Reflections on being Jewish
(Barry Cohen - December 1973 pdf)
The Meaning of God to Mordecai
Kaplan (Barry Cohen - December 1973 pdf)
The Christian World-View (Barry
Cohen - January 1974 pdf)
One of the most successful 1975
Unification Church Missions is in Liberia (Barry Cohen -
September 1975 pdf)
In Liberia, we now have two schools
and I am working with the Gospel League (Barry Cohen -
November 9, 1975 pdf)
Our Unification Church Missionary's
40 Days in the Liberian Wilderness (Barry Cohen - January 1976
Liberia: We Unification Church
Missionaries Counsel at a Christian Youth Camp (Barry Cohen -
January 19, 1976 pdf)
Lady Dr. Kim: A Remembrance
(Daniele Cohen - November, 1999)
A Healing Seminar For Second
Generation (Jarish Cohen - May 1, 2005)
Extremely Urgent Las Vegas
(Daniele Cohen - July 5, 2011 pdf)
Toward an Era of Interfaith
Cooperation and Peace (Ran Cohen - January 24, 2012)
Richard Cohen: Understanding
Homosexuality at New Hope Family Church (Jim Boothby - June 6,
2018 pdf)