The Words of the Clarke Family |
Reflections of a Younger Brother from "The Elder Son Nation"
Daryl M. Clarke
December, 1999
Thursday, September 4, 1999: Well, here we are at the Newark International Airport. Everyone looks exciting and full of hope. No one really knows or can fully comprehend the purpose behind the providence of God unless one is in the process of the experience or when the experience of the mission is long over and self- reflection reveals the hidden meaning behind your call to the front-line.
This providential call of the three nations will be a thrust forward into the development of Kingdom building. My experience in the States with Japanese members is that they are very organized to service themselves with all forms of communication, education materials, and fresh foods from Japanese food markets and fulfill any direction quickly.
This is very inspiring to see. At the same time I get a little misty. Questions begin to rise. I ask myself, why don’t the American Church have this system of service to the members. Why don’t the HDQ adopt this system to implement a better environment for the members to work in? The Japanese office in the American movement is more organized, better equipped with the means to provide for the members than the American HDQ’s. At the very end of 1998 I contacted the American HDQ’s for the official 1999 Church calendar. The response was that, no calendar was available because they were waiting for the official calendar from Seoul. I understood that and accepted it. Then I went to the Japanese office to buy something for a Japanese couple in my congregation. To my surprise there was an official 1999 Church calendar on the wall for sale. Of course I bought one! Even though it was written in Japanese.
For more than two decades the realization that there were two Churches in America came back to my mind. Consequently, in America three Churches exist one Korean, one Japanese and one Western. Identity and representation is everything. The western membership is called the American Church including Orientals that has a mission working with them. We are the younger brothers and sisters. Our existence was born out of the relationship from Korean and Japanese missionaries coming to the shores of the U.S.A. witnessing, educating, guiding and raising up a few from a culture that from the exterior had greatly influenced their own societies. As much as the West influenced the East with their culture the Eastern representatives now appears and singles out a chosen few to inculcate a new truth and lifestyle into. As the saying goes, "this is America". American culture is not open to influence and change from outsiders.
Since Americans or westerners did not found our Church, we must come to grips with the fact that our Church as we know it will never be so-called American. Then what is the Church in America destined to become? The desire of our True Parents is to make these three providential nations one. With this Heavenly mandate it becomes imperative that we as westerners and Orientals became Heavenly citizens together at the same time. If these three nations are successful then wherever we go in these countries we should at least see and experience the same system and organizations. Each to its own, meaning that each area will establish the same traditions and attitudes according to place their in. If the idea of "each to its own" holds water our community must encounter a massive influx of new membership. This has always been the goal of Heaven. Spreading the world is our life call. One World Under God begins with us. If we are successful in uniting our internal positions into one then the conditions will be set to influence the world toward the substantial realization of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Representation is everything! We represent on the world level the path of restoration and new beginning of all humankind. The family (father, Mother and children) is the substantial base for the dwelling of God. Therefore, Korea, Japan and America are the world base for God to dwell amongst us. Revelation 22:10 says, "
Tokyo, Japan – Saturday – Sunday 9/ 4-5/ 99
After landing in Japan at the Narita airport we were met with a warm welcome by staff members and taken to good restaurant. After a good lunch we waited for the remaining leaders to arrive. Finally, we arrived in the UC Tokyo headquarters. We received a wonderful banquet and orientation about all the activities of the Japanese Church. We were sent to bed at 2:00am. 4:30 am came quickly for us to attend pledge and Hon Dae Hae. The final orientation was shared and after breakfast we attended Sunday Service at the headquarters Church. After lunch we departed to our assigned cities.
Rev. Tom Corley and I got into a small car and went the beautiful region of Chiba.
We were welcomed by all the leadership from the Chiba region. This is region 16. This area has 3 prefectures. One area is Chiba divided into North & South (making two), the other is Igabashi. Thirty leaders came to meet us and at the same time have a church leaders meeting. They gave reports about donations and activities in their various churches. Each leader reported to Rev. Lim, the Korean regional leader.
Tom Corley and I have been able to journey around the Church center taking in some of the sites. We’ve been in meeting with the WFWP representatives, youth leaders and the staff at the local video center. Through our discussions we have come to a greater understanding of the situation of the Church here. From my limited understanding I realize that our Church truly is the same everywhere. The element that determines the difference amongst the various churches to the degree to which we have inherited the style and traditions of the elder Korean Church is consistency. Consistency is the main element that I see as the hidden factor to why the American Church has not progressed as much as our Mother Nation.
