The Words of the Brann Family |
Geneva and Copenhagen events update
Mark Brann
November 12, 2005
Dear Regional & National Leaders and IIFWP Secretary Generals, Greetings again from London!
As promised I am writing to update you on latest developments regarding these two key projects and in particular to keep you abreast of True Father's direction and thinking about them as it becomes increasingly apparent. As we get nearer to the Geneva event, Father shares more and more about the deep meaning and significance of what he is trying to accomplish in Europe at this time and this has happened even this evening. I also want to update you on President Song's latest guidance and directions.
I would like to share two points this time.
First, President Song is concerned that we use tomorrow's Sunday services to maximum effect to inspire, educate, guide and organize all brothers and sisters to give everything they can during this unique and precious time while we have True Parents with us on European soil.
We all need to be reminded that there are certain very special times when what we give as individuals, families or nations has more value than at any other time because we are able to help and support True Parents so directly in what they are trying to accomplish for God's Providence. Such a time is now and we should by no means miss this opportunity. In our Sunday services, therefore, we should educate and inspire members about what TPs are doing and what we can still do for them - mobilize to Geneva, mobilize to Copenhagen, give the original donation amount asked for or the extra donation amount for the second visit, whatever is appropriate in the particular circumstances.
President Song has just called me from where he is with True Father to say that Father has just been sharing more about the meaning of the Geneva event for about forty minutes. The essence of Father's message is that we should not think of the Geneva event as just an ordinary event but rather as a very special event indeed. The meaning of it will be to truly root out Satan in Europe and have the Christian Foundation connect to the Messiah. The key point in fulfilling this is to bring Ambassadors for Peace to connect to the Messiah. Therefore our priority should be very much Ambassadors for Peace first and only after that guests and members.
President Song said that it is critical that we do not worry unduly about money. We should by no means allow financial limitations to limit our ability to bring Ambassadors for Peace. Rather, we need to have a simple, pure and absolute faith that in uniting with True Parents' direction in this way, everything will be taken care of -- maybe even that public money for AfP airfares will be available . This goes for all of us as Leaders managing scarce public funds, but also for all individual members for whom the extra mobilizations may be a real financial challenge.
Second, President Song wanted me to mention that he feels that except in exceptional cases, it should be unnecessary for members to attend both the Geneva and the Copenhagen events.
I will continue to keep you updated about latest developments and guidance as much as possible, so please be sure to check your emails regularly, even over the weekend period!
May heaven bless all your efforts to bring victory in Geneva and Copenhagen!
Mark Brann
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