The Words of the Beutl Family |
My dear brothers and sisters,
When Rev. Jin Pal Chung spoke at a sisters' meeting on May 21, 2013 he introduced himself and his elder brother who is continental director as Second Generation who is not so much idealistic but more real and substantial: "We want to touch the faith. Our First Generation in Korea, emotionally and spiritually they believed. They approached God's Shim Jung in that way. But usually we the Second Generation in Korea, we want to touch God's Shim Jung. Do you understand what that means? To build God's Shim Jung with my hands. In that point the First and Second Generation are different.
Our new continental leader suggested that we go in a new direction and make a substantial new beginning and really build something substantial. But before we build we need a blueprint. With it you can also build something, maybe a simple house, that is possible. But when you want to build a house with 100 floors it is impossible without a construction plan.
True Mother asked us to build a nation, that is like a building with more than 100 floors, so we need a blueprint. Our new continental leadership gave us a new plan. I showed it today to the leaders at the Headquarters and soon you will see that practical plan. In order that it works you have to change. Before you did not see such a plan. So if you have the same kind of thinking like before you cannot see the blueprint even though I show it to you. So without changing your concept, your mind,… You have to erase all your concepts."
That is what Rev. Jin Pal Chung tells leaders and members. It seems that he wants to brainwash them all so that they only adapt his way of thinking and reasoning. He pretends that he knows so much but when for example one sister asked about his concept of the "Collective Blessing" which he had explained the previous day he said that this is just his point of view. He does not know if it is true! And one day earlier he had used that concept as justification of his policy concerning Chung Pyung.
It is really incredible how arrogantly he talks with brothers and sisters, expressed e.g. when he said to one Blessed sister: "To be absolute and to be perfect are different things. What is absolute, nobody knows… Don't use that Principle, don't use this kind of word. Later many problems come out.
If you want to communicate with me, use direct True Father's words. I don't want to argue with you, no meaning. Otherwise many other points come out. Enough now." Because few Western members speak Korean, so that they could quote Father directly, Rev. Chung feels confident because 'only' he knows the Korean version of what Father said, and anyway, none of the other Koreans understand the Principle and Father as good as him. His understanding is above all others and therefore he does not need to listen to anybody.
Another example: Jin Pal Chung asked one sister: "Do you understand True Love?" Before she could even say one word he just stated: "You have your own egoistic understanding of Love. Your Love towards your children, change!"
When one sister asked Rev. Chung about a Ukrainian Blessed mother who was promised support and not given while she was pregnant and her husband had a full-time mission she had to go FR even though she had serious health problems Jin Pal began to speak in response about bad rumors being spread through the internet.
Even though this sister emphasized that she had learned about that situation directly from that mother Rev. Chung continued to speak about how the internet is misused by some people, which led to one person in Korea committing suicide and then said to that sister: "Now exactly you are doing like this way… You kill people." He repeated it: "You kill people."
Such kind of terrible baseless accusations are freely coming out of Jin Pal Chung's mouth and he has no qualms of conscience to speak in such a way to innocent members who did not write in the internet about such a situation!
Rev. Chung told that sister: "Don't worry about the Ukraine. Otherwise you become spiritually bad. If you hear bad things from members then you have to take responsibility otherwise you have to pay indemnity. Only leaders can do. They received permission from God. If you hear that kind of bad things do not listen because otherwise a big Satan comes to you and you have to pay a huge indemnity. Only leaders decide such issues. God established such a structure."
When the sister added that she listened to that Blessed Mother because she wanted to help Rev. Jin Pal Chung said: "No, you can't do it. That is not your responsibility." His understanding is that only leaders can help members. They are the ones who decide everything because God made this structure that He works only through leaders!
In this way Rev. Chung continues the spreading of all kinds of heresies like this one that only leaders can help members who are struggling, etc.
As further explanation Rev. Chung stated: "What is Fall of man? Satan. His position. He wanted more than his responsibility. He went over his responsibility. This is the Fall. What is the meaning? That is your position." In this way Jin Pal Chung accused that sister that she is committing the Fall because she wanted to help that sister! Because that is not her responsibility.
