The Words of the Cooper Family |
Dear brothers and sisters,
In three weeks True Parents will be holding a Blessing Ceremony. It is called the World Peace Blessing. When True Parents began the marriage Blessing providence in 1960, the year they were also blessed in marriage, it was held behind closed doors to keep out those protesting and attacking their ministry. Over the years God has been able to establish a greater realm of protection around our True Parents and their disciples and today the Blessing is held in a public setting including venues such as the United Nations building in New York. True Parents have themselves held a second blessing ceremony for their own marriage which took place in 2003 in Chung Pyung. They wanted to offer this ceremony (and their love as a husband and wife) to God in an environment where there was an atmosphere of support and attendance from people of all walks of life.
Most of us have received the marriage blessing from True Parents before. But Father always said that there would be a time when we should receive the blessing again on another level. Not so many years ago there was the registration Blessing for entering the nation of Cheon Il Guk, and this next world level is the third of three levels for us to take part in: Father would like this World Peace Blessing to be as public as possible and for as many couples to join as possible. That includes all blessed couples, both first and second generation. The two main tasks for us are to prepare ourselves to attend and also to start reaching out to invite other couples, our friends, neighbors, and family, as this will be a focus for True Parents work over the next 3 years. As we share the blessing with others we experience God’s blessing in our family on a deeper level.
In terms of preparing ourselves please see this time as a good opportunity to rededicate your life to God, your spouse and your family. God’s blessing is priceless, but there are times when I do feel like the pig that Jesus said to not waste your pearls on (Matt 7:6). I am sure we all experience limitations in ourselves and in our marriage relationships. Or to put it more positively; perhaps you are in love with your spouse, but you just want to get more in love. In order to feel ready in October to receive this new level of blessing it will help us if we schedule time into our week to pray, study, and find a personal way to deepen our heart towards our spouse and God.
In understanding what is not simple to catch we of course need faith. But also we need to share with each other and receive guidance. There will be a series of one day seminars that you are all asked to attend prior to the ceremony in October.
There is a lot more practical information to pass on. We will be putting some of this on our website tomorrow, www.familyfireplace.org, and your local pastor will be your main source to contact. There are still many questions we are endeavoring to get answers to in HQ, and we are making progress. However it is helpful to understand that at the core of this circumstance is Father’s own relationship with God in which he is earnestly trying to ensure he can make a successful offering. As a result the practical details do not all arrive exactly when we would like to have them.
If we can catch something of Father’s perspective at this time, where he is in his life, and what he is hoping to still accomplish, then we can receive a lot of insights. Father has spoken about how he considers the time we are currently in as parallel in some sense to the time after the flood judgment where Noah hoped together with God to make a new beginning in a purified world. Father’s recent direction to pastor Hyung Jin Nim when they were both in the USA was to tell his son to start a speaking tour before he returned to Korea and tell people that the most important point for their lives at this time is to unite with True Parents at all costs, and not to think that Father is just getting old, but to understand he is still fully capable to lead our Movement. Again perhaps there is a parallel with Noah and his need for his children to demonstrate filial piety towards him in order that they could inherit God’s blessing.
As well as joining a seminar in our local community I would encourage all of us to take what opportunity we have to get up to date with True Parents current work. You can go to hyungjinmoon.iunificationist.org/ to connect to Hyung Jin Nim’s latest insights, you can take time to read Father’s most recent words, and it is always good to go back to studying the Divine Principle.
Lastly, as is often the case when Father is preparing an offering for God, he is not able to give us a full explanation until after the offering has been made. Recently it has helped me a lot when reading the Bible and especially the New Testament to connect to True Parents more through considering the significance of Jesus’ ministry and words. It gave me a sense of perspective, which we all need if we are to understand our identity in the context of God’s work.
God bless you,
Simon Cooper
Here are some recent words from Father on the World Peace Blessing:
On August 19 and 20, 2009, in HDH at Cheon Jeong Gung, True Father explained:
“Humanity cannot unite and become owners of peace unless they share a common blood lineage... a condition must be set through which all six billion people in the world, from both the communist and the democratic worlds, receive the Blessing on the same day. Once that condition is set, then the Blessing can be given again and again to cleanse the entire world.”
On the following day, August 21, 2009, Father mentioned:
“If we cannot set the proper conditions together while Father is on the earth, you will be unable to set the necessary conditions without me in the future. If we miss the right time, you will have to wait for hundreds or thousands of years. Since it’s difficult for Father to set the necessary indemnity conditions to give the Blessing again, the event on October 14 is the beginning point of opening the way of setting the conditions needed to Bless the high and low people of this world, who are on all different levels, some as high as heaven and others as low as the earth.”
True Father intends to expand the Blessing rapidly in the coming 3 years and 3 months before 13th January 2013. For this reason he announced on August 11:
“Everyone must receive the Blessing again by October 14 of this year. In attendance of True Parents, you must fulfill your filial duty to establish a victorious standard, calling on all the saints in the spirit world.”