Words of the Cayme Family |
Note: I wrote this article when I was still having mission in Korean BFD as Counselor and lecturer (1999). And this is one of the topics I gave during the Lecture tour I had in different regions for our HanFil sisters. NOW there are some revisions as the providence develop into its advancements.)
Kingdom of Heaven is the place where heavenly traditions should be established and practiced by God's people. It is a place where the Victorious Parents of Heaven and Earth dwell together with the Blessed Families as the citizens. It is a place where peace, harmony, happiness, freedom and unity can be found. The only slogan you can observe is live for the sake of others which basically means a life of practicing True Love.
As we have entered the realm where the amazing grace from Heaven is unimaginable, the era of the Cheon Il Guk is the realm where the original lifestyle in the Kingdom of Heaven as the supposed lifestyle of Adam and Eve prior to the fall should have been practiced. This is the realm that God expected to be realized 6000 years ago.
However, due to the fall of man, all heavenly ideals where not realized instead, we were born blind and ignorant about God's heart and heavenly traditions. Instead, we fell into the realm of selfishness and materialism became our life's top priority.
The greatness of our True Parents made everything possible. Despite our inequities, impurities and many unprincipled lifestyles, our True Parents allowed us to receive this amazing value as Blessed Families as long as we can conduct ourselves according to the standard of Heavenly Kingdom.
From our True Parents speeches we can find out by ourselves the following basic lifestyles that are required of us. These lifestyles will eventually become part of the tradition that will stabilize our position as God's children and citizens of the heavenly world as well as the organization of our tribe.
Keeping and practicing the traditions will allow us to connect ourselves vertically and heartistically to God and True Parents. Since, Blessed Families are extended families that represent children position in the Heavenly World, therefore, we have to keep ourselves in such a way that we can proudly represent them in our thoughts, words and actions.
This is about your one to one relationship with True Parents. Rev Kwak mentioned sometime in 1994 in his message that Life of Attendance constitute this three absolutes towards the Messiah and is the dividing line between heaven and hell because only True Parents are the Savior who will give us salvation. They are our only lifeline towards the heavenly world.
Therefore, as central blessed families, we are to live with this kind of mindset, heart set, and behavior-set following the life of attending the Lord of the Second Advent our only True Parents and the Messiah.
Prayer life opens our senses to perceive things centering on God and standard of Kingdom of Heaven. It empowers us and develops our sensibility to the love of God and True Parents. Rev Hyung Jin nim is emphasizing the LIFE OF JEONG SEONG = dedication and sincerity as part of our faith practice.
Based on my experiences, constant prayer conditions allows me to have a clear pathway to understand God's heart and will. The more I pray the more I got inspirations from heaven that leads me to the true path of faith. It gives me focus in my life directions.
Prayer life also gives me clear understanding of what is right and wrong.
Prayer is AIR for my spirit self. Just as we can't live w/o air even in few minutes, prayer is keeping our line of communication to God open.
Studying the Divine Principle is to know the course of restoration centering on the messiah. This is the backbone of our faith. Studying True Parents words in his speeches and Hoon Dok Hae books allow us to understand the way to perfection and the path to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. These are the flesh and the practical words to understand our faith. Hoon Dok Hae is the best way to learn how to apply our faith into action.
I'm quite sure that if we are truly studying God's words: Bible, Divine Principle, Hoon Dok Hae books, our mind and hearts will be cleared of any confusion and internal conflicts.
True Father said, God's words are the FOOD for our spirit self. Just as the food give strength and nourishment to our body, God's words give us spiritual strength and heavenly wisdom.
For 6,000 biblical years of history God was desperately looking for His lost children and that includes us. His heart grieved a lot and harbored so much painful experiences. Therefore, to elevate us in the position to be claimed by Heaven, the condition of bringing spiritual children back to God is absolutely necessary.
As Rev Hyung Jin Moon mentioned in several of his sermons, that Witnessing creates a culture of love, forgiveness and an environment of loving God and falling in love with True Parents. (sermon date: Dec 26, 2009)
For me Witnessing is Water for my spirit self.
Just like the body needs water to make it healthy, our spiritual life need witnessing activity to maintain its health and remember True Fathers words from the holy scripture that is, spiritual children is setting our property rights in the spirit world and creating foundation to acquire heavenly protection.
