Words of the Cayme Family |
We belong to 30,000 couples blessing and we have an 8 yr old daughter but only in 2007 that I decided to finally settle in Korea as one of the Korean wives. From the viewpoint of the blessing, we may think it's but natural for me to follow my husband's country but from the viewpoint of public mission and responsibilities, my life course is different from others especially because I was holding important roles in the providence. However, I realized that one of the many important things I have to accomplish is to first and foremost build my blessed family too along with fulfilling a mission.
The change of name of our organization determines our new mission and providence that we are bound to fulfill. From HANFIL to PhilWAK now as PBMK defines our destined path. PBMK doesn't limit us to be just Korean wives (HANFIL) nor just a group of women in the society (PHILWAK). PBMK expresses our responsibilities as MISSIONARIES in the Fatherland. This alone shifted the providential role we are used to as wife to a woman with public mission for heaven.
The fact that we are PBMK members, we are now missionaries and are expected to conduct ourselves accordingly. Therefore a proper understanding of our mission and scope of responsibilities as well as expectation of us should be clearly defined. From this point I wish to share my views regarding this matter in relation to what we are doing in Ulsan.
I joined in 1987 and immediately decided to become full time willingly gave up my studies to take my formula course. However, God brought me back in the campus allowing me to finish my schooling while doing a mission. A student without principle is different from being a student who committed herself to do God's will even though nothing changed in the environment, no time gap and no extraordinary situations occurred. This was similar to our case now here in Korea. From a Korean wife yesterday to a missionary woman today until we finished the course is the NEW PATH OF PBMK members. There was no special change in our life or spectacular phenomena occurred before the shift of the providence happened so it looks like the same as usual and things seem normal.
When I returned to school after that, my views, determination, focus, mindset were all different from before and the course of my life was shifted from an ordinary student to a student with vision and mission. These are internal and invisible. Who knew this internal change? It was me and God. Similarly this is our life course now. We are no longer ordinary wives, mothers and daughters-in-law in the Korean society. God bestowed upon us the mission and responsibilities to work for Him and fulfill our goal in the building of Cheon Il Guk 2013 centering on the Fatherland. NO abrupt or gradual change physically.
Have you thought of this internal change? It didn't happen by accident! It is God's will! It is a providential path because God needs conscientious people to work with Him in completing the path of the KOH on earth in a specific timetable set by heaven.
So we cant look at ourselves simply or same as before. Internally speaking, we are now different individuals incomparable last year or few years back. Therefore in order to succeed in our new path as PBMK we need to have a different mindset and focus. We need to have clear vision and goal of what we have to accomplish and fulfill. We need to have a clear plan and strategy centering on True Parents providence.
Many leaders have commented that I have fortune in mission. Modesty aside, every time and everywhere I was assigned to something was really happening and great results were produced. It was an undeniable fact in my mission history. But I believed it's not simply fortune that came by chance or by luck, not even because I'm great or extraordinary. I believed IT IS BECAUSE OF MY ABSOLUTE FAITH IN GOD and IN TRUE PARENTS and members unity with me.
If we wish to bring substantial results in our mission, first and foremost, we need to know what True Parents really wanted us to do and from there, ALIGN OUR FOCUSES TO THAT! We need to understand deeply to the marrow of our bones that God wanted to save HIS lost children, whoever and wherever they are, therefore, witnessing is one of the most important missions of all and the basic responsibility we all need TO DO. Lecturing, tribal mission, distributing autobiography books, building God centered families, conducting activities are all forms of witnessing. BUT what is IT'S real goal? It is not just to bring people to the church or activity or complete the distribution of True Parents Memoirs; not just to bring people to the blessing or workshop and Sunday Services…. IT IS TO EDUCATE THEM TO THE PRINCIPLE AND PROCLAIM TRUE PARENTS AS THE MESSIAH until they too can join us the path to inherit the true love of God.
Absolute faith to True Parents that they are the Messiah establishes internal power and strength and creates a base for spiritual world to support. This is true to me in my experiences for my entire 21years full time life in the Philippines, there were always results in my mission and extraordinary breakthrough in my region. Was it because of my ability? NO! It was because of my (and members) absolute faith with True and UNITY with HUMILITY of hearts among us. Our physical abilities and skills are not enough especially. Living in Korea as foreigners gave us many limitations to move but we can produce something great with absolute faith and unity. Lets learn from those who made breakthroughs already!
