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The Failure of God and True Parents
John Bird
February 19, 2005
I am sharing this article I prepared in response to the allegations about the failures of True Parents. I feel that we need to change those false allegations by doing our best to bring them the truth. Please take time to go over it and correct me if I'm wrong.
Thanks a lot!
The Failure of God and That of Reverend Sun Myung Moon
By: John Bird
Anyone who fully understood the teachings of Reverend Moon, the founder of the Unification Church, would always claim that no one could surpass the Moral Standard and the legacy of the Moon Family that qualified Reverend Moon and his wife to be the model and True Parents of humankind. Members of the Unification Church believes that following the True Parents would "save" this world from its chaotic state of immorality that has magnified into social problems such as juvenile delinquency, criminality, and corruption (to mention a few).
However, for those who knew some of the "set backs" of the Moon Family, they would use it to question the credibility of Reverend and Mrs. Moon as Savior and True Parents. For instance, among the thirteen children of Reverend Moon, two had a problem in their family relationships while one allegedly committed a suicide. (However, there was no confirmed evidence on the alleged suicide but rather a possibility of a foul play seems to be evident). A certain member of a new group of religious leaders concluded that the failures of the children of Reverend Moon are a fruit of their parent's failures.
Nevertheless, we must not forget that God was the parent of Adam and Eve, yet they failed to obey God's commandment. Can we use then the failures of Adam and Eve to discredit God? The "freedom" granted to Adam and Eve is parallel to the Freedom granted to the children of Reverend Moon. If Satan was able to attack the original children of God who were in a pure environment, what more for the children of man who are now living in an evil environment? Sad to say that even some members of the Unification Church uses the situation (such as the case of the Moon children) to justify our failures to do our responsibility.
We need to learn that God has given his children that portion of responsibility for Adam and Eve to fulfill by following his commandment. Therefore, Adam and Eve had the "Freedom of Choice" but it was a "Freedom within the Principle." Freedom does not mean that we are free to do anything that includes evil. It was very clear from biblical records that freedom had a limit, therefore God gave the commandment for Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit...(Gen 2:17) in order to prevent them from the danger of falling into hell.
We also need to understand that there were two choices for Adam and Eve. The one is good and the other is evil but Adam and Eve made the wrong choice! Therefore, the world of evil was realized. If Adam and Eve chose not to listen to the devil, then they should have remained under God's control and should have established an ideal family centered on God. That ideal family should have expanded into a tribe, a nation and finally an ideal world.
Others say that it was God's plan to allow Adam and Eve make the wrong choice that realized this evil world, but how can a God of absolute goodness mix evil with his plan? God is perfect, therefore, he don't need a testing ground for his creation. God always wants his children to be perfect as he is (Matt 5:48). No parent ever wants his children fall into those problems of immorality, drug addiction, divorce, suicide, etc. The same case is with Reverend Moon, who with his wife, accepted to stand as True Parents to all humanity. Therefore, he never failed to allow his children receive moral education. Just as Adam and Eve, the children of Reverend Moon have the freedom of choice and out of thirteen children, there were those three whom the world can easily see because of their mistakes. It so happened that some of the children of Reverend Moon made the choice of going the long way. Nevertheless, as long as Reverend Moon is still alive, there is still hope for those who committed mistakes. In fact, it is now confirmed that the eldest son who committed mistake has now recovered spiritually, one hundred percent. Did the world know what happened to those mistakes anyway? After Satan got his share by attacking the children of Reverend Moon, it became a condition for God to allow the Unification Movement to expand rapidly. The True Parents of Humankind was able to bless more or less a half million couples (or 1 billion people) as of 2004. All those who received the blessing have the same responsibility as Adam and Eve to establish a True Family. Why can't the world see this now? Are they waiting for another mistake to see? The time has come for us to stop those gnashing of teeth against Reverend Moon and listen to him if we want our spirits to settle in peace. We hope that no one would accuse us of not giving this warning to the world! Please Pass It ON!
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