The Words of the Cromwell Family |
I realized today the importance of being connected to True Parents' love and to give it to others.
Whatever we do has two aspects. We are either in a subject position or an object position. Everything is a manifestation of Give and Take Action. We have to choose and will and make it so that God is the center of whatever kind of Give and Take action we engage in. In other words, we must always be in the position of a perfect object to God and our spirits must be in a constant circular motion with God at the center. Then our bodies must be in a constant circular motion with our minds at the center, which are in turn centered on our spirits. In that way, even an individual can create spherical motion with God at the center. This is what the Divine Principle calls individual perfection.
Next is interactions with other people. In relationship to True Parents, most people will engage as objects toward True Parents. It's usually fallen nature to go to a subject position in relation to True Parents. If you think about it, all four forms of fallen nature are when someone becomes an inappropriate subject (by entering into a relationship with Satan as Satan's object partner).
The only way to enter into a principled relationship with True Parents as a subject partner is when we are totally one with God and we have set a foundation as an object partner with True Parents. As the Divine Principle says, after a subject and object partner start turning, sometimes they can switch positions and the subject can become object and vice versa.
In general, though, we must enter object partner relationships with God, True Parents and True Children. We should become the vessels through whom they can love the rest of the world (that does not know them). In that way, their love can reach the four corners of the world (and we have fulfilled our responsibility). This is manifested in the roles of Tribal Messiah, National Messiah, Tong Ban Kyeok Pa, Hoon Dok Family Church, Home Church, etc.
When someone engages in an activity that has no relationship to God's love, True Parents' love or True Children's love, essentially it is an act within the realm of death (spiritual death), the realm devoid of true love. Of course, all genuine religions are connected to God's love in some way. Music, art, literature, philosophy, etc are all connected to God's love in some way. We can connect to God's love through those things. Then we have to give that love to others.