The Words of the Chang Family |
March is a time of flowering nature and growing of all living things. We also grow, trying to lead the true life in spite of a most difficult situation. Our life is to sprout, bloom, and become fruitful in the present. Neither the past nor the future should influence this.
What does it mean to live in the present? It means living in a continuous flow of moments. Each moment is closely connected with eternity. The future, with its demands, cannot bring into question our use of the present.
We cannot be absent-minded. We should be alert. We are interested in nothing else than in the complete realizing of God's will. So we belong neither on the finite nor on the infinite plane completely. We must not be completely absolute nor completely relative about life.
To do that, we must be firmly based in confident faith that God's Providence will be realized. This means having an actualized faith in our life. When the truth is applied, this actualization is love. In the brilliant light of love, all things are brought to resurrection. Love is the actualizing agent, enduring and giving the guarantee that life can become everlastingly creative.
So we see that love involves action. The 'impractical religion' of the past is no longer enough for us.