The Words of the Biddle Family |
District #6 Northeast Ohio Prayer Breakfast Report
Bruce Biddle
July 20, 2007
As we arrived at the Greater Fellowship Assembly on Cleveland’s east side, Pastor Ann Washington, the host pastor, was busy preparing a wonderful breakfast with other sisters of her church. One by one, the guests came to the simple but colorful basement dining room; it filled with beautiful people who love peace and want to be together beyond faith and race.
After all had eaten, our wonderful fellowship moved upstairs to the chapel. The emcee, Dr. Thelma Johnson, who is our district 6 co-convener, began to welcome everyone with her usual joyful heart. The scripture was read by Rev. Joel Lindstrom, and the prayer was offered by Rev. Bruce Biddle. Membership drive details were presented by Dr. Johnson and then Reverend Washington introduced the keynote speaker, Pastor Orville Gainer, founder of MASH Ministries. His high-spirited choir set the mood for the sermon.
Pastor Gainer spoke about church peace and unity. He emphasized the need to not just "hoot and holler" each Sunday, but to really "walk it out" -- make our faith very real in daily life. He preached with strength, high spirit, and much humor and made it clear that sacrifice is necessary to build God’s kingdom. As a new friend to our community, Pastor Gainer isn’t familiar with the five points we focus on for Ambassadors for Peace membership. However, his talk touched on each of those ideas in his own personal spirited way. What a wonderful heavenly coincidence!
After the love offering, announcements were made by Sis. Keiko Biddle. The Holy Blessing Ceremony was held with the Pastor and Mrs. Gainer. Closing remarks were given by Rev. Washington and Dr. Johnson, who explained the meaning of the Family Peace Flag and made the presentation to Reverend Washington, Reverend Gainer and Bishop Corthon, who is the bishop of this host church.
When all three stood together with their beautifully framed flags for a photo, it was very beautiful, as if God had finally found a place to dwell. We concluded with a benediction by Bishop Corthon and a greeting from a community leader who is running for a seat with a local school board of education. As always, a big thank-you goes to all precious first and second generation who supported this successful July prayer breakfast.