The Words of the Chang Family |
March which leads New Spring has now come. The lingering snow on far mountain rages will be soon melted. And the frozen river waters will overflow.
In this season, we are obliged to hope earnestly that there would be a thaw in our frozen minds of all mankind.
In Vietnam and around Suez Canal, there are still now many affairs of bloodshed and the explosions of gunfire. From Biafra, Africa, it is reported of the news of death by starvation.
By war and ideological and economic anxiety, the minds of mankind have frozen stubbornly. Indeed, the spirits of all mankind are frozen by hatred, treachery, brutality, and violence and exposed to the storm of cold snow-fall.
We heartily pray that the spirits of all mankind would be sufficiently moistened by Spring rains of True love.
True love can't let others and other countries put into misfortune. True love can't let others and other races put into restriction.
Jealousy and hatred can't make their nests in True love.
Superintendence does not mean restriction for others and other races.
It has to mean protection and release.
In Spring, the buds will sprout and the flowers will be in all glory in the plains and mountains.
When True love pours into our minds, hatred will be melted away and delight, vitality, peace and prosperity will broom from our thirsty minds. Oh, Spring! Come into our bloody minds with True love. Warm Spring! Please come to all individuals, homes and countries with True love.