The Words of the Cotter Family |
Rev. Rendel: We are ending the first full day of the Atlantic City OSDP. We have about 520 people, 200 of which are clergy. We have an amazing workshop going on there. Rev. Cotter is there coordinating the workshop and the music development is amazing. We have 10 members of GPA, gospel singers, etc. There are 25 people on the stage leading music. Rev. Cotter is building an ensemble. Rev. Yu is in Korea and Father is having education going on there as well. There's a special conference for wealthy business leaders going on right now. Rev. Schanker gave Principle of Creation and Rev. Jenkins and Stallings are teaching.
Chicago OSDP: going into this workshop we had 1750 now we are at 2270 so we need 780 more.
Chicago is going to be a big success; that's the conclusion. There will be the banquet on the 17th and Lovin' Life Ministries Sunday at the Hilton. I think it will be a great way to end the year. We will see how we can get the numbers. Please plan to come particularly if you haven't participated yet.
Dr. Yang returned from Korea and said Father is very happy. Dr. Yang emphasized that Father is asking about the 172 all of the time. 26 of them are involved in the Atlantic City workshop now. We should bring many of them to the Chicago event and they should bring their 12.
George K: Fathom and Church on wheels are coming to New York Headquarters on Dec 10. It's a question and answer opportunity -- we can discuss the various roadblocks. They are familiar with what other churches are doing. This particular seminar will be very rich.
Heather: We are excited to be able to offer movie Church training on Saturday Dec. 10th from 9 am until noon and you will learn from church on wheels. It will be a webinar and they need 3 locations with from 15 to 30 people. We recommend sending the pastor and the technical team. We will be in communication. This is an opportunity to take church to the next level. We are considering a west coast training as well.
Mike Lamson: We will be coming with 6 or 7 people. Heather: You will be able to stay no charge at the learning center and we will feed you.
Dmitri: We would like to bring some of our team. What are the dates?
December 10th 9 am until noon.
We will have a debriefing after lunch and will finish around 3 pm.
Rev. Rendel: George, please send the web addresses so those who are coming can do serious homework so they come with a foundation. We have a limit of 30 people and I will invite some of our HQ's people as well. Let us know by Saturday your confirmations.
George K: The 30 limit is if we meet at their office. We can switch to 43rd if we have more than that.
"In Love" is the theme for the Winter quarter. We have Valentine 's Day and national marriage week. We will be rolling out Blessed Life. We are moving from the one BFD rep in the District and move toward a team supported by the national ministry. We are going to provide all families a sort of check list/evaluation of their relationship. We will provide you with printed copies of Starting Point (New member curriculum) and something for the Small Groups and Kids Life. It will be mailed out the first week of December. The Launch is January 8th.
I had some calls from Pastors in the field and that is inspiring that local pastors are seeing us as a resource.
Rev. Rendel: We have a lot of candidates who don't have enough experience yet. Please keep working on this. As Divine Principle's you have to come up with the best solutions than you can. Please network together and around the country we may find people who may be suited for this.
Mike Lamson: We have a lot of kids coming for the Winter Gala. Will there be space at 43rd St.? We have 63 coming.
Rev. Rendel: Go ahead and apply now by contacting Loretta Schauffler.
Rev. Krishnek: 12 of us met together last night in Seattle to plan, in advance, for the next Launch. We want to be prepared to take maximum advantage of these resources so that Lovin' Life Ministries can take off next year.
Larry Krishnek: Please explain the memo's concerning some kind of recognition for pregnant sisters?
Rev. Rendel: There are memos coming from World Mission HQ's and there are a lot of things on the agenda in preparation for True God's Day and True Parent's birthday. I have a meeting tomorrow to discuss all of these issues.
There is a category for pregnant women and others. There are many questions which we forwarded to Korea and now they will be answered. We will be getting daily information from tomorrow and start to share it. International HQ memos require some refinement because not everything is applicable to us.
There are some deadline dates but we can work with them. We will send something out to the entire nation. We have received applications. This is extremely important. Mother wants to express her heart to our members around the world: not just those leading but all of our brothers and sisters faithfully investing themselves.
I got an FAQ list from Korea recently. All nations are asking questions.
We prepare every year for the year end summary and goals for the next year.
It's always traumatic for us. We will try to get the jump on this and organize better. We have a lot of great news that we want to express that is beyond the categories. Please think of yourselves as part of this process.
We want good news from your area. We need to consider what we want to do in each district in the coming years. Work with your Lovin' Life Ministries Pastors and look at the KPI's so we can make some intelligent goals. We want to approach 2012 with a much better foundation. We need to let the world know the great things that are happening in terms of Lovin' Life Ministries Growth and our attendance to True Parents. It's a great story to tell.