As I talk to members here and visit different departments, businesses and homes I start remembering the same situation in America a few years ago and remember how and why some of these important projects and efforts were dropped, discontinued or totally forgotten about. We were there at a point in time, in the same position as the Mother country. If only we had continued or tried harder or even tried again this trip here would not have been necessary.
Can we pick up where we are and start again? This a good question. The answer is probably no. But there is something we can do. I’ve been here for just a few days but I see that America has the potential to take responsibility for the providence in a magnificent way. From Korea to Japan to US, ready or not the central providence has come. Let’s get ready to complete the work the Head Master started and leave no stone unturned.
Chiba, Japan 9-15-99
One week has gone by and our schedule has been full. Rev. Corley and I have traveled around the prefecture of Chiba, Japan. There were days when we went out separately and other times when we were together. I want to share about my experiences that are directly related to America being the Elder Son nation and receiving the inheritance from the Mother nation, Japan. This is a real, substantial and absolute human experience based on Principle centered on our True Parents.
We have heard testimonies from elder and younger members on their faith and determination in the creation of Japan as the Mother nation. We went to various Church centers, buildings and businesses both Church and private to hear and see how things were developed from the bottom up. Naturally the testimonies were moving and things we saw were inspiring. With all that, I came to be reminded that this was also done in the American Church in the early days. Members were joining, sacrificing and making offerings to God from whatever possessions they had to give. What I was experiencing and seeing was my own personal course in the American Church coming back to my mind, vivid and clear as a bell. True Parents started this course from Korea with the Korean elders; they went to Japan to pioneer and found a prepared chosen few that responded to the call to sacrifice. The elders from these two nations separately brought that same tradition of sacrificing to move the spirit world to the Unites States also as pioneers. Therefore, we Americans responded to the same call for the same purpose and each of us in this country and in the West experienced the Heart of God through our personal sacrifices and conditions. Each of us in America has a testimony. It will be no different than the ones that the America leaders traveled all the way over to Japan to hear. We are linked and woven into the same cloth prepared by True Parents. So why did we come here? What do we have to learn? Exactly what is the point that we as the Elder Son Nation must inherit from our Mother Nation? What is the point?
We have been here for just about tens days and what my God has shown me is that somewhere along the way toward serving and attending God and True Parents, we as a nation left our attitude, desire and will to sacrifice behind somewhere. Not too far back in our history was a time when we had moved the spirit world in a powerful way. The spiritual world was doing phenomenal things with us. People were joining, all types of people was coming being lead by whom? It wasn’t you or me that led them to us. We only made our selves available based on some conditions we set and there they were prepared, young, bright and exciting. When people joined they brought everything they could offer and we know very well some of us had plenty to offer. Close your eyes and open your heart, you can feel the tears of joy rolling down your face when someone understood the Principle and committed their life to God and the liberation of His broken heart. We were called to sacrifice for the sake of building Heavenly Father’s original world on this earth through our True Parents. This was always the point. We know it we have always known this, its not forgotten just left behind.
What we must inherit is that spirit which came from the Father to the Mother and then to us, the Elder Son. We where raised by our parent nations. We have matured a great deal in the past few years and now we are expected to be the responsible son. Our Mother Nation has worked herself down to her knees and she is tired but the work must go on. I don’t see it any other way especially when I am here sitting in my Mother’s lap starring right into her face straight in the eyes. Only a blind irresponsible and cold hearted son would do that and not want to do something to give his Mother at least one good night of sleep. Very soon the entire membership in the United States will publicly receive this responsibility to continue the work the Mother Nation is doing. I don’t see it as a burden but a Blessing. We can build a new America by starting where we left off by reaching out to the prepared youth of this country. They are out there prepared, young, bright, exciting and led by a energetic spirit world that knows how to open the hearts of those prepared to make the proper offerings needed to thrust the providence forward in miraculous and magnificent ways.
Let’s be the Elder Son that takes the Mother’s burden and gives it to our brothers and sisters as a Blessing from God. Take time to pray and reflect, pray and reflect. The responsibility is coming soon so let’s get ready to receive it. The Kingdom of Heaven is substantially on this earth.
