The Words of the Cotter Family |
The Holy Spirit descended upon the city of Las Vegas on Saturday, March 28, as this city took center stage in God’s Providence to transform the American culture. True Parents have invested so much of their prayers and efforts here during the past year, and now the world has come to Las Vegas to support them. Close to 300 leaders from 40 nations and the United States attended a Special Leadership Conference in Las Vegas from March 26 to 29 titled “The American West, the Pacific Rim and Global Change: Vision, Family Values and Ethical Leadership for the United States, United Nations and the World.”
More than 1,200 people attended the main event at the South Point Hotel Sonoma Ballroom on Saturday from 1:00 to 3:00 PM, where the keynote address was given by Rev. In Jin Moon, President of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) USA. The ballroom itself and the adjoining overflow room were both packed, with standing room only. The event was jointly sponsored by FFWPU, the Universal Peace Federation, the Women’s Federation for World Peace, and the American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC).
Hundreds of wonderful guests from the Las-Vegas area attended, thanks to the foundation of Ambassadors for Peace and clergy that has been cultivated here by Rev. and Mrs. Bill Starr, Mrs. Kay Yamaguchi, Mrs. Reiko Kawazaki, Dr. Pouran Ameli, and all of the Las Vegas Family Church families. In addition to more than 200 international guests, dignitaries from the entertainment world, politics, business, and education were also in attendance. Dr. Ameli brought 100 members of the Iranian-American Association, all distinguished residents of Las Vegas. More than 20 local pastors attended with members of their churches, representing our ACLC foundation in Las Vegas and Henderson, Nevada. Hundreds of our families and their guests came from Los Angeles, San Francisco, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado.
Rev. Michael Jenkins, ACLC Chairman, was the master of ceremonies for the program. The invocation was given by Rev. Sam Roberson, State President of the National Baptist Convention and pastor of the Community Baptist Church in Henderson. He is a long-time friend of our movement who brought together many pastors for this event. His musical group, The Spiritual Cloud, provided great gospel music for the event. There were greetings from Rev. Marion Bennett, pastor of Zion Independent Methodist Church of Las Vegas and founder of ACLC in Nevada, and from Nevada State Sen. Bob Coffin, both of whom deeply moved the audience with their powerful remarks.
Reverend Jenkins acknowledged personally many of the special guests in attendance. A video presentation on the life of Father Moon, “Man of Peace,” was shown, followed by welcoming remarks from Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Co-Vice-President of the World Mission Department of FFWPU International. Chris Alan Derflinger, from New Jersey, performed a very moving song written by Rev. In Jin Moon titled “One by One.”
The Special Address and Introduction to the Keynote Speaker was given by Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, President of FFWPU International. Also in attendance in the front row were many members of Reverend and Mrs. Moon’s family. The audience was very blessed to be able to hear from Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, who is presiding over our worldwide movement on behalf of his parents. His love and support for his elder sister In Jin were very evident.
Rev. In Jin Moon came to the stage with a great welcome from the enthusiastic audience. Before reading her speech, Rev. Moon spoke from her heart about God’s and her parents' vision for renewing and reviving American culture, centering on Las Vegas. She said that, until now, Las Vegas has been known as “Sin City” but that God has a greater vision for it. She suggested that by placing an h after the s and adding an ing that Sin City could become Shining City! Everyone responded by applauding the idea that Las Vegas might become a “shining city on a hill” to inspire people from around the world to live godly lives instead of sinful lives.
Rev. Moon also mentioned that there is a slogan about Las Vegas: “What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas.” She said that if we can change our culture here into one of living for the sake of others rather than just for ourselves, then we can say, “What happens in Las Vegas can be shared with others around the world!”
Following her remarks, Reverend Moon read her prepared speech, which included Father Moon’s Peace Message “A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God’s Will.” She read with passion and conviction, and the audience was able to follow along with booklets containing the text of the speech. When she finished, the entire crowd was on their feet, applauding and cheering. Flowers were presented to both Rev. Hyung Jin Moon and Rev. In Jin Moon. The audience showed their appreciation as members of the True Family then left the ballroom.
The Call to Action was given masterfully by Bishop Jesse Edwards, ACLC national co-chairman, who mentioned that he saw more people in the casinos calling on God for help than he did in the churches! He called us all to prayer and action in returning our culture and our nation to God, beginning here in the “shining city” of Las Vegas. The musical finale, “Amazing Grace,” was led by Rev. Levy Daugherty, Rev. Joshua Cotter, and The Spiritual Cloud.
Immediately after the main program, about 500 blessed families from all over the area crowded into the Napa Room to spend time with the True Family. For many, this was the highlight of the day. Ye Jin, In Jin, Kook Jin, Kwon Jin, Sun Jin and Hyung Jin Moon, together with their spouses and children, came to the Napa Room to greet our beloved families, many of whom had traveled 12 hours to be there. It was incredible to be together with so many of True Parents’ family.
Rev. Hyung Jin Moon spoke first and introduced all of his brothers and sisters. When he introduced Ye Jin Moon (True Parents’ eldest child) there was a standing ovation that lasted a couple of minutes (Rev. In Jin Moon later told us how moved her sister was by this show of love). All of the True Family received similar ovations. Rev. Hyung Jin Moon’s remarks were straight from his heart with love and support for his sister Rev. In Jin Moon and for all of us as blessed families.
Next, Kook Jin Moon spoke for several minutes. In a very inspiring way, he told us how Father had called him to Korea to transform our businesses and our movement through accountability, transparency, and responsibility. His message to our leaders and to our families was that this has to be a time of growth in our movement (we have been stagnant for the last 20 years). And to grow, we need a new kind of leadership. What was most powerful to all was to see the substantial model of leadership emerging right in front of us, in the persons of In Jin, Kook Jin, and Hyung Jin Moon. The hour that we shared together here was extremely inspiring for all of our families, both First and Second Generation.
Dave Hunter, the master of ceremonies, gave a presentation of five areas of Rev. In Jin Moon’s leadership during the last eight months in America. This included: her great national tour, in which she met every family and young person in all twelve districts from September 2008 to February 2009, her transformation of the Manhattan Center and the great success happening there, the development of our national FFWPU website, and the soon-to-be-launched “Lovin’ Life” Ministry in Manhattan. It is clear that this is just the beginning; under Rev. In Jin Moon’s great leadership, America will be able to soar and do great things over the next four years!
Our time together concluded with a beautiful video of True Parents’ 90th Birthday Celebration and the Blessing, held in New York on January 31. The video captured the joy of True Parents at their birthday celebration but especially at the Blessing, where they were thrilled by the newly blessed couples, by the testimony of Rev. T.L. Barrett, by the New Hope Singers International, and by the love and support of their children. Rev. In Jin Moon’s role in planning and guiding the overall occasion ensured its great success and brought incredible joy to our True Parents. The video captured it beautifully.
Spending this quality time personally with the True Family was indeed the highlight and a perfect way to conclude the day. All of our blessed families who attended were deeply moved and grateful to have had this special opportunity. It gave us all a sense of what is to come here in America under the leadership of the True Family: a partnership of true love with which we can transform our movement and the larger culture with ownership and responsibility. Aju!
Written by Reverend and Mrs. Joshua Cotter, district directors of the Northern California and Nevada district and pastors of the Bay Area Family Church