Therefore if we wish to make the best offering, we need to seriously think of how to bring substantial results and that is to gain SPIRITUAL CHILDREN, to channel True Parents life to others. They are our best gift to heaven, our protection and they are what inspire God the most. If we are bringing people to seminar, don't stop there. If we are distributing True Parents memoirs, don't be satisfied yet. If we bring people to the blessing, don't think its over. We need to follow up and educate them so they can too follow the path of the Messiah…This is our internal mission as PBMK, I think. This is our primary responsibility as a missionary assigned to other countries isn't it? If im wrong please email me your comment and reaction.
I came to Ulsan in 2007. Our PBMK sisters here under the leadership of Basil that time already started the providence of witnessing to Filipinos in the city. They have had lots of contacts but to give them deeper education and bring them to True Parents were their limitations. That was the time I came in. I was so impressed with the enthusiasm of our sisters here to do witnessing. They have the spirit of mobilization similar to full time members in the Philippines. It was so inspiring for me to see that despite their difficulties to cope with Korean life, they would like to devote their time and all possible resources to save souls. That's the kind of spirit a missionary should possess. The willingness to overcome all difficulties just to attend God and True Parents with absolute faith and determination to proclaim the greatness of our True Parents is what we need to have.
Our sisters here don't want to be limited due to family problems and painful realities of the blessing. We don't want to be stagnant by focusing our mind on family level only. I explained to them though our blessed family is important but problems related to family matters can be solved step by step if we will keep a public mind, an absolute faith to True Parents and a heart of humility and gratitude before heaven. A sincere heart to attend God will surely bring results.
For me more than any treasures and gifts I have received from God are my precious spiritual children. Any position in the world has nothing to do with our level and areas in the spirit world. Any title on earth has nothing to do with our judgment in the eternal life. These are True Parents' words, I was never elated or glorified because of decorative TITLES and POSITIONS. I knew those where opportunities given to me to be used in proclaiming our True Parents. What matters most to God is the gift we could bring and that is saving lives. Ulsan PBMK enjoyed life of witnessing. Spiritual children are the manifestation of faith being practiced. Those who have spiritual children will always find hope, inspirations and strength in their life. Fortune is surely coming and spiritual protection is really around! I saw this as true also to our sisters who are doing witnessing here by heart. Personally, I found my strength and tremendous power coming from my spiritual children, people who claimed me as their spiritual parent and those who trusted me as their elder.
In the Philippines, I was ordained LADY BISHOP of the Philippine Independent Catholic Church. I received it by grace from Heaven because of my witnessing. When I was able to witness some Bishops of different Christian Denominations including the Monsignor of the Roman Catholic church in Cabanatuan City, they themselves realized that I carried with me the truth higher than what they know and have recognized that I was following a real Man of God in the person of True Parents. They realized I deserve that title and position too. It takes only 4 ordained Bishop to ordain another. That's why out of that realization and gratitude to heaven these Bishops are more than enough to agree on my ordination even without passing the Canonical Laws. AT THE SAME TIME allowing me to carry that title forever with full authority to exercise my position and responsibilities similar to them. I received that gracious blessing because of witnessing. I am just a simple dedicated Unification Church member however, absolute faith to True Parents and bringing our faith into practice gives us fortune and unimaginable blessings we never expect in life.
The blessing was not chosen by us, it was given as a gift by True Parents. I don't believe there is mistake in the blessing even though many of us are experiencing hell of hell of difficulties. I'm not an excuse! I'm a HANFIL wife and for sure have the same course with many of you. However our perceptions about our situations differ because of our level of faith, understanding of the Principle, and church training course. I tried to guide our sisters to elevate their internal standard by conducting activities where we could practice, develop and maintain our faith and find inspirations with. Our great challenge now is how to fulfill our mission in its truest sense, at the same time fulfill our roles as wives, mothers, and daughters-in-law and adjust to Korean society. I admired those who had made a great breakthrough already in Korea. I appreciate deeply those who have brought Korean spiritual children and who have raised Korean guests. That's a real witnessing in the fatherland and I wish to reach that level too. Im novice in Korean life. I considered majority of you as my senior. I wish to learn from all of you too.
As PBMK sisters, to live with satisfaction in family level only is not something inspiring anymore unlike in the past. The calling from heaven gave us another course in our personal history. Therefore, we need to move according to God's command and timetable and everybody should emerge victorious missionaries in the Fatherland.
Published in PBMK newsletter May 2011 issue.
God Bless You!
Peace be with you
Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum