The Words of the Clyburn Family |
Some Experiences With True Parents In Europe
Beatrice Clyburn
February 24, 2006
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A Studying True Father’s speech 86 times. (Slides 1-2)
I am extremely grateful for P Staudinger’s testimony. It shook me. I pledged to fulfill this condition.
Beautiful experiences in train on way to STF, I read 11 times one way, 10 times on the way back. Crying. Felt like I was going into the depth of Father’s heart. He is so in love with God. That love gives him strength to fight day and night. I felt also how much True Parents had to suffer to be so close to God. It gave me power to also fight for such True Parents, for them to receive love and gratitude from their European children.
B In Poland (Slides 2-3)
Success because of strong foundation to receive True Parents: *F of Faith with Pres Song’s condition, also on Nov 21 2003 21 Polish members started a 4 year condition, plus many other conditions made from HQ. *F of Substance: former leaders came back to help, PL members abroad flew in, 1st and 2nd G, PL members made unusual efforts to reach out. The greatest foundation came through the restorative love and unity with German leaders and members. I was asked to coordinate mobilization. We were very united, worked hard, vertical alignment with Pres Song for 700 guests, fighting together till the last minute; presence of new realm of united German-Polish spiritual world, plus all the people around Europe and the world praying for True Parents’ success in Poland.
Consequence: Hall more than full, True Parents so happy.
I felt deep joy, and when I saw that smile on True Parents’ faces and that joy in their hearts, I sobbed for half an hour. Brother Mark Brann said that there is nothing more important in our life than to make True Parents happy. That’s how I felt. I remembered all the hard, crazy painful times we all went through, including our family, in PL as NM for 9 years. I cried for all the Polish people in the spiritual world who offered their lives for their fatherland, all the suffering in hundreds of years. For the first time they could cry with joy that their offering was received by the Messiah…
C In Slovakia (Slides 4-5)
When True Parents left Poland, I had only one idea: I want to go with them around Europe. I want to be mobilized. With this longing, God sent money from right and left, so our family could go to SK, our 2nd home in Europe. We served in the kitchen. For 8 years I have had the privilege of working with Mr. Igor and the SK movement in 9x 15 day WSs. I have met God so many times, cried many many tears, met True Parents face to face, stood as John the Baptist proclaiming True Parents to the new guests. When we arrived there I realized that I came to make that offering to True Parents, together with the SK members. True Parents in the glorious concert hall were the external manifestation of the internal CS piled up in this movement, and the passionate heart of attendance of Mr. Igor. In HDH I offered these 9 x15 day WSs to True Father mostly face to face in tears and he received it. I was very close physically and our eyes crossed again and again.
D London (Slides 6-7)
My greatest experience, one that shook me, was again at HDH. I wanted to catch the first bus out of Chislehurst to be near True Parents; so I did not want to sleep much or change my clothes. So I slept very shortly sitting on the floor in the hallway; I was in the first bus… and the driver went to the wrong place. So we arrived last. For some reason I felt peaceful; that all the time through my longing I was with True Parents already and it is OK where I sat. The hall was packed, we were outside in the hallway. All of a sudden this newsflash "20 people can come in to the front", great rush. And in we were at the feet of True Parents. We could be so close and celebrate in joy the 40th anniversary of the European UM. You see me taking notes. I took notes all the time during the tour. I want to remember every word Father said on this continent because I take it as direction, guidance for us now. It is exactly what we need now. So I want to inherit. Also for some reason I am able to write very fast, some gift God gave me, and that I developed, and I know that it means very much to all of us when we get notes from Father’s speeches.
E Copenhagen (Slide 8)
Again, I slept in my clothes sitting at a table; ready to jump and be near True Parents, so again we were very close. I could feel so much from him. When these words of Father from Cheon Seong Gyeong were read, "God does not have anybody to take care of Him. Who knows God’s painful heart?" I burst into tears and never stopped until the end of HDH. I was just overwhelmed with what Father feels for God, His passion for Him, and what he went through to comfort God so we have a chance to know God, so I have a chance. All these notes are filled with God’s and True Parents’ tears. I can't stop reading them, and each time, I cry. When we pray we know in the depth of our being that True Parents are longing to come to the rest of West Europe. So I want to continue to offer myself together with the rest of you so that we may bring them that joy. This is our greatest honor.
Thank you very much…
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