Words of the Cayme Family |
Myung Moon January 21, 2012
Last Wednesday, February 29th, we had a meeting with Bishop Winny Cayme. Sisters Roselyn, Ma. Fe Platino, Vivian, Zeny Bingco and Rowena Abad from Ulsan came to attend. Bishop Winny discussed the following as the requirements we have to prepare from the direction given by our True Parents for the Foundation Day on January 13, 2013.
First, WE NEED TO FULFILL TRIBAL MISSION and Tong-ban Kyeok pah (community breakthrough): we have to witness-educate-bless 430 family members from our tribe within this remaining days before Foundation Day. From among them we need to have 12 disciples that can represent and restore Jesus' disciples so we can stand in the position of Tribe Leader of our clans-tribes and community. But one urgent condition is to have 3 blessing candidates for March 24, 2012 Blessing in Korea that will be our foundation for the entire witnessing mobilization that we will have until D-day.
For others information in connection with tribal restoration: Philippines has 3 scheduled blessings as preparation for CIG 2013 which are scheduled on March 31 for entire Mindanao, August for Visayas and November for Manila-Luzon wide memberships (tentatively planned by Phil HQ). These will give us a chance to do tribal mission for our tribe in the Philippines too.
Second, we have to distribute 430 copies of True Parents biography. The number 430 copies came out simply because of our 430 tribe members since the BOOK is the best witnessing tool and has miraculous effect for those who are reading it. We have heard that Philippine HQ will be reprinting the books in a cheaper amount that is affordable for Filipinos. Those who want to buy the English version of the book here in Korea the family department is selling it for 8,000 won a copy. True Father's biography contains the deepest heart of True Father for the providence and the best witnessing tool for people to understand the misunderstood heart of True Father.
Third, we have to do 210 generations liberation and blessing of our ancestors. True Father said, if we can liberate up to 210 generations, that would be the total cleansing of our ancestry. Daemonim said in the spirit world 80% is hell. Many ancestors are suffering in hell and the reason we have physical diseases, problems and conflicts sometimes is because our evil ancestors are inflicting it to us. So in order to elevate them from hell we have to liberate our ancestors, do a lot of witnessing and at the same time fulfill heavenly law:
1. Don't hurt God's heart
2. Don't
hurt others and
3. Don't misuse creation
Fourth, we have to attend Original Substantial Divine Principle lecture (OSDP). True Father said, OSDP is the only principle before the Fall. And in preparation to enter CIG, all blessed families need to have re- education centering on OSDP. Our schedule for Busan, Ulsan, Kyeongnam and Jeju is in May this year.
We will update you for more information.
Fifth, we have to practice Hoon Dok Tradition as a family centering on 8 Heavenly textbooks and educate our children to do the same. We have to strengthen the educational system of our second generation and raise them to the value and level that they can represent the True Family. Blessed Family Education centering on the significance of our tradition and all church Holidays should be emphasized. True Father made a declaration about the second generation born after 10.14 2011 (471 days before the Foundation Day) has direct entrance to the Kingdom of heaven.
Sixth, we have to always check our internal aspect as True Father said we have to 'wear new clothes' meaning we have to have new mindset, new determination, new lifestyle, new personality, attitude and character. We have to live our lives as total living offering for the providence. This is now the only remaining time that we need to focus on cleansing ourselves, restructuring our spiritual life and live a life of absolute obedience to the Messiah. We need to re-create and re-built our blessed families in line with the Messiah.
Seventh, Bishop Winny explained about God's Marriage on January 13, 2013 after our True Parents passed the 3 stages level blessing which happened first in 1960, second in 2003 and third in 2012. True Father who had reached perfection representing God's masculinity had waited for the time that True Mother representing God's femininity would have reached her perfection which was celebrated during True Mother's Gohui ceremony last January 1 2012 by the Heavenly Calendar. Because of the perfection of God's dual aspects in the person of our True Parents our True Parents represent the God of Day which means the substantial embodiment of God's personality and the WORD thereby perfectly standing as God's substance on earth.
Eight, The Foundation day which will be commemorated on January 13, 2013 means
1. Registration and entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven
2. Holy Wedding of God of Night and God of Day
3. Re-blessing of all blessed families in the position of NEW HEAVENLY CHILDREN and registered citizens of the KOH
4. Registration to CIG means we become kin family of the God of Night and God of Day and citizens of heavenly kingdom – Korea – as the God's homeland and fatherland of our faith
Our Busan church leader is planning to create a new Filipino or International Church. That is why for the month of March we will have at least two English Ecumenical Fellowship which will be on March 11th and 25th. This is our chance to invite our old members, our dear sisters and at the same time witness to our fellow Filipinos who are married to Koreans and our Filipino migrant workers. We have to educate them with life guiding principles through the help of Bishop Winny. Bishop Winny is planning to organize a Hoon Dok Hagwon project just like what they did in Ulsan to create an atmosphere where we can work together fulfilling our missions equipped with spiritual weapons. Hoon Dok Hagwon will be on Saturdays starting April. There will be lectures in the morning and witnessing in the afternoon and bring them to the Sunday Service the next day.