The Words of the Cooper Family |
Dear brothers and sisters,
Happy God's day. Things are good here in Korea. They got us into the hall a bit early for midnight prayer: 9 pm. But, the Midnight prayer itself was very bright and uplifting. You could feel the energy that True Parents brought to the hall. they looked well and relaxed, and as they left Father gave a very beautiful blessing to everyone; he turned back to the hall and stepped forward, and just said simply: "God bless all of you and everyone…"
Here is a very rough translation on father's calligraphy for the new year's motto…went something like:
"Cheon Il Guk will be everlasting when the parents of heavenly emotion and the children of earthly harmony become one to the greatest degree and settle the cosmos of peace"
This morning at pledge service after Hoon Dok Hae he got up and said: "You already heard everything you need to hear from my words, but sit down anyway. I will come to my conclusion." That was maybe 8 am, then around 11.30 am Dr Seuk somehow managed to bring the event to a close. Father on his way out of the hall asked a couple of people to sing.
They are about to close the coffee shop with the wireless so have to finish up, will write again. Thinking of our community back in the UK. Miss my wife's cooking, a LOT. But also glad to be hear and grateful to have Franklin and Jeff as minders, spiritually speaking. Although I did get to hang out with Geros for a big part of the day, and that is always good to do.
Hope you all have a great pledge and celebration tonight in the UK in LG and in all our communities around the UK. A big part of our celebration of God's day is how we share time with each other, caring for each other's families, helping each other realize our value and making our neighbor, friends and family happy. As I watched Father putting rice cakes in his children and grandchildren's mouths I could catch this heart of wanting to feed his family with love. He has been thinking about the whole world like that all his life. I hope all of us in our community can help each other to inherit that way of life.
See you soon. God bless.