Words of the Cayme Family |
Dear families,
I think this word is very popular now-a-days in our unification community. I have learned this since the time I took WCARP Leadership way back January 2001 under Hyun Jin Nim's presidency. The lecture about Vertical Axial Line IS said to be OUR LIFELINE.
What is Vertical Axial Line? It is the very central position of where we have to connect our life love and lineage. Its not one person alone BUT they are the 3 Generations of God's original family who are GOD and True Parents as one entity, and TRUE CHILDREN who are in ABSOLUTE UNITY with one VISION, MISSION and one GOAL.
Dr Hyun Jin Moon further explained that Vertical Axial Line is the original dream of GOD and the center of God's Providence. AND all Blessed Families are not just members of our community but since we are following the True Parents as our parents, we are in the position as EXTENDED FAMILIES OF THE Vertical Axial Line.
With this, alignment is necessary. Alignment has two forms: Cultural and Strategic! And the way to occupy the position of being AN EXTENDED FAMILY of the Vertical Axial Line is through the Blessing.
Cultural alignment means -- internal and priority! We must be aligned absolutely with the WILL of GOD, we must have the same culture as the Vertical Axial Line have. We must have a lifestyle that is of the Vertical Axial Line.
Strategic alignment means -- external and secondary! We must have the same vision and mission as of the Vertical Axial Line and must fulfill this.
I think there's no problem with these explanations. It's true! We have too! We must be! We must be absolutely aligned with the Vertical Axial Line!
HOWEVER, the question is what if ONE MEMBER OF THE Vertical Axial Line IS NOT in UNITY with the core center who are God and True Parents?
THE ANSWER IS VERY SIMPLE. The one who is misaligned with the core center is not part of the Vertical Axial Line. That's why True Parents are saying that WE, members are not obliged to follow and should not follow any member of the True Family (including the 3rd gen and so forth) even any of the elder members nor leaders of our community IF THEY ARE NOT ABSOLUTELY ALIGNED WITH THE CORE CENTER that is God and True Parents.
This is a very simple truth! Any further actions after this are all lies and violation to the teaching of Alignment, isn't it?
Why? Because the core content of ALIGNMENT is God and True Parents. NOT ONLY THE TRUE CHILDREN! True Children are substantial results of True Parents but they are not the core center of Vertical Axial Line.
Dear families, there are lots of things that had happened few years back that may be unknown to us ("For sure there are reasons we don't know") however, those period until now our dear True Parents are suffering because of our failure to absolutely understand their hearts and failure to absolutely unite with them.
As the Philippine National HQ is asking for 40 days National Prayer Condition I choose to PUBLICLY say and I'm very sorry to tell this frankly, that our elder brother Hyun Jin Nim is in TOTAL DISOBEDIENCE to True Parents' will and directions as of the moment. This gave so much pain to True Parents and to the True Family as well as to the entire Unification Community. Even there are top leaders supporting him with confidence though they know that things are on the wrong side of the road.
Dear families, this is not rumor anymore, it's a confirmed fact! and True Parents had asked some elders to share what Hyun Jin Nim did towards the True Parents and how True Parents were so angry and upset for those who have followed Hyun Jin Nim which simply shows that we DISOBEYED THE WILL OF THE MESSIAH.
All rumors that there are people blocking his report to go to True Father and the True Family is in unity against him are all lies! If we will believe all these to be true then our principles are really wrong and we must all back out from our faith. Who the hell on earth can stop Hyun Jin Nim from reporting to True Parents nor the True Family to violate the teaching of harmony?
Rumors came out to divert the real issue of Hyun Jin Nim's disobedience to True Parents.
We must be vigilant of our faith and must clearly know where and who is the center of our lifeline to align our faith with.
The problem we are facing in the Philippines is just a result of what had happened above us and it was just so disappointing to see that our trusted leaders CHOOSE TO BE BLIND about the truth and had chosen to go the opposite directions. Who do we think can help Hyun Jin Nim? Nobody!!! Only True Parents can help him restore his life.
As long as there are people who support him, WE ARE NOT HELPING HIM TO GO BACK TO TRUE PARENTS. Lets not forget that there is no SUCCESS without True Parents! Lets not forget the real issue of ALIGNMENT! Lets not forget that OUR lifeline is our True Parents.
Lets not continue to give pain to True Parents anymore. Lets help Hyun Jin Nim realized his mistake and seek his way back to the bosom of his own parents. Even if we work under Global Peace Alliance and believe that the strategic plans are well designed and the vision and goals seem to be achievable, I'm very sure that you will not be at peace and we will not be both happy. We know all these!
Please lets not forget the teaching of Vertical Axial Line nor change the explanation. The core center of Vertical Axial Line is God and True Parents.
All People will realize the truth and this history is even recorded in the Spirit World. The more we depart from True Parents' will and directions the MORE WE WILL LOSE THE CONFIDENCE and DIGNITY TO STAND AND SPEAK BEFORE PEOPLE in the position of Leaders and church elders. Without True Parents blessing, there is no peace and happiness.
I know, my former co-leaders in the Philippines know these things. PLEASE have COURAGE TO SAY NO to the wrong side. I'm not saying Hyun Jin Nim is evil, but what he is doing now a days are absolutely against True Parents will and destroying True Parents foundation. WE HAVE to help by telling him what he did, is doing and going to do (without True Parents blessing) are wrong and lets help him come back to True Parents.
Don't tell us you can't back out from your promises to him.. Its a complete arrogance! Keeping your promise against the will of the Messiah is beyond comprehension. Its not helping the building of Cheon Il Guk and its putting your status to an undesirable level. Please don't be stubborn!. Please remind ourselves of all those testimonies we have spoken about our faith and victorious overcoming we had made in following the course of our faith. Lets not lose these things simply because we thought we are connected. The Truth is we are not!!
I personally wish members of our community to see the truth of the situation and by themselves judge the issue not the people. I will take the judgment from the spirit world if posting this in public is against the will of the True Parents.
Lets not Abuse the TRUST OF OUR MEMBERS TO US. Lets not destroy the momentum of young members' faith. Lets not misuse the word alignment and loyalty in this very critical period of history. Some precedents already had happened.. Rev Kim's removal as North America Continental Director, Rev Kwak, all positions were removed from him and all of Hyun Jin Nim's given responsibilities are taken away form him by True Parents directly. These are not simple cases. Very deep and painful reasons are behind all these scenarios. Lets not pretend to be BLIND! Lets not IGNORE our conscience.
Please Lets pray seriously in repentance that we are lacking in faith and understanding to the will of True Parents.
Lets repent for saying that True Father is senile and his decisions are influenced by the people around him and is capable of making wrong decisions and directions. Please be careful with this. Please don't forget that True Parents are not just parents. They are the Messiah and direct representatives of God on earth.
Lets repent for saying that it was True Mother's fault that Hyun Jin Nim's heart is not getting to True Father.
Lets repent for allowing our 90 year old Father to travel by commercial flight BECAUSE True Parents' airplane is confiscated by the stolen Unification Church International company from True Parents. We have been traveling a lot too in the course of our mission and we know how difficult it is and to think that we are more decades younger than True Parents, you can imagine the degree of physical suffering our True Parents have to go through in this stage. However lets repent that more than the physical pain. We have given them MORE INTERNAL PAIN because we choose to DISUNITE WITH THEM.
Please remember this is not RIVALRY ISSUE among siblings BUT a clear DISUNITY of the son to the Father. All the True Children are in absolute unity to the directions of our True Parents except for Hyun Jin Nim and worst is... some leaders choose to be blind about this truth.
Lastly True Father during his speech in God's Day said... it is up to us to believe in him or not but we must be ready for the consequences of our actions that will take effect down to our generation and tribes.
Despite the pain True Parents are experiencing, True Father still manage to say.. True LOVE can solve this problem.
Let's God's wisdom be with us and His love envelop us!