The Words of the Cotter Family |
Dear District Directors and State Leaders,
Thank you for all of your great work in support of True Parents and True Children in America.
Father has called for a special Original Divine Principle Seminar to be held from Tuesday, September 29 through Saturday, October 3 in Washington, D.C., commemorating the publishing of Father's autobiography. This seminar will be primarily for high level guests (political, academic, business and religious leaders) and for our members and their guests. True Parents themselves are inviting the highest level of leadership in America to attend with a personal invitational letter signed by them.
The Special ODP Seminar will take place at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center, 5000 Seminary Rd., Alexandria, VA 22311. The special banquet in honor of Father’s autobiography will take place at the Sheraton National Hotel, 900 South Orme St., Alexandria, VA, from 7:00 PM on Thursday, October 1.
We have made goals for each district, with the overall goal being 400 for the nation. We have only two weeks to fulfill these goals. Please help us to meet the registration deadline for your attendees by Friday, September 29 at 5:00 PM Eastern time.
From every district and state we should invite our Ambassadors for Peace, ACLC clergy and religious leaders, political and academic leaders to attend this historic meeting with True Parents. We are also planning to hold a banquet in Washington, D. C. on Thursday, October 1 in honor of True Parents and Father's autobiography, where we hope to have the highest level of leadership in attendance.
For our members who attend, there will be a registration fee (most likely $500) and a $700 special donation. The guests that we bring should be asked to take responsibility for their own transportation and conference registration. Of course, the district or state may choose to provide some financial support to our guests if they are able to.
Please inform all of your blessed families, AFP's, ACLC clergy, WFWP leaders and all contacts about this exciting opportunity. Registration will be done via online data base, more detailed information will come.
Thank you very much.
God bless you.