The Words of the Corley Family |
Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon March 27, 2012
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It is my honor to send you warmest greetings and wish you a happy May 1st. I hope you and your family are well. Just as we see the blooming of nature all around us I hope you can feel the beauty and freshness of the heavenly spring season in your heart.
May 1st is a special date in our Church calendar and a good time to reflect back on where we have come, since our Movement was founded 58 years ago. It is also a time to rejoice over the fact that we can live our lives and work together for God's will, with the living Christ, our True Parents in the forefront.
April has been a busy month for providential activities, beginning with a special Europe/Russia joint conference in Moscow on the 6th and 7th under the title; Peace and Security in Multicultural Societies at a time of Global Crisis. Europe's participation in the Moscow program was in accordance with True Father's direction that the European Region support other countries and regions. Pres. and Mrs. Song led a distinguished delegation of European representatives to the program. They also had an opportunity to meet with native members while in Moscow.
On Easter Sunday, 8th April, we held a handover ceremony at Lancaster Gate, where I formally accepted the responsibility as National Leader for the UK Movement, from Simon and Chieko Cooper. I am very grateful to them for their years of service in this mission and look forward to working together with them in the coming months and years. In addition to his role as pastor of Lancaster Gate Community I have also asked Simon to be one of two vice presidents of the UK movement, the other being David Earle.
One of the most exciting events of April was an ELC program held at the headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in central Paris under the title, A New Vision for Peace and Development. As the name suggests UNESCO deals with issues of education, science and culture and is the area of the UN which seems most appropriate for UPF to be involved with. Indeed, in his opening speech the representative of the Sultanate of Oman commented that UNESCO would do well to learn from UPF's global activity in the name of peace.
At the same time as the UNESCO program was going on in Paris, a 7-day Divine Principle workshop was being held in the beautiful Schloss Furstenreid near Munich. Tim Miller and David Hanna were the main lecturers, before Tim had to go to Paris for the ELC. A total of around 40 participants took part in the program.
In the remaining months before Foundation Day, I would like to encourage you to reflect on True Parents' greatest concerns, as they seek to bring a conclusion the providential work. In a recent Hoon Dok Hae, Father expressed it as follows: When I see you, I am really worried about you. Thinking of Foundation Day, I can't sleep at night, but you are just thinking and worried about what to eat, what to dress, and your family matters. I can't sleep thinking how many of you I can bring with me to the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world.
To help you keep abreast of the latest news and activities in the providence, the European office (now based in Lancaster Gate) has set up a special website where you can access the latest information and news as well as materials to support you in your spiritual life and activity. To have access, you would need to have a Google e-mail account. For more information about this, please use the following link: https://sites.google.com/a/europeanoffice.net/uc-europe/home
Wishing you and your family the abundant blessings of Heavenly Father and True Parents!
Jack Corley
National Leader