The Words of the Cotter Family |
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Rev. In Jin Moon is travelling to Hawaii this weekend to support True Parents at the final event before True Parents return to Korea. Because of this, we are sending a special DVD of In Jin Nim's Easter Sunday Service in Las Vegas, which was also the celebration of Lovin' Life Ministries' One Year Anniversary.
In Jin Nim gave a beautiful and profound sermon on the life of Jesus and His anointing of our True Father on this 75th anniversary of the time when Jesus called our True Father to inherit and fulfill the mission of the Second Coming of the Messiah.
DVDs are being FedExed to all church communities for viewing this Sunday. There will be no service at the Manhattan Center this Sunday. All families should gather at their local churches to view the DVD of In Jin Nim's Easter Sunday service.
Let us pray for True Parents and the event in Hawaii, which has great significance. We also pray for the victory of all the events which will be taking place in all 50 states over the next two weeks, according to True Parents' direction. Finally, let us continue to pray for our beloved elder brother, Rev. Won Pil Kim, as he makes is journey to his eternal home, after a life of service to God and True Parents.
May God bless your families.
Rev. Joshua Cotter
Executive Vice President