All praises are due to Heavenly Father the giver and sustainer of Love, Life and Lineage. It is always an inspiration and a joy to experience the works of God. It is this experience that humankind rise every morning to have. Whether directly or indirectly each of us yearns for the experience of love. This is the driving force of daily life. We should continually rejoice with the knowledge of True Parents existence and presence in the mist of lives on this earth at this time in history. The reality of True Parents is mind-boggling. What they have done and are continuing to do is unprecedented, unmatched and unbelievable to modern man. History will do exactly that; tell his-story. What we are part of, in this country of the Mother Nation and what True Parents are setting up is understood mostly by God and True Parents themselves. We, their children are following and supporting the inspirations and directions they are bestowing upon us. All they wish for us is to understand what we must properly inherit. The wealth and riches of their gifts are eternally endless. Praises be to God and our beloved True Parents. Let’s get ready for the inheritance.
On Tuesday all the American leaders will gather in Tokyo for reflections and some sightseeing as preparation for our arrival in Seoul, Korea on October 1. For me, these last few weeks have been full of personal contact with the Japanese people. As Father said in the past, "there is a difference between Japanese members and Japanese non-members". Each Sunday I had the blessing of preaching in a different local UC Chapel. Every Chapel is set up to attend True Parents by creating the atmosphere in anticipation for their sudden appearance. The chairs are ready with beautiful cushions in the seats and with slippers at their feet. The table has hand clothes and glasses of water and the Tongil Candle is burning representing True Parents presence. This ambiance sets the condition to invite True Parents there at all times. I don’t know about the other leaders but I felt their presence every time in each place. This is one of the traditions that we need to look into more deeply. I have seen the same settings in our Churches in America but the presence of True Parents was not as strong. The condition of the heart must be inherited from our Mother Nation quickly. As we drink our Mother’s milk these remaining days we will be strong enough to go to the Fatherland ready to inherit from dear old dad.
This Mother nation has so much to offer her people if only they could hear her calling. The youth here are following many of the bad habits of the West. There is a major generation gap here. There seems to have been a quantum leap from the parent’s generation to the children’s generation (ages 16-25). Knowing the Free Teens content has given me a deeper insight into the potential problem this country is facing. America is undoubtedly in bad shape but there is something going on here with the psychology of these kids that frightens me. The grandparent generation is the one that follow the tradition of the women walking three steps behind the man. Many within the parent generation are beginning to hold hands in public walking side by side as they talk together and share a smile. The children’s generation is holding hands, kissing, rubbing and feeling in public. The element of respect for the elder is dissipating. The eastern (Oriental) social standard which the west desperately needs is fading away. Will we be able to bring the higher social standard back to America and influence our culture as to inject the long awaited panacea into a sick and dying nation? America is the greatest influence on the world youth today. If we do not turn our nation around there will be no hope for the future of this world. Our own second generation is affected by the decline of western social values. I am very concerned about the world youth. With all that True Parents and our members are doing there is still a slim chance that the forces of evil will unite and unleash a power of self-centered individualism that will be greater than any earthquake reported thus far. From where will this attack be launched and directed? You guessed it, the United States of America.
At the same time the American leaders are here in Japan True Parents have established and proclaimed the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and has recently deployed 35 Korean National Messiahs and thousands of Mother nation daughters to America. There is a saying in America that goes, "what you can’t see won’t hurt you". I’ll bet you what ever you dare to wager that if we could see what Father sees we would not want any of our brothers and sisters to get hurt. This is the final battle on a grand scale. The center of any providential dispensation is the front line between God and Satan. If America is the center of God’s providence we better go back to the Elder Son Nation ready for a show down.
I’ve learned a great deal here from the Mother nation and there are a few days left to learn and inherit a lot-a-bit more. This weekend I spent a few days with some elder brothers from the Kashiwa Church. Most of them are Blessed couples from previous marriages. I was one of the youngest in the room. We stayed up until 2:00am playing a traditional Japanese children’s game then we had pledge and HDH for forty minutes and went to bed. The beginning of the game is well known to American’s- paper, scissors, and rock. The other part was hilarious. The person who won the dual points his finger at the other persons face as he says Acchi, Muit, Hoi the finger goes up, down, left or right and the other person should not follow the finger. If he does follow the finger he is out of the game and the winner continues to challenge the next person. This may not seem funny or interesting to you but try to imagine full-grown, gray-haired men over fifty years old acting like elementary school boys in the playground. This experience taught me light years of a lesson on true brotherhood. These brothers were in love with each other with purity, respect, understanding and compassion. I never saw men relating this way before and I’ve been around some very close-knit people. I just wanted to share this with you.
