The Words of the Cotter Family |
1. Joshua Cotter greeted everyone with a big "good morning!" and a "Happy Sunday and Happy Launch Day!" He expressed with humor that his face is not the face we were expecting to see – and that the ushers were ready to revive anyone who fainted.
2. He asked us if we were loving life? He expressed his joy in being with us today.
3. He gave recognition to Sonic Cult, the Lovin' Life Ministry band. They ministered to his heart. He was shedding tears as they sang. He mentioned the 3 singing sisters, Kat, Natasha, and Mitsuru. They put him in heaven. He also recognized the boys in the band – Joe Young on guitar, Julian on the base, Wade on the keyboard, and Sang Min on drums.
4. We are blessed this morning. Our senior pastor sends all of her love to us here in New York and all across America and across the world. She asked Joshua Cotter to say a few words to us this morning.
5. There is great news in America out of Las Vegas. The American movement completed the giving out of 120,000 autobiographies of our True Father – on July 4. Joshua Cotter asked us to give a big hand to God, True Parents, and for our brothers and sisters. This is a milestone. The city of Las Vegas has been changed because of our brothers and sisters. It will never be the same. Everywhere you go people are reading True Father's autobiography. And now they have it in Spanish. It has changed everything in Las Vegas – and we thank God that we could complete this together – Japanese missionaries who made the foundation and our American members who came in from all across America at their own expense, giving the books out to our brothers and sisters in Las Vegas – reaching the goal that our True Parents gave to us, 120,000. We celebrated with True Parents on July 4, Independence Day. Give a big hand for our True Parents.
6. We should think of this as our Independence Day in America. Not being independent from God or True Parents. Think of it as being free from the bonds of the past. Let's take a giant step forward on this day of our Launch-Pad, the summer quarter, let's declare our independence as the elder son nation. Isn't it time that we stand up and take full responsibility for everything and for this nation?
7. Joshua Cotter has been around this movement for a long time and in the last few decades we've done a lot of good things but in terms of the growth of our movement it hasn't happened. We have been in the doldrums. Do you know what doldrums are? They are the calm winds that the sailors feared the most. Because, when the winds are calm, can you go anywhere? You just sit there waiting.
8. We have been a little bit stagnant, waiting for the wind to blow to get us going again. They talk about the summer doldrums. Are you guys in the summer doldrums? Have you settled into the summertime blues? (No!) Are you sure? It's when everyone says, "Nobody comes to church in the summer. The conventional wisdom is that attendance goes down, tithing goes down, and everybody sits by the pool sipping iced tea." Is that what's going to happen in Lovin' Life (Lovin' Life Ministry)? We have to fight against the summer doldrums. The summertime blues (Joshua Cotter sang, "ain't no cure for the summertime blues.") – There is a cure for the summertime blues, it's the Lovin' Life Ministry!
9. We're not going to follow conventional wisdom – we are going to pack the Manhattan Center this summer. New Jersey, Connecticut, and New York are in the house. Our National Summer Camp and the Leadership College is in the house. Across America we are going to pack out our churches and we are going to continue to grow.
10. Joshua Cotter is inspired by the completion of 120,000 books in Las Vegas. But, is that all we are going to do? Are True Parents going to be satisfied with one city. Las Vegas is the model for other cities. July 10, Districts 2 and 3 and Connecticut are going to begin a campaign to give out 120,000 books here in the New York area – starting today. Can we do it? (Yes!)
11. Along with those books, when people come in to New York through the Lincoln Tunnel what do they want to see? Billboards! True Parents love the billboards that were designed by the Lovin' Life Ministry. Our brothers and sisters, like Yamaguchi, raised the money to put up these billboards that True Parents love. Maybe we can give them to True Father as a memento.
12. It would be great if when True Parents come to New York City, the first thing they see is this beautiful billboard with Father's picture, promoting the autobiography – and all of New York, consumed in reading the autobiography -- realizing things they never knew before about our True Father.
