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Report on New York's 5th Monthly ACLC Breakfast Meeting Held at Isaiah's Temple of Mount Hope Brooklyn NY May 5th 2006
Tom Corley
May 15, 2006
Pastor Dr. Voni Johyn warmly welcomed New York's ACLC pastors and guests to the solid and serene sanctuary of Isaiah's Temple of Mount Hope Brooklyn on Saturday morning, May 5th, 2006. This was more than a breakfast meeting. We were all deeply touched throughout the meeting as through songs and words we expressed the profound love we had discovered that changed our lives.
Sister Wendy Mitchell of Isaiah's Temple led us in the National Anthem and followed with "What a Mighty God We Have". Bishop Armah of the Bronx reminded us of those pastors who had recently passed on and offered an invocation for the meeting. In his opening remarks New York ACLC chairman Bishop Reilly mentioned that one of the purposes of ACLC was to help us cross the line of "your church and my church" to bring us together.
Dr. Voni Johyn welcomed and introduced those who became new members since the last meeting. After the blessing of the meal by Dr Johyn and as it was being served by sisters from her congregation, we were treated to heart-moving renditions from several singers accompanied by Isaiah's Temple music director. Sister Stanislaus shared two songs, "Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy" and "Jesus Is a Deliverer," both with a wonderful Caribbean beat. Rev. Dunn from the Bronx presented a song honoring Father Moon and true love. Rev Dunn was followed by Evangelist Davis, who shared how she had misunderstood Father and Mother Moon for so long. She also testified how God's love had turned her life around and sang "I Learned to Live Life Holy". Rev. Johnson of Brooklyn concluded this segment of our meeting with "Jesus Loves Me."
Bishop Reilly, in sharing the goals and objectives of ACLC, talked about the correctness of repentance. He mentioned David in the Old Testament, who sincerely repented on many occasions. He said the ACLC brings us together and strengthens us to follow the right way. He complemented Mrs. Green and Rev. Sakamoto on their diligence in organizing and reminding everyone of upcoming events. He concluded by thanking Father Moon for bringing us all together.
Two readings and a song were shared prior to Rev Dillon's Keynote address, the first from Isaiah 28:16 and the 2nd from Father Moon's recent speech "God's Ideal Family". The hymn "O Come Let Us Adore Him" was offered by evangelist Davis from the Bronx. Rev Dillon began by presenting a gift of his most recent book, Affirm Your Purpose, to our chairman Bishop Reilly. He mentioned that Isaiah was very much a part of this meeting’s theme.
In preparation for his sermon Rev Dillon sincerely asked for God's blessing guidance. In reference to Isaiah 28: 16 he said, we need to place a stone in the ground in Brooklyn, a tried and tested stone, a foundation stone that's build on equality and justice. He emphasized how important it is to lay the foundation properly in order to create a secure building or organization. As in Isaiah, he referred to righteousness as the plumb line indicating our relationship with God, and justice as the measuring line indicating the relationship between brothers and sisters. He declared, it's only through unity that we can grow and unity can only come about when there is justice. He said, we are all small rocks or pebbles and it is only through being fused together with God's love in righteousness and justice that we can make a difference. Rev. Dillon closed his sermon by leading us in the song "I Surrender."
Led by Dr. McGhee, an offering was taken for our speaker and prayed over by Mrs. Green. Our Vice Regional Director Rev. Grodner introduced and guided the blessing ceremony, and Dr. Voni Johyn recommended Rev. John Allsop to become a new member. Our regional director, Rev. Lee, thanked everyone for attending and urged us to continue on the path of restoring the family community and nation. Dr. Johyn closed our meeting by saying she was honored to have hosted this ACLC breakfast meeting and asking our newly recommended member, John Allsop, to offer the closing prayer.
Reporter: Rev Tom Corley
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