The Words of the Boudreau Family

Jesus Did Not Come To Die - Outline

Donna Carlisle Boudreau

I. God's will in the preparation of Israel for 2000 years was to receive Jesus as the Christ.

A. God chose the Israel nation to believe and receive Christ.

B. Israel longed for this salvation through Christ.

C. God promised this salvation to Israel through Christ.

D. The nation of Israel was to give witness and salvation to the world through Christ.

E. Jesus focused on bringing the nation of Israel to believe in him as the Christ.

II. The will of God for salvation of the Israelites required belief, faith and obedience in Jesus.

A. God wanted the Israelites to believe, follow and obey Jesus.

B. Jesus showed in his actions that the will of God was for them to believe in him.

1. The people needed miracles and works to believe.

2. Jesus did miracles and works so the Israelites could believe.

C. Non-believers deny the will of God.

III. The Israelites failed to do the will of God by not believing in Jesus.

IV. Israel is chastised and cursed for not following God's will by believing in Jesus.

V. It was Satan's will, not God's will, to have Jesus crucified.

A. Satan worked in Judas.

1. Through Judas, Satan worked his will.

2. Jesus condemned Judas.

B. Satan worked in the nation of Israel.

1. The Israelites were the ones who crucified Jesus.

2. Jesus said it was the work of Satan in the Israelites.

C. No one who does God's will is condemned.

VI. The tragedy of the crucifixion soon became evident.

A. Jesus had much grief in the Garden of Gethsemane.

B. Jesus prayed for this hour to pass from him.

C. Jesus forgave the Israelites, however, for their ignorance of God's will.

D. Darkness surrounded the tragedy of the crucifixion.

VII. Because of the rejection of the Israelites leading to the crucifixion, Jesus' original mission given by God was not completed.

A. Jesus' mission was

1. to forgive sins.

2. to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

3. to establish perfect, sinless men like Christ.

4. to reveal the entire truth of God.

B. The crucifixion did not promote Jesus' mission.

1. Jesus forgave sins through faith, not through the cross.

2. The earth is still under the dominion of Satan, not God.

3. Men are still sinful, and are waiting for salvation of God's temple.

a. All men still sin.

b. All men are still waiting for redemption of the body.

4. The entire truth of God has not been revealed.

C. Therefore, we need a second coming of Christ.

1. To establish God's dominion and end Satan's dominion on earth.

2. To save the people's spirit and body from sin.

3. To reveal the entire truth of God.

VIII. The apostles severely chastised and cursed Israel for the crucifixion of Jesus.

IX. Why do people today believe it was God's will for the crucifixion?

A. Dual prophecies in the Old Testament lead people to that conclusion.

1. A suffering and rejected Messiah was predicted.

2. A triumphant and glorious Lord who reigns over Israel forever was also predicted.

3. But Jesus fulfilled all Old Testament prophecies.

4. How could these seemingly contradictory prophecies exist?

5. God wanted, and therefore warned, Israel to believe and follow Jesus.

B. The disciples and later many people believed it was God's will for the crucifixion of Jesus because it happened and they needed an explanation.

1. People couldn't accept a "dead Messiah".

2. Therefore, the major task of the disciples was to convince the people that Christ could be, and was crucified. They taught little else.

3. Could anything happen to Jesus that wasn't God's will?

(All Bible verses quoted from the Harper Study Bible, 1962, Revised Standard Version. Total verses used: 245) Donna Carlisle Boudreau

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