13. In the future – Washington DC, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Miami, (sounds like a song) Columbus Ohio, Minneapolis Minnesota, Houston Texas, Seattle, San Francisco, and LA – "you guys are next!" By the end of 2011 we will give out 1 million books.
14. Today is the beginning of our summer quarter, the summer launch pad. Our headquarters' great team headed up by Mrs. Heather Thalheimer, have provided this amazing package. Today after service there will be a Launch Party – and all across America. These next 10 weeks we will be very busy doing great things and having a lot of fun. Take the Launch-Pad and run with it. Make it your own and implement it.
15. When you think about fruits – summer fruits are the best. Digging into a mouthful of watermelon – it tastes so good! Or summer cherries, apricots, and grapes – this summer there are heavenly fruits out there that tastes like watermelon and cherries and they are just waiting for you to come and pick them. Let's go out there and harvest the fruits!
16. Our movement, our church, is growing – 30 to 40 new members every month. That is small but it's a beginning, it's the tip of the iceberg. Are we ready to welcome thousands of new members over the summer? We need to welcome them. We need the Launch Pad. It's more than just coming to church on Sundays – it's the Ministry and that is what the Launch Pad is all about.
17. What is the theme of our Launch Pad? Live Out Loud! Live your faith. Be a living testimony to God. Take it and blast off with it across America starting today for the next 10 weeks. Get involved in small groups. Check it out and make it your own. Everyone has a place in this ministry – whether you are old like Joshua Cotter or young like Heather Thalheimer.
18. Brothers and sisters this is the most exciting time to be alive, with our True Parents, the leadership of the True Children, and the amazing team that we are developing across America. It's unprecedented. We are glad to see everyone today. Tell the person next to you that you are glad to see them in church today. "We need you"
19. Joshua Cotter has been around a long time. It may not look like it because he has received a makeover from our senior pastor. Personal makeovers, spiritual and physical, are available upon request – no appointment needed, right here at the Lovin' Life Ministry. There is only one requirement; you have to live for the sake of others.
20. Joshua Cotter share that in his life (he sang " in myyyy life") – he asked if we would like to hear about his life. He found God and True Parents 36 years ago – when he was four years old (laughter). (He was told he can't get any older than 40). At that time his life was transformed like many of us. He gave his life to God and True Parents. It is a miracle that he finds himself here today. He pledged his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor – that he would offer this nation of America, his nation, to God. We are standing at a time when we can substantially do that – right now. We are incredibly blessed to be here.
21. Joshua Cotter came from what he thought was a typical American family. He grew up in the suburbs of Maryland and Washington DC. – Bethesda, Maryland (a biblical name). Unfortunately he did not have much to do with the Bible growing up. He was one of six kids, five boys and a girl, a big family. It looked great on the outside, but on the inside there was a lot of turmoil and struggle and emotional upheaval. His parents fought all the time. That made an impression on him and on all the children. He thinks that's why he resonates so much with True Parents who teach that husband and wife should never fight. And if you have to disagree don't do it in front of the children. Joshua Cotter and his wife agree with that and have tried to practice it. When there is fighting in the home, as there was in his home, the children grow up with tremendous stress and turmoil. It damages the heart.
22. He would stand at the top of the stairs wondering if his parents would stay together. They could not imagine what eventually would happen – they were divorced in 1969. At that time divorce was pretty much unheard of in America. Joshua Cotter was 16 when he went through that difficulty. He did not have God, True Parents, or the Bible to guide him.
23. The book of Ephesians tells us about using the right words to uplift people. It says don't use foul or abusive language, because that hurts the heart. Let everything you say be good, helpful, and uplifting. Amen! – So that your words would be an encouragement to all who hear them. That is the kind of home we need to create – where people are uplifted and encouraged all the time. The opposite has very, very dark consequences.
24. Joshua Cotter did not know the Bible, but he did know the Beatles. You can't really compare the two. But they were his spiritual guides. He played the music – "we can work it out" and when his parents would fight he would think of the lyrics "there's no time for fussing and fighting my friends.." and so Joshua Cotter thought that his parents could work it out. Unfortunately it did not work out. It got worse. They were all devastated. His father left. Six kids walked out. His mother became like his daughter. At 16 he tried to become the dad of the family. It was too much. He could not handle it. He didn't have the background, the training or heart, and so he gave up. All his family scattered – one went off to college. His younger brother found Jesus in his bedroom (he didn't know that Jesus was in the bedroom).
25. Joshua Cotter developed a serious long-term totally committed relationship with the piano. That was his life. He had no faith in marriage or long lasting relationships. The paradox was that he had thrown out everything – he was going to live for himself, play piano and make his fortune and forget about everyone else. But God had other thoughts. He kept planting seeds and people in Joshua Cotter's life, trying to pull him to Him.
26. One summer he was working on a Zoysia Grass farm. Zoysia is the Messiah of grasses. It comes from the east, Manila, Philippines. Joshua Cotter and his friends would put plugs of Zoysia Grass which would take over dying lawns and make them new again. Joshua Cotter was plugging away, like a Messiah to homeowners, saving their lawns.
27. One day after 12 hours of hard work he saw a beautiful sunset and he heard the voice "you were meant to be great" he at once asked what was meant by that, but that was all he heard.
28. Later he went down to the Virgin Islands to do some scuba diving with his brother. He got to the airport and he took a taxi to the dock where you take a boat – the place was called Red Hook (like Red Hook New York). He got in a taxi thinking that he would go and "take some drugs, have some sex, and do some scuba diving." He caught a taxi and the taxi cab driver asked him, with an island accent, "Do you know the Lord?" Joshua Cotter thought he was supposed to be on vacation, but he listened to this driver and the story of his life – he had 10 children, lived in a house with a dirt floor, but he had everything because he found Jesus. He told Joshua Cotter, when you get to where you're going don't take the drugs, no sex, no bad language – just get on your knees and pray. And Joshua Cotter said yes sir, and that is what he did.
29. God hears prayers. He heard Joshua Cotter's prayers. After that he no longer had a taste for those things anymore. He couldn't use those four letter words the way he used to. He lost the taste for them. God took it away.
30. Later he traveled across the country from the East Coast to California. He gave up everything and went out to make his fortune. All he lived for was playing the piano, but God had other plans and he was planting people in his life. Before he left his lifelong friends -- Rick and Rob Lord. Their father was an Episcopal priest, Rev. Lord. "You don't get much closer to God than that." They witnessed to Joshua Cotter, and took him to church and gave him a Bible to read. And Joshua Cotter accepted Jesus into his life at the age of 22. All across the country in a sleeping bag he would read the Bible – trying to figure out how he should accept Jesus – Jesus responded "don't worry about it I'm already here. I was in the bedroom and I'm here in this sleeping bag."
31. Joshua Cotter got to California and in three days he was approached by a little angel named Judy who had the thickest Chicago accent he had ever heard. She invited Joshua Cotter to this house, with brothers and sisters like all of us, and he knew that he was home. For the first time he felt that he was home (with tears). He heard the Divine Principle, the teaching of Father Moon from Dr. Durst, Christina Seher, Noah Ross – and Joshua Cotter cried through it all. He cried through the life of Jesus and when he heard the life of our True Parents. He learned the breaking news that True Parents are the living Messiah.
32. He gave everything to God. He told God to take his hands with which he played the piano – "you can cut them off." He gave up music because he thought, "God, what is music if I don't have you." He gave it up, but he got so much back.
33. He did his best. He did a lot of things. Wrote a lot of songs – and somewhere along the way his elder sister told him he would never be a great man unless you forgive your father. And so he spent years praying, trying to come to a point where he could forgive his father. And he realized that he had to forgive himself also. And, in 1982 when he was on his way to Korea to meet his spouse (and he did not know who she was) – he met his dad for the first time in 13 years. Joshua Cotter was living in Boston at that time with his sister Sheri Reuter, that is when he first met In Jin Nim – they used to have snowball fights, in the house, and they used to write songs.
34. He met his father – and he had forgiven him, and so they just hugged and cried for a long time. Then he taught his father the Principle that night. He was so attentive – he took it into his heart. The next day he told his father he had to go to Korea. His father asked him why he was going there. Joshua Cotter answered, "To get married." His father asked, who is the lucky girl? And he answered, "I don't know, but I do know that she is there and she is waiting for me." His father was inspired and even wanted to go with him.
35. Joshua Cotter went to Korea with his father's blessing and True Parents blessed him to his beautiful wife, Young-ae, and they have been blessed with three beautiful children. His wife and he had received so many blessings – they asked each other why they were receiving so many blessings and they realize they must have a special role and so they vowed that they would serve God and True Parents on the front lines as a couple. They made that vow and they followed it ever since. They just celebrated 29 years of marriage. They are stronger in their love for each other and for God and True Parents, and they are getting younger all the time and Lovin' life. Their three amazing children and brothers and sisters like us – what could be better? This is a little bit of his story.
36. Sheri Reuter and Joshua Cotter were pastoring in Boston in the early 1980s. Our senior pastor was a student in the area and she would come to visit the Beacon Street Center – and they had so much fun together. They wrote songs together, they had snowball fights inside the house – even though it was freezing cold in the house. The house was so massive they could not afford to heat it, but that didn't matter because they had love, God, and True Parents, and each other. Joshua Cotter thinks In Jin Nim never forgot that connection of heart. Fast forward to 2008. In this building we had the inauguration of our senior pastor who was appointed by her parents, our True Parents, as the leader and pastor of America with the instructions, "please raise up the American family and children the way you raised up your beautiful family." This was her marching orders.
37. At the inauguration, Joshua Cotter was asked to be the emcee. He got a crash course in how to be emcee from Jin Sung Nim. It struck him that maybe there was something to this, that maybe he should work with In Jin Nim. This was on her birthday, August 14, 2008. Later she called Joshua Cotter in California and asked him, "you are one of seven vice presidents – I don't get that – but you are also a district pastor in California. Would you like to come back to New York as vice president or do you want to stay on the West Coast?" And Joshua Cotter gave the wrong answer, "Why don't you let me stay here on the West Coast and I'll be your representative here." But her heart was saying that he should get his rear-end out to NY, she needed him "now." But he did not get that.
Jin Moon greeting guests at Lovin' Life Sunday Service
38. She was patient, like God. Thank God she had people, wonderful people like George Kazakos, Jaga and Tami Gavin, and Dave Hunter, amazing people – people like you, to help her in those early days when she was planning and working on her vision for this ministry.
39. Joshua Cotter did not get it until July 4, two years ago. So he packed up and left his family in the West Coast and came here to New York. It's been an incredible two years. As they say, it's better late than never. So here we are at Lovin' Life. In Jin Nim always had the vision for this ministry, but before she rolled it out she went on a listening tour all across America. She did not want to insist upon her own way. It is what the Bible tells us. Love is patient, love is kind, it does not insist upon its own way. And so she went out and observed and met and loved and embraced and took notes and found people – and after that she came back and decided to launch this ministry on Easter Sunday 2009. This ministry has been going now for 27 months. Almost 120 sermons have been given by our senior pastor. It has changed America and it has changed the world. A powerful, exciting, music ministry. And we know why – because the music ministers to our heart so that the word can penetrate deep in our heart. It is incredible.
40. We have this incredible Lovin' Life Ministry changing the culture of our church, getting us out of the doldrums. We are growing for the first time – isn't it great? Young people and families across America are joining our church. A living ministry, Lovin' Life and we are talking about today, the Launch Pad. Our headquarters team have developed a membership class (vision class) a whole curriculum for small groups – everything we need to create a wonderful thriving living ministry to go along with the Sunday service experience. The Learning Center is an amazing model for the nation.
41. The Manhattan Center – In Jin Nim has taken this gift of True Parents, the vision of Hyo Jin Nim, and now is using it in such an incredible way – beautiful galas and the ballroom dance ministry centering on her daughter, Ariana. This is an amazing cutting edge national ministry sweeping the country. Joshua Cotter asked everyone to recognize Ariana. Joshua Cotter could go on and on. There is so much to do – we are just scratching the surface and we need everyone's help.
42. In our districts and churches – we have a national live broadcast that reaches 100 churches large and small, 10,000 people a week. This is one of the fastest growing ministries in America and its just starting. We are connected now. We are united in an amazing way. We have people in all 12 districts doing things that we don't have time to go into – but – and Joshua Cotter mentioned Zagery Oliver, down in DC, with his brothers and sisters just completed 1200 days of 5 AM prayer and Hoon Dok Hae. There is not enough time to tell the stories of all that is happening. But, In Jin Nim made an amazing choice in choosing Dr. Ann I. (NJ) "they are tearing things up in New Jersey."
43. Across America – Joshua Cotter thanked everyone for all they are doing. He mentioned the organizations that our True Parents created, ACLC, UPF (Dr. Walsh and Jim Gavin) WFWP (Angelika Selle) – all being revolutionized. CARP (under Hiro Hernandez and Victoria Roomet) – revolutionized through Lovin' Life Ministry. The human rights issue that True children have championed – we have taken that on and we are putting an end to that problem. Also the fact that we are raising up such an amazing crop of new leaders. Joshua Cotter asked everyone to recognize STF and the first National Leadership Initiative 10 week program. Joshua Cotter also recognized the high school summer camp under Dave Hunter and his staff.
44. In Jin Nim is building a national unity that is unprecedented. Through that unity we can explode and blossom like a flower. Joshua Cotter mentioned Dr. Panzer and his wife doing an amazing job with UTS. They are working on creating a four year college at Barrytown.
45. Joshua Cotter put out a call to the first-generation. You know who you are. The best is yet to come, is it not? True Children honor the first-generation – we have seen that. They are not honoring the first-generation so that we can retire, resign, or stand back. They are honoring us so that we can step forward, because God is not done with us yet.
46. This is why Joshua Cotter loves brothers like Mr. Pierre Tardy. He always has a smile on his face. He is the kind of person Joshua Cotter would like to be. Joshua Cotter is a Pierre Tardy wanna-be.
47. True Father has said to us many times – we should return to the time when we first met True Parents. With that kind of heart and enthusiasm and offering you should be reborn. "Can you be reborn?" What happens when we are reborn? We belong to God, True Parents, to Christ – 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that, "anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person, a new creation." The old life is gone and a new life has just begun. We should celebrate that. Rebirth through God and True Parents, that is what Lovin' Life is doing.
48. The word regeneration came to Joshua Cotter's mind. It is a doctrine of being spiritually reborn through Christ – to be a new creation in the love of God, the love of Christ, in the love of our True Parents. We have been given so much blessing in our lives, our families and our lives – such a blessing. We should have the heart to return it all to God and True Parents, to offer this nation to them.
49. It struck Joshua Cotter that the first-generation should become the re-generation. To regenerate means to make over again. We all need a makeover by God. Lovin' Life Ministry, that is what it's doing – it's a makeover of our church and our ministry. Makeovers are available on request, just see God. God is trying to make us over in His image.
50. Rebirth means to be transformed. Should we be transformed in our minds? Romans 12:2 says, "do not be conformed to the ways of this world." In other words don't let yourself be business as usual, don't slip into the spiritual doldrums of stagnation. Be free, launch, and blast off, become a new person. Joshua Cotter is talking to the first-generation but it is for the second generation too.
