The Words of the Corley Family |
ACLC Breakfast Meeting, Harlem, New York
Tom Corley
November 17, 2007
On a brisk November Saturday morning, ACLC pastors and congregation members gathered at Ebenezer AME church, located at 170 East 123rd Street in East Harlem for the second-to-last prayer breakfast of 2007.
We were given a warm welcome by Bishop William Robinson, Pastor. After a spirited hymn (How Great Thou Art) sung by Bishop Brown of the Bronx, who accompanied himself on the keyboard, our host Bishop Robinson offered a prayer for the breakfast and guided us to the serving counter, where a sumptuous meal had been prepared. After breakfast we watched a short video concerning efforts to bring peace to the Middle East. The video contained interviews with leaders of different faiths whose desire is to achieve a lasting peace.
As preparation, Rev. Edner Pierre Louis, Pastor of the Manhattan Family Church and our emcee for the prayer breakfast meeting, called on Mother Johnson from Brooklyn to grace us with a song. Her song was "Tell Me Where Love Comes From?" Her rendition of the song was beautiful as she endeavored to penetrate the depth of our souls. She took us on a journey to the heart of God, her whole being immersed in the words she sang.
At the conclusion of her song, there could be no doubt where love comes from. She was accompanied on the keyboard by Bishop Brown. Brother Cesar Jr. of Ebenezer AME followed, singing "Joy" and accompanying himself on the keyboard. He encouraged all present to sing, clap and dance.
The ACLC statement of purpose was read by Rev. Harvey Kendricks of Grace Baptist Church, Harlem. The founder's words were read by Rev. Raymond Dyer of Illumination Church of Harlem and the scriptural reading, Acts 17 verses 25 and 26, was given by Bishop McEwen from Brooklyn.
Rev. Pierre Louis introduced our Keynote Speaker, Rev. Alfred Miller, saying he was ordained into the Church of God in Christ 50 years ago and currently serves as Pastor of the Church for the Art of Living, which he founded some 20 years ago. Rev. Miller began with an Amen, which he said means, we agree with God, His word and purpose. "I greet you in love today," he began, "and I am very happy to be here."Just a month ago we met in our church in Long Island and I am sure you are here today in order to receive more. God always has more."
Rev. Miller then proceeded into his sermon." I want to look into the scripture today and give you an idea how it all ties into what we are talking about. I have a favorite sermon that I like to preach. I am not going to preach it today, but I am going to touch on some excerpts from it. It is called the Triple-A Formula, and you know what Triple-A is. You can go almost anywhere in the country with your car and if you get in trouble you just have to make one call and you can get help on the spot…
"Today with our subject we will be focusing on three parts of our lives and consciousness. The first "A" is Awareness, the second "A" is Acceptance, and the third "A" is Appreciation. You need all three of them to please God. We can’t please God without going through the channels and requirements that the Holy Spirit wants to use. It is wonderful to know that God made no mistakes when he created us.
We need to affirm that we are wonderfully and lovingly made, for God is love, and all of the love that God has is embedded in us. We look for love, but I want you to know that you are looking for what you already have; it dwells in you. You will discover that you have love, that you have peace and all the wonderful virtues of God. We are wonderfully and lovingly made….
"I want you to know that we will have no boundaries in the Kingdom of Heaven. There will be no denominations. There is not going to be anything but the children of God, and I’m planning to be in that number. So when we seek this connection and we find it, we can rejoice because the world is now coming back together.
I can see in the ACLC conference that God is bringing it all together. Even though there are a lot of things happening in the world, there is peace. Everyday we are walking, talking, trusting and living with God. Every day in every way I am getting stronger and stronger, more loving and more loving. That’s an acceptance of God's word. That’s the second "A," acceptance….
"The third "A" is to appreciate. Appreciation generates understanding of each other. My wife and I have been to many parts of the world and we have learned a lot. We have learned where we didn’t know love existed. We have learned to touch and be one with people who needed it at that moment and didn’t even know it….
"The door to God is always open and you don’t need a combination. You just need to believe that you are one with God and that the Father is one with you. Isn’t that what Rev. Moon is doing? Rev. Moon is talking that talk and walking that walk, demonstrating these three principles, awareness, acceptance, and appreciation, moving all over the world telling people we are one in the spirit.
The door is not locked. Believe that God has opened the door and, if God has opened the door, walk in. Accept it, believe it and appreciate it and then it will come forth. Appreciation generates understanding, and when one learns to love all people one will find plenty of people who will return that love.
If you’re looking for love today, put out love. "One thing I have learned in my travels is that some people don’t have very much, yet when they have each other they are satisfied. So we have each other today in this organization. In fact, when I look at you, I don’t see you -- I see God! I see God’s life, apparent and brilliant."
An offering was taken while Mother Johnson from Brooklyn sang "I Don’t Believe You Brought Me This Far To Leave Me." Bishop Robinson offered a prayer to bless the offering. Rev. Pierre Louis gave a brief introduction of the blessing and guided all present in participating.
In closing remarks Rev. Grodner mentioned that before there was religion, there was family, and that is where we need to return. He also shared about an Imam from Mali who lives in New York and who recently had to deal with a tragic fire that killed several members of a family. He shared how this Imam was so touched by the love he received from Islamic, Christian, and Jewish neighbors.
The flag of the Unified Family of Churches was presented to Bishop Robinson. Announcements were made concerning the upcoming speech by Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon on November 21 and the upcoming thirty-third peace trip to the Middle East. Offerings were presented to Bishop Robinson and Rev. Miller. New visitors were encouraged to join ACLC. Rev. Miller was invited up once again to give the benediction.
Reported By Rev. Tom Corley, Hempstead, NY.