable of doing.
His 'megalomania' goes as far as him saying, "Nobody can beat me." or "My case is special. I do not follow the external structure and a superior leader. I only follow the Principle, and I give report directly to True Father." He is living in his own self-centered world, not even respecting the church structure and claiming to report directly to True Father! So far nobody has managed to bring him down to reality so that he would start dealing with his own serious problems.
He just freely changes his point of view. When you listen how Rev. Chung is talking to people it is obvious that he does not really listen to others but is only interested to make his point which he repeats again and again, like when he says: "We must follow the Principle. Nobody can create. Only God and True Father can create. You have to understand the meaning of the Principle. Now is a new providence. God and True Father need to create a new providence of restoration but on the foundation of the Principle. They have to follow the Principle way." It would be good if Rev. Jin Pal Chung began to truly study the Divine Principle and stop spreading his version, pretending that he has the right understanding.
To conclude this installment I would like to offer a few words in connection with the restoration as Father expressed them: "In fund raising you accept this money as a representative of God and spend it for God's purpose… The restoration of all things comes first, and for seven years we will do this to restore the whole 7,000 year history of God." (The Realm of Resurrection, April 3, 1977)
"The purpose of God's dispensation has been to achieve the restoration of all things of creation; the restoration of all mankind, in the position of children; and the restoration of the position of parents." (The present situation, centering upon the Will Of God, May 23, 1982)
Restoration is about restoring the right attitude, and that must be our central concern in everything we do. Our calling is to fulfill the providence of Salvation through Love. The issue is therefore to learn to love all things in the right way and to live in God's Presence.