51. People in the first-generation, a lot of time complained. Many times there were reasons to complain. "But, brothers and sisters – there is no more reason to complain. Can you accept that?"
52. Don't sit on the sidelines. Don't sit this one out. Some of you are now empty nesters. Don't sit at home and fight with each other. Come on the front lines, come to the Lovin' Life Min. and mentor the younger people. Don't think, "it is time that I retire."
53. Joshua Cotter likes hyphens. When well-placed they can change the meaning of the word. Instead of I need to retire, if you put a hyphen between re and tire, begin to re-tire. I need new tires. Because, the journey we are going on is like no other – "I need new tires, I need Michelin's!"
54. Or some say I need to resign. But if you put a hyphen it becomes re-sign. I'm going to sign membership again. I'm going to become a new member. I'm going to take the vision class!
55. "I am kind of defective. I need a recall – like an old Toyota." But if you put a hyphen between re and call it becomes re-call. I need to be re-called by God. So today is our re-call day, our re-sign day, our re- tire day! Think of it this way. This is why we are the re-generation.
56. One more thing we have to deal with is the word complain. It is actually a positive word. Think of it this way – Joshua Cotter likes the way our senior pastor plays with words. Come-Plane. There are several kinds of planes -- the kind that the rain in Spain falls on, the kind that takes you 35,000 feet up into the air, but there is another kind of plane – if you are a carpenter like Jesus was, or like Jaga Gavin, it is a carpenter's tool. It is something you use to smooth out the rough edges. It makes a clean beautiful surface. The great thing about a plane is its cutting edge. It's mounted perfectly so that it shaves off the bumpy surface and leaves a beautiful surface. "So, why don't you come plane with us, because we are planning and shaving off the old. God is planning us, He's shaping us, He is really shaping us, He's planning us to make us as smooth. So if we "come plane" together, Lovin and Life is cutting-edge (a hyphenated word) – we shave it off, we plane ourselves make it a smooth platform, a foundation for our grandchildren. So are you going to 'come plane?' Come plane with us brothers and sisters – let's plane together. Amen? This is pretty much all I wanted to say"
57. "Lovin' Life is great. The theme of Lovin Life – be fulfilled in your relationship with God, with True Parents, with our community, and with your family. Try something new – that's what we've been doing together. Thank God we did because we are seeing it succeed. Re-imagine life as it should have been, with God and True Parents. So Lovin' Life Min. is just the foundation for unity. It's a platform, it's a launch pad, so that we can all shine as God's sons and daughters. Last week our Senior Pastor told us that the Launch-Pad is a gift from headquarters – don't put it on the shelf. Take it and use it. Implement it. Create a masterpiece in your church and in your district. Let's have a revolution of heart this summer. We can offer America to God and True Parents. It is a long climb but we are almost there. As the song says, God and True Parents are with us and we are never alone. Brothers and sisters if you are loving life now more than you were two years ago stand to your feet and give God, True Parents, True Children, and our Senior Pastor a big hand-clap. God bless you and have a wonderful week!"
1: For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
2: Here indeed we groan, and long to put on our heavenly dwelling,
3: so that by putting it on we may not be found naked.
4: For while we are still in this tent, we sigh with anxiety; not that we would be unclothed, but that we would be further clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.
5: He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.
6: So we are always of good courage; we know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord,
7: for we walk by faith, not by sight.
8: We are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.
9: So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him.
10: For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive good or evil, according to what he has done in the body.
11: Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade men; but what we are is known to God, and I hope it is known also to your conscience.
12: We are not commending ourselves to you again but giving you cause to be proud of us, so that you may be able to answer those who pride themselves on a man's position and not on his heart.
13: For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you.
14: For the love of Christ controls us, because we are convinced that one has died for all; therefore all have died.
15: And he died for all, that those who live might live no longer for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.
16: From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once regarded Christ from a human point of view, we regard him thus no longer.
17: Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come.
18: All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation;
19: that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.
20: So we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We beseech you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
21: For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.