The Words of the Chang Family |
It is said for religions to have tried for the fulfilment of Goodness. But there may be no denying the unaccomplished object.
Now is the time for us to be able to and should search for how to cope with the outcome.
As widely known, there has been no religion but denies the existence of God. And again religions, there has been materialistic ideology named Communism.
However who can dare say that there may be no other enemy to religions than atheists?
Rather sectarians in the realm of faiths may as well be its final and unique enemy.
No other time makes us more urgently required to long for the heroes to take charge of establishing the true, everlasting and boundless world of peace, love and freedom of mankind than now. How can it be possible for us to find such heroes?
There may be no other way to accomplish the final object than the unification of various religions keeping aloof from their sects and denominations.