Words of the Cayme Family |
Dear Families,
I have read Rev Hyung Jin Nim's speech during his inauguration as WORLD CARP International President (May 2, 2008) as he emphasized the main responsibilities True Parents had given him that can be summarized in simple phrase "CHURCH DEVELOPMENT"
As I go with the whole speech. I came up with 7 important points that are essentials for Church Development.
1. Revival of our faith
2. Transforming people into family members
3. Create an atmosphere in the church conducive to welcome people of the world
4. We need to bring the members into the realm of True Parents' love
5. We must show evident results to the society rather than just words
6. Practice a genuine and pure leadership
7. Put into practice what we say
As Rev Hyung Jin nim about to end his message, he said, that the development of the church is a collective responsibility that is not only the effort of church leaders but with the cooperation of church members who are taking full ownership with God's providence.
His message is a CALL TO ACTION that all of us should really take full ownership to these issues.
I absolutely agree with his points and the real battle lies on how we can accomplish the last point " PUT INTO PRACTICE WHAT WE SAY" However, this is a responsibility that we cant escape with anymore. As extended families of the True Parents, this is really our mission unless otherwise we are just bystanders.
From Dr Hyun Jin nim and Rev Hyung jin nim messages, I could find the greatest hope that a true revival of faith in our church can really come into reality not for a long waiting but soon.
Lets hold hands together with the heart of embracing all people of faiths and colors.
As Rev Hyung Jin nim said, we need to keep our hands holding each other but facing outward to reach out to the people of the world.(I really like that idea)
God Bless,
Thanks for all your comments however, I would like to inform you that in this article I didn't put any explanations at any of the 7 points which were the direct words of our Rev Hyung Jin nim. I just put all those points together as I believe those are the summary of what he meant to say in his inaugural speech. I deeply appreciate all his words and I understood what he meant since I'm in the UC church leadership for 12 years and been into mission in Korea where I could see a different view of UC from Philippine environment.
There's so much hope that we can shorten the road to the fulfillment of God's will if we can absolutely unite and support the True Children who are now working in the frontline of the providence and directly relating to all of us.
I have experienced a true revival of my faith through the VISIONS and Messages of Dr Hyun Jin nim when I was still working as one of the top leaders of WCARP phil and I can relate my faith and responsibility with Rev Hyung Jin nim and Dr Kook Jin nim's guidances at present.
They are proclaiming a true revolution of heart inside our church and lets just keep an open mind and heart to LEARN THE TRUE MEANING OF ATTENDING THE MESSIAH through them. Lets learn from them the true way of loving others and leading ourselves to become true blessed central families
I am energized and empowered with the truth in them and their embracing heart. They are the true representatives of our True Parents.
Lets make ourselves a proud UC member by making our church a true and substantial manifestation of God and True Parents' love and will.