Yesterday I made a flyer in Japanese and English introducing myself to young people. I asked if they were interested in discussing the deeper meaning behind the movie, The Matrix. I passed them out as people were going in to see the movie. In the flyer I said I would be waiting outside after the movie to meet whom ever was interested. Three people met with me along with a sister from the video center (as translator). We went to a restaurant close by and shared very little about the movie but a lot about internal things. We are making plans now to have a dinner for them and connect them to the youth group here at the Chiba Center.
Today I spent a lot of time with Ayako Heller’s older sister. She is just as wonderful as Ayako. I learned that Ayako’s mother is the top fundraiser in Japan and the Church center in Saga where she attends and serves is the number one center in the country. Now we know the physical source of Ayako’s power. Harlem Church has always been grateful to have the Heller’s as the elders of their community. Teiko Corona’s (NJ Church) mother and sister will come tomorrow to visit me and on Friday morning I will travel with the Chiba Church director to visit Mr. Nagaoka’s mother. Mr. Nagaoka is the brother from this Mother nation who is at the WestRock Church in my place. He asked me to visit her and I pray that our meeting will inspire her to see more clearly the sacrifices of her son. She is positive toward our Church so the visit should be very enriching.
The Inheritance Accepted!
After Pledge Service this morning about twenty of us took off for the Narita Airport while the other member were taken to the Haneda Airport a little later in the morning. We all meet together for dinner here at training center. Tomorrow the Mother Nation leaders will join us after flying in from the Elder Son Nation. We will have a welcoming banquet at the Dowon Building here in Seoul at 5:00pm. At about 7:30pm each of will be taken to different regions for about eight days to work with the Church Center and the families in the area. At this moment that’s all we know. Tomorrow we will understand it better bye and bye.
Our last few days Japan allowed us to be able to be together to do some sight seeing and attend the 40th Anniversary of the founding of the UC in Japan. Just before I left Chiba I had an opportunity to meet three young people in front of a movie theater after the Matrix movie. I passed out some flyers inviting anyone who wanted to talk about the deeper meaning of the movie. One person was Masayuki Odagawa who works as a chemical analyst dealing with dioxin; the other two were employees at the theater. Monobe Daiske is a student at Chiba University studying international relations who works at the theater; his co-worker is Kazuyo Kawasaki who works part-time .in different theaters. After the movie there they were waiting to meet me. We met together at the Skylark Restaurant with our elder sister Shizuko from the witness center next door. After our two hour meeting we agreed to meet again. We met Sunday, September 26th at our favorite place; you guessed it, the Skylark Restaurant. Masayuki came at 5:00pm, Daisuke came at 8:00pm and Kazuyo came directly after work because the place was around the corner from the theater where she working. I asked Mr. Mori the youth witnessing team leader to come and meet with these young people so that the proper connection can be made. He came with our brother that was a student from Bridgeport University that worked with Rev. Chris Hempowicz.
The connection was made and now I can claim three spiritual children from my efforts in Japan for the WestRock Family Church. All of them are studying at the video center and will be educated in the PLA curriculum. Praise God and True Parents, Amen! Please pray for these young brothers and sister that they may be able to keep their connection and grow and develop and attend Blessing 2000. A few other leaders had the opportunity to win some young Japanese over to True Parents when they had the chance to witness.
The 40th Anniversary which was held at The Chiba Arena in the prefecture that Tom Corley and were in was a great event. President Yu (Korean Leader) and President Otsuka (Japanese Leader) gave wonderful talks along with some elder VIP’s of the Japanese Church. Awards were given and recognition made in appreciation to the many elder leaders that served for more than 33 years on the front-line and as early pioneers of the Japanese movement. Among the many were Rev. Ken Sudo, Rev. Kamiyama,
Rev. Matsusaki and Former President Kuboki. The list was long, each one that were present stood as they received applause from the members and guest. The arena holds 7,000 most of the seats were full, I guess there were more than 6,500 in attendance.