Can it get any worse than a leader like Rev. Jin Pal Chung declaring that a concerned sister is committing the Fall, acting like Lucifer, because she heard from a Blessed Mother about her suffering and wanted to help that sister who shared with her about her struggles?!
That kind of teaching is indeed the manifestation of evil which goes directly against God's Principle that we are all brothers and sisters and should therefore help each other as much as possible. That is the teaching of Lucifer who says I am the ruler of the world and I decide everything, expressed in the heresy that only leaders can help, that God only works through them.
Rev. Chung continued by saying cynically: "Thank you for being interested in me that much. But next time -- Really I told you. I don't want to make any kind of meeting with you because you speak in this way about me. What for should I come here? Why can't you just erase your bad image of me? Is that the meaning of my coming, that you and I meet here in order to erase our bad image of each other? This is our goal, you are waiting for me? You have question to me like this way? This is your goal, your life meaning, waiting for your leader? I understand who you are."
The sister responded: "We are meeting for the first time. These rumors about you exist so we naturally wanted to figure out for ourselves." At that point Jin Pal said firmly: "Next time no more [negative information]! Next time no more come out! Don't listen to the bad information about me or True Children. That is bad for you.
Now I suggest to you, especially the Russian Movement, to leave the website. Do you understand?" Then he shouted: "Do you understand what I say? Close down that internet site! You don't need a site as Russian Movement. You are not qualified using online internet. You go offline then you understand faith and growing up. When you are online your faith gets more terrible. Ok? Now we must be doing now as much as we can. Ok? That Russian members' site must be removed from the internet. Ok? Do you want or do you not want? Do you understand what I say?
Information also becomes indemnity for you. Doesn't matter, good or bad. True Father gave much information. As much as you know you must fulfill. Otherwise that information becomes indemnity for you. Don't look for any information a lot. Now for your level you have enough information. Off-line. [Don't be on-line].
When you practice what you know you will find True Love. How will you find True Love. As much as you understand Principle and live according to the Principle, this way True Love. You do not need just information but feel True Love. Understand? Enough information. You must do it."
Rev. Chung shared his understanding how brothers and sisters can grow their heart: "Before Shim Jung there is emotion, right? And then there is knowledge. Before you can get knowledge you have to work and then you get new emotions. Through actions you get it. Through knowledge you cannot get Shim Jung. Only through actions you can get Shim Jung. Understand? Off-line."
One sister inquired, "What about those members who live far away?" Rev, Chung responded: "You have to get from leadership. For that purpose leaders exist. Yes? Leader, leader. Still leader exist. Through leader you can get. If really far away, that person is unlucky."
That is the attitude of Jin Pal Chung. He knows that it takes one week to travel by train through Russia and several hours to get from one end to the other by plane, and travelling is rather expensive. So members in faraway places will not receive new information because the leaders can surely not afford to visit them often, which means that they will be cut off from receiving information directly, swiftly…
When a sister inquired concerning the point that all brothers and sisters should become full-time members Rev. Chung responded: "Don't say any more our members do not want to become full-time. You show them through your example."
One sister wanted to know if it is ok when members have their businesses and give donations to the church. Rev. Chung answered by explaining that such a situation means only conditional man-mul-boki: "Conditionally, you understand, indirectly you did it, understand? Only when members give their business to the church then it will be true restoration of all things."
What does that mean? Pure communism. No more private ownership of businesses. They have to be given to the church so that church leaders can centrally control everything. "Only if a business belongs to the church can God claim it!" That is the heresy Jin Pal Chung uses in order to take over all businesses of members.
Rev. Chung's direction: "I suggest all of you to become full-time member. I told you, you have to change constantly. Who is original full-time member? Me? Do you think so? Who else? True Parents. You all are part-time members. If you want to fulfill God's Will, you must become full-time members. If you want to do Tribal Messiahship you must become a full-time member. Understand? You must become like True Parents. If you cannot do it, your children must do it. If your children can't do it, your grandchildren must do… When you are in some realm in spirit world you cannot go to Heaven until somebody among your descendants fulfills your real mission. Everybody has to become full-time, yes or no? Yes!"
Rev. Jin Pal Chung wants all members to become full-time and all businesses should be given to the church so that he can control not only all money but also make brothers and sisters financially dependent on him so that he can more easily put pressure on them.