The Words of the Caron Family |
Sweet Home Alabama
Ariella Caron
January 29, 2006
Wow! So much love. It was meant to be; love at first sight: STF and Alabama church. There was music, discussion, fellowship, service work, food and most of all there was God.
As the two dark blue 15 passenger vans with NY license plates found their way through the winding dirt roads of Alabama, singing Blessing of Glory, perhaps Heavenly Father smiled. Not only for us, but also for His beautiful family that could be reunited. As testimonies and introductions were given, connections both spiritual and of past relationships were instantly sparked. Alabama members were quick to recognize and eager to embrace the children of old friends and acquaintances. The local second generation community was perhaps hesitant at first, but after the ice was broken, and conversations began, it was evident that the foundation made by Alabama STFers was a substantial bridge to cross the gap that strangers tend to experience. One sister from Alabama passionately conveyed the inspirational effect that STFers had made during their visit home in early January, and how much everyone couldn't wait to receive another group of motivated STFers. Such love and preparation was conveyed tangibly through a beautiful cake that dictated "Welcome to Alabama".
After the service and fellowship, everyone headed to South Garden to put their true love in action: service project!! Rev.Kim expressed how impressed he was with the heart and resultant effort that was put into cleaning True Parents home. STF members felt honored to help out with fixing areas of the property that had long deserved to be attended to. Everyone felt that it was very natural to come together to serve our True Parents in earnestness; it was what made us family, and what made South Garden a house once again filled with love and spirit.
And that is what, in summary, our Sunday visit was: a family reunion. Caroline Hampton expressed how there was such a natural, immediate bond that made it almost unnecessary for introductions. Such a family atmosphere was truly due to our common heart towards our True Parents and Heavenly Father. Just like the comment the MC made after the STF offering song; "The heart was there, and we felt it". Hehe. Mansei everyone!
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