The America Elder Son leaders were invited to participate in the end after the Anniversary celebration as part of the Family Federation Rally. Dr. Hendricks chose five speakers based on their written testimonies or some accomplishment in the field during our tour in the various cities. Fortunately, I was among the chosen few. The others were Dr. Hendricks (HSA Pres. USA), Mrs. Alexa Ward (WFWP Pres. USA), Rev. Godwin D’Silva (Parents Day Coordinator, Calif.) and Rev. Howard Self (ACC / PLA. USA). After our speeches the Elder Son National Choir directed by Rev. Zagery Oliver (Asst. Pastor /Wash. DC Family Church) sang two songs. The first was the Battle Hymn of the Republic which is our theme song and the other was I’ll Never Leave You Anymore" which was suggested by Mrs. Ward. We stole the show with our songs as we Kyung Bayed in unison to the ground expressing our total and complete appreciation for receiving the inheritance from our Mother Nation Japan. We were sincere with our unity of heart and commitment to bring back to each of you in the states this wonderful gift from God. I’ll say it again this is not a burden but a Blessing. The program ended with a grand finale that lifted the spirit even higher as colorful balloons fell from the ceiling across the room. Cheers of Mansei filled the hall when all the top leaders joined us on the stage. This was a very profound and memorable experience that we carried with us here to the Father Nation of Korea.
On our last night in Japan all of us gathered at the main Church in Tokyo and went witnessing in teams with some of the young members at the Shibuya Train Station. This place was more active than Times Square or Greenwich Village. All 48 of us went with the members and tried very hard for two hour to meet new people. In the end six new brothers & sisters walked into the center that night from our final efforts in Japan. President Otsuka promised to take care of each of them and raise them up to attend the Blessing.
This is the speech that I gave at the 40th Anniversary of UC Japan during the Family Federation Rally:
"The Kingdom Has Come"
First, I would like to offer appreciation and gratitude to Heavenly Father & Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ whom through a long course of suffering laid the foundation for the arrival of the True Parents. To our Beloved and glorious True Parents I have no words that are adequate enough to express the gratitude and appreciation that I feel for having the opportunity to be here with these American leaders from the Elder Son Nation. To Rev. Yu, President Otsuka and all the elders and leaders of this Mother Nation Japan, on behalf of all the members of the WestRock Family Church in New York I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the countless expressions of love and care each of you have shown me and all the other American leaders that are present here today.
Rev. Tom Corley from the Long Island Family Church and I had the Blessing of working with the leaders and members of the Chiba Prefecture. Mr. Takeshi Wakesaka provided us with a clear schedule and many opportunities to meet brothers and sisters that have sacrificed so much to accomplish God’s Will in building His Kingdom. From home to home and Church to Church we experienced the tears and pain of our brothers and sisters as they shared testimonies of how the UC of Japan was built and why God continues to Bless this Mother Nation.
Our experiences in the Chiba Church headquarters, the Wakaba Church, the Funabashi Church, the Kashiwa Church, the Kisarazu Church, the Mito Church, the Iagabarashi Church, the Makahuri Church and the men’s group, the women’s groups, the youth groups, the video centers and all other community based organizations were an eye opener for us and a liberation of our hearts.
Our experiences were special everywhere in every city and town we were in. I call the Wakaba Church the Church of tears because I cried so much during and after the Sunday Service. The Funabashi Church I call the small Church with a big heart because the members and the Okowa Family served me so much. At the Kashiwa Church the wonderful men’s group led by Mr. Inose and Mr. Uchida taught me a wonderful traditional children’s game involving the words Acchi, Muit, Hoi. Having these experiences opened my heart and mind to see and understand the meaning of the inheritance. Inheriting the heart of my Mother’s sacrifice as she offered herself day in and day out without complaint and without looking for some return or recognition for her self is truly a rare and precious gift any parent can bequeath to their child.
Each of the American leaders had similar experiences with you our Mother. We are your Elder Sons and Daughters. Years ago through your sacrificial missionary work in the United States you gave each of us birth. Now, we have come here to Japan to return to the womb, we are born again!
In these past few weeks we have sat on your lap and looked into your face as we drank your milk that has revitalized us and all we could see was tears and pain. We could hear your heart beating quickly from your hard work and effort to keep the steady beat of God’s rapidly growing providence.
What each of us has come to realize is that we will no longer stand idly by and watch our Mother continue to suffer. So from now, at this very moment we pledge to take away your pain and end your long suffering. Ready or not you have raised us to become good and faithful Elder Sons and Daughters.
We pledge before God, True Parents and all of Heaven and Earth that we will receive this inheritance at the cost of our lives and commit all of our energy and resources to put the final stone in place that will mark the substantial completion of God’s restoration work.
By uniting with our True Parents we are making the three nations of Korea, Japan and America, One Nation. The Father, Mother and Elder Son are one in the sight of God. We, the Elder Son Nation will march forward with our hearts filled with joy and love to the Fatherland of Korea and make the final embrace of unity with our Mother Nation leaders.