Just like the body is a composition of 75% water, our ultimate mission and responsibility is to become Tribal Messiahs, to bless all our tribe and create a community to practice our faith centering on True Parents.
Recalling the history at the time of Abraham, the tradition of tithing was set directly by God through Abraham. At that time, no religion existed, no church, no pastors and priests. Judaism as the first and oldest religion existed at the time of Judah -- 4th generation after Abraham. However, God instructed Abraham to offer a 10th of what he had to qualify him to use the rest of the material blessings he had received from Heaven. The bible specifically mentioned that a tithe is not actually to be offered but it should be given because this is not just human tradition but a heavenly lifestyle. Failure to give it makes us thieves and losing a lot of material fortunes.
Israelites were very diligent in keeping the law especially observing the Sabbath Day as their attendance to God and their preparation to welcome the Messiah. Although everyday should be considered Sabbath days, we have to seriously consider Sundays as a day for God. Keeping the Sunday Pledge every (5:00 am) and attending Sunday Services is very similar to that tradition as our preparation to live in the Kingdom of Heaven. Most important of all these is AHN SHI IL day.
Man cannot live without connection to God. The fall took place because Adam and Eve including Lucifer failed to observe the hierarchy system in the Garden of Eden. True Parents appointed Central figures throughout the world as God's representatives. All Blessed Families should know who their central figures are and connect themselves with them. We have to understand that God is the vertical Parent in which His love, power, inspiration, blessing, and fortunes only flow down vertically to True Parents down to church representatives. Hierarchy system is our vertical lifeline and from it tremendous power can be generated if we are connected with it.
This is what we call Vertical Axial Line. God, True Parents and the True Children who follows and absolutely united with True Parents. We have to be very clear of our VAL.
Our True Parents had shown the greatest example of how to practice true love through a lifestyle of continuous forgiving and forgetting. True Parents lifestyle is the best example of Jesus Christ teaching of forgiving our brethren 70 x 7. It is a life of embracing all kinds of personality. Before entering the Kingdom of Heaven, we should have a clean and pure life on earth that is a life of no resentment, hatred, and guilty conscience.
I believe that life of heart is bringing our faith into real lifestyle. God's heart is forever parental: willing to forgive all our sins, willing to continuously educating us despite our stubbornness at times, willing to embrace us despite our shortcomings and willing to give everything for us as long as we are moving towards our road to perfection.
Our life is short and comes only once and we should live without guilty conscience like crystal clear in front of heaven. True Father said, God is not looking at us base on what we have accomplished but by the purity of hearts in relationship to Him-True Parents and with others.
True Parents teaching from the beginning until now can only boil down to 2 points: love God and love others. The best expression of love is not in the words but it is through continuous giving and service to others. True Parents' lifestyle is a very clear application of Jesus teaching about filing up treasures that cannot be destroyed by moth and dust but treasures that we can bring to heavenly kingdom. The more we give, the more we serve, the more we live for others, the more heavenly fortunes are coming to our family.
This is the making the word LOVE into a real and tangible thing. Love is not to be a SPOKEN WORD only.. it should be a word in action and must have a substance.
I can only remember one thing: I came to keep my connection in the Unification Church not because of organizational activities. BUT because I believe that True Parents are the messiah. It's not because I understood the principle too. But I received several revelations even before attending Divine Principle workshops. It was directly Jesus telling me that True Father is the messiah.
Even though we say that we joined and grew up in CARP or TIMD, we can't deny the fact that we all keep our life in the Unification Church until now because of True Parents as the messiah. IF WE WILL DENY THIS FACT, we are just making fool of ourselves for keeping our membership to this date.
From the Divine Principle teaching we know very well that those who follow the messiah are the modern day John the Baptist in our level and have the mission to fulfill the responsibilities of the disciples of Jesus.
Rev Hyung Jin nim is not telling us NEW DIRECTION about proclaiming True Parents as the Lord of Second Advent. He is reminding us that THIS IS NOW THE TIME TO do our part. This is now the era of testifying about True Parents. Just like Jesus' three years ministry, we are now in the last period of the providence where we need TO HAVE CONFIDENCE of our faith, have confidence about the value of True Parents and absolute conviction to testify True Parents as the Messiah.
It is not new at all, it is just an EMPHASIS!
God Bless You!
Peace be with you
Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum