The Words of the Cooper Family |
If music has been a medium to move your heart and touch your soul then you will know how central it can be to successful worship.
Pray for God's blessing and light to shine on our music ministry team A couple of months ago we put out a job description for a music ministry team: familyfireplace.org/2010/04/music-ministry-mission-opportunity-available/
The job was given to Reamonn Bateman and Kathleen Moloney who have already been developing the music in our HQs community over the last 9 months. Kathleen will be studying music part time this year and Reamonn who has also been working with David Franklin in our General Affairs Dept. has been supporting a number of different initiatives in headquarters such as the Live Lounge open mic night.
They have now launched the music ministry project with the support of our HQs church and some space in the basement of LG provided by our UK finance committee.
When I was a student back in the early 90s I used to DJ in pubs, clubs, and parties up in Newcastle and for a year I ran the student union's Reggae Club.
As a result I got a bit distracted from my English Lit. I guess the music brought me together with friends in a way that my studies could not. It moved me.
When I met the church in New York in the summer before my final year at Uni the singing we did before lectures was what opened me up to God's heart and reality. It was the key that unlocked the door between me and God.
View more presentations from Family Federation. They are now recruiting for band members and a choir. See the application form if you would like to audition.
There are a lot of talented people out there. If we connect our talent and skills to God's plans and hopes then there is no limit to where this can go. I really believe that. Especially in regard of reaching out and letting people know about True Parents, music can be a great medium of communication.