Please trust us, push us, guide us and believe in us that we have properly received your inheritance and will continue the traditions of faith, love and obedience to God and True Parents with the high standard that we were shown.
All the American leaders stand together, united in this pledge to receive this inheritance and to be responsible for it. This responsibility is ours to take back to our brothers and sisters, not as a burden but as a Blessing. Thank you, once again for all that you have done for us, your Elder Son Nation. Amen, Amen, Amen!
Rev. Jack Toren (Chicago Church), Mrs. Hope Igarashi and I are here in Ch’onan Region for eight days then we will meet all other Japanese and American leaders in Seoul on Sunday back at the Dowon Building.
Ch’onan is the hometown of Dr. Bo Hi Pak and Rev. Joong Hyun Pak our former continental director. Everyone here that knows them. This is the area where Sun Moon University is located. You will not believe your eyes when you see this campus. I am shocked and amazed about the beauty and size of the buildings. This is an expanding University. Father is the Man! Pure & simple. Rev. Pak is well known here for being the key person for the purchase of the property and establishment of SMU.
After returning to Seoul the entire group travelled for four days visiting various sights and Holy Grounds including SMU, UTS, Chong Pyong Lake and others.
Land of the Morning Calm!
After it’s all said and done the conclusion is that I must learn Hangul. I have always considered myself a son of True Parents. Obviously, I am not the best of the best of the best so, that qualifies me to be unworthy to be called their son. As I have grown through the course of restoration through indemnity I have shed some fallen nature and challenged other things to win some victories where I am standing in confidence that I am clearly aware at least that True Parents are my parents and in that truth I am their son. I will continue to strive to be better daily.
In Korea for the short ten days that seemed more like the thirty days in Japan, I realized that I could not fully connect to my Parents heart primarily because of language. Humanity is the same everywhere on this planet. We all know this clearly. The separating factor is our level of communication with each other. Our international couples understand the meaning of this best. I have never personally spoken to True Parents even though we’re in the same room together. The language of the heart if acceptable, gets us through the doorway of the soul but our ability to dwell within each others house with respect, love and complete understanding is limited by the level of shared words which through conversation deepens our respect, love and understanding of each other and creates a trust that the Korean elders and members are privileged to have with our Parents. So, we the children of the Elder Son Nation at those moments with our True Parents or Korean elders and member feel like step children instead of True Children. Here in lies part of the reason why our motivation to serve and attend True Parents is as low as a deflated balloon. Oops, there it is! The distance is further from the truth than I realized.
I stand with gratitude and appreciation for this forty days experience in the Mother and Father Nations. We were educated in the Unification Church with clear teachings about the root and foundation of the beginnings of Fathers course as it connected to the completion of the indemnity course of world Christianity. The total misfortune of Moon Sun Myung beginning a course to restore, reconcile and redefine Christianity’s role and position in the providence of God is an irony of inspiration and tragedy. Sitting it dirt and mud surrounded by small bricks and cardboard boxes made into the first Church of the Lord of the Second Advent is a shame on humanity. This shame has become our honor and source of eternal life. In this mud hut covered with cardboard at the bottom of Heaven and earth a young man shared a vision of hope, love and salvation for all of God’s children. Only in Korea can we connect and reconnect to depths of the meaning of our Church’s growth and expansion on the world scale. During the ICC days or a trip to Chong Pyong Lake we had the chance to see first hand the trances of Fathers course to reach us.
These short ten days in Korea was a spiritual journey into seeing the glory of God’s Kingdom on this earth. The substantial reality of it all is that you and I are a part of this great effort assisting True Parents as they dedicate themselves to bring this world about.
When the children of the Elder Son Nation face God and understand the responsibility given to us, we will see that America is in the middle of it all. This is Heavens cry to all American / western members to stand up and take your place on this final stage to complete the work we joined this Church to do. Let’s give, give and give again until it hurts then forget we gave and give again. If we consider ourselves children of the King than we better give our Japanese sisters and Korean elders the royal treatment. It is in our history that when Americans went to war in this country, allies and supporters from abroad offered their assistance. Even though we won the war it was still recognized as a victory for the world.
The leaders are back now. We are inspired and ready to go to work. Let’s work together to bring joy, glory and honor to Heavenly Father and True Parents. There is much work to be done and there is something for each of us to do. Please use wisdom and your clear conscious as you make your offering to God so that everything we give will be most effective in our endeavors.
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