The Words of the Biddle Family |
District #6 Northeast Ohio Prayer Breakfast
Bruce Biddle
August 18, 2007
The Prayer Breakfast for this month was held at the Universal Temple of Truth in Akron. The Host Pastor was Rev. Katie Jackson. There were 27 people altogether, some coming from 1-2 hours away…from Cleveland, Youngstown, and Columbus.
A welcoming message by the host Pastor Rev. Jackson and Rev. Biddle opened our program. A strong, warm prayer was offered by Missionary Coatney Prince. Then a delicious homemade breakfast was served along with beautiful piano music by Sister Linda Grant.
FFWPU 2nd Gens and a few from the audience together sang "Higher Ground" and the spirit became higher! Sister Jessei Tucker as MC opened the main service. After the scripture and peace message readings by Rev. Biddle and Rev. Lindstrom, Missionary Audrey Pugh performed a music offering. Elder Edward Walton gave a very enthusiastic ACLC membership drive pitch.
The keynote speaker was Elder Robert Thomas, who comes regularly to the Akron prayer breakfasts and many other events including True Mother’s tour last May. The theme of his speech was "One Family Under God," and he spoke about how to unite, using the example of Noah’s family.
Love offerings were collected afterwards and the Holy Blessing Ceremony was held. Closing remarks were given by ACLC Ohio Co-convener Rev. Dorothy Burton and the Family Church of Peace flag was presented to Elder Thomas. At the end, a few people shared their prayer concerns, leading to a beautiful prayer in which many came forward to light candles. It was closed with benediction by Reverend Jackson.
Again, this month we saw many of the world's races and ages reflected in our small group of 27. We realized that the ACLC Monthly Prayer Breakfast is truly the training place for us to live in the Kingdom of Heaven. I think that this prayer breakfast really showed the value and importance of prayer for our gatherings. Let us truly support each other, all our connected ministries, and the great works of God by praying more together!
Thank you